BHCC is proud to host the Documentation Studio. The Documentation Studio at BU Wheelock was founded in 2008 by Wheelock faculty member Stephanie Cox Suarez who, along with several colleagues, participated in the Making Learning Visible project and were inspired by this introduction to Reggio Emilia and their use of documentation. The Documentation Studio was created as a space for educators to learn about, develop, and exhibit documentation from a variety of learning contexts.
Currently, the Documentation Studio is a resource for interested BHCC faculty, faculty from other institutions of higher education, and educators pre-K through high school to gather in an effort to continually improve the quality of teaching and learning in their classrooms. The common thread is that these educators are interested in using documentation to support learning, their own as well as their students, and as a vehicle for collaboration and sharing knowledge.
There will be regular Open Studios happening virtually and in person. Open Studios are a place for educators to share documentation of learning in order to get feedback and share ideas with others. Two teachers from different settings come prepared to share their work, bring questions they want to pose to the group, and participate in a discussion guided by a protocol to keeps us focused on the student and teacher work. Educators find it helpful to hear and see another teacher’s documentation and to consider together next steps to deepen and extend learning.