Bunker Hill Community College places a high level of importance on maintaining a safe and respectful academic setting for all. This process is supported by our support services across the campus, and at times through the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Handbook outlines the Code of Conduct in the links provided on this page. If you have any questions regarding this area please contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance. In cases of Emergency please contact the BHCC Police, state or local law enforcement as needed.
Student Rights
- The right to pursue a high-quality education, including the right to competent instruction, clearly stated course objectives and assistance in overcoming educational, cultural, emotional and economic disadvantages that hinder the educational process.
- The right to fair and equal treatment without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.
- The right to privacy and confidentiality.
- The right to be represented by peers on matters of concern regarding aspects of the College community.
- The right to procedural due process in disciplinary or grievance matters.
Student Responsibilities
- To be knowledgeable of and to comply with laws, all civic and College regulations and the directives, policies and procedures of the federal government, Commonwealth, the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, Bunker Hill Community College and the Student Government Association.
- To behave in a manner that is respectful of all individuals including faculty members, College staff, administrators and students.
- To behave in a manner that is respectful of the property of individuals, groups and the College.
- To maintain a high standard of honesty.
- To behave in a manner that does not interfere with the educational goals of the College and with the individual rights of the members of the College community.
- To behave in a manner that does not disrupt or interfere with the learning environment of others inside and outside of the classroom including at College events.