Pinning Ceremony Marks the Passage from Student to Nurse

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, thirty-six graduates of BHCC’s Registered Nurse program received pins to mark their passage from the student role to the practical role. The tradition of the nursing pin and the ceremonial pinning originated in the 1860s at the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in London. The pin of each school of nursing is unique, and only graduates of that school may wear the pin as a statement that they have completed that program. BHCC’s pin is a hexagon depicting the Bunker Hill monument.

male student posing with nursing faculty member

“We are so proud of you,” said Dr. James Canniff, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. “The nursing program is one of the most competitive at this College. I know each and every one of you have worked very hard to earn this degree, and it will pay off.”

The group received Associate of Science degrees from BHCC’s Registered Nursing Program, which prepares students for careers in nursing. Many graduates of the program have already secured positions in hospitals, long-term care facilities, HMOs, clinics, doctors’ offices and other community health agencies, according to Mary Folan, Chairperson of the Nurse Education Department.

“For the rest of your nursing career, wear your pin with pride,” said Folan. “Nursing changes people. It will change you. And hopefully you will change the lives of those you interact with for the rest of your nursing career.”

Students Ala-Eddin Abdelrazzaq and Alicia Sambursky addressed their peers and guests at Wednesday evening’s ceremony. “To our families: you’ve been the backbone of our strength,” said Sambursky. “You understood that we needed to do this to pursue our dreams. Thank you for being there for us.”

View more photos along with the event program with graduates’ names on the Ceremony Highlights page.