The Medical Radiography Program complies with the BHCC institutional policy for transfer credits, which is presented below. Didactic work and clinical practice are carefully integrated in the curriculum, and therefore core courses accepted for transfer may not be moved forward in the schedule. Transfer credits usually do not change the total length of your program.
Students who have attended another college may apply for transfer credit. After acceptance to the College, students must make sure that official transcripts from all colleges attended are sent directly to the Registrar’s office. The College may award credit for courses completed successfully at other colleges if the courses are comparable to those offered at Bunker Hill Community College. Credits earned at colleges that follow a quarter-system are converted to semester-hour equivalents, resulting in an adjustment to the number of credits transferred.
The College awards transfer credit when a grade of C or better is earned from a regionally-accredited college or university and the courses are comparable to those offered at BHCC.
A grade of P may be accepted as general elective credit only if the student can demonstrate that the P grade is equivalent to a grade of C or higher. The College will accept a maximum of 45 transfer credits toward the Bunker Hill Community College associate degree and 75 percent of the total number of credits required for certificate programs. Once transfer credits are awarded, courses transferred become part of the student’s permanent record.