- The Faculty and Staff Directory is maintained by Human Resources. Please send updates or corrections to Elena O’Leary at eoleary@bhcc.edu.
B-Building Administrative Suite Temporary Relocation
Renovations are planned for the third-floor Administrative Suite in the B-Building, starting Saturday, March 15, and continuing for several months. Facilities will monitor and update the timeline for reopening the Suite.
During this time, the President, Provost, and the Administrative Team will be relocated to other areas of the College.
Name | New Seat Assigned |
George Hallsmith | E313-1 |
Francis Jarvis | E313-2 |
Pam Eddinger | E313F |
Bobby Barrows | E313B |
Jim Canniff | E313E |
Tracey Deveau | E313-3 |
Franklyn Taylor | B136B |
Jeniffer Ticas | B137G |
Justice Kumahia | D106F |
Chi Nyguen | D106-1 |
Evisa Velo | B228C |
Camille Davis | B228D |
Will Cribby | D106G |
Vengerflutta Smith | D106H |
Name/Title | Department | Campus | Office | Phone | |
DeCristoforo, Francesca A.
Administrative Assistant II |
Science, Engineering and Mathematics | Charlestown | C-312 | 617-228-3340 | fdecristoforo@bhcc.edu |
Cobuccio, Anthony F.
Manager |
Central Services | Charlestown | E-138 | 617-228-2257 | acobuccio@bhcc.edu |
Kiffney, Grace M.
Admissions Coordinator |
International Center | Charlestown | N-221C | 617-228-2339 | grace.kiffney@bhcc.edu |
Steeper, Robert L.
Professor and Chairperson |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-350A | 617-228-3322 | rsteeper@bhcc.edu |
O'Leary, Elena M.
Personnel Analyst I |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2456 | eoleary@bhcc.edu |
Mitelman, Sofya
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Administrative Systems | Charlestown | B-228C | 617-228-2172 | smitelma@bhcc.edu |
Pullum, Therese A.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation | Charlestown | 617-228-2079 | tapullum@bhcc.edu | |
Delta, Hariklia M.
Professor |
Computer Science Department | Charlestown | D-123A | 617-228-2484 | hdelta@bhcc.edu |
Pastel, Douglas A.
Professor |
Visual and Media Arts Department | Charlestown | E-320-R | 617-228-3315 | dpastel@bhcc.edu |
DeCristoforo, Joseph A.
Head of Grounds Service Section |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2168 | jadecris@bhcc.edu |
Gaeta, Sandra L.
Personnel Analyst I |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2454 | sgaeta@bhcc.edu |
Kaing, Heng
Clerk VI |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219H | 617-228-2315 | hkaing@bhcc.edu |
Ngo, Tony Q.
Clerk VI |
Chelsea Campus | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2107 | tngo@bhcc.edu |
Cruz, Omar E.
Maintenance Working Foreman |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2168 | ocruz@bhcc.edu |
Aherrera, Milagros M.
Director of Compensation and Benefits |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333-D | 617-228-2096 | maherrera@bhcc.edu |
Goodwin, Ruth J.
Graphic Arts Technician II |
Marketing and Creative Services | Charlestown | E-335 | 617-228-2018 | rgoodwin@bhcc.edu |
Joachim, Jean-Dany
Administrative Assistant II |
Single Stop Program | Charlestown | N-113-1 | 617-228-2262 | jjoachim@bhcc.edu |
McGonagle, Brian J.
Carpenter I |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2240 | bmcgonagle@bhcc.edu |
Griffin, G. William
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-350E | 617-228-2133 | ggriffin@bhcc.edu |
Nguyen, Phuong-Thao T.
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-228-2085 | tnguyen@bhcc.edu |
Giacalone, John
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Audio Visual Department | Charlestown | D-106A | 617-228-3239 | jgiacalone@bhcc.edu |
King, Peter W.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Network Operations | Charlestown | 617-228-2343 | pwk@bhcc.edu | |
Barrows, Robert A.
Executive Director and Chief of Police |
Public Safety | Charlestown | E-313-B | 617-228-2241 | rbarrows@bhcc.edu |
Boucher, Laura A.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-3271 | lboucher@bhcc.edu |
Gonzales, Susan J.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-336-5231 | susan.gonzales@bhcc.edu |
Amini, Faeizeh M.
Director |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114B | 617-228-2228 | famini@bhcc.edu |
Lewis, Beverly M.
Senior Director and Bursar |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-2098 | blewis@bhcc.edu |
Ambrose, Molly B.
Associate Vice President |
Human Resources | Charlestown | A-306 | 617-228-2457 | mambrose@bhcc.edu |
Rocheteau, Diane M.
Professor |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | D-300I | 617-228-2041 | DRochete@bhcc.edu |
Cardarelli, Leonard
Head of Building Maintenance |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-105 | 617-228-3414 | lcardarelli@bhcc.edu |
Bhuiya, Akram H.
Professor |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department | Charlestown | D-123I | 617-228-2333 | abhuiya@bhcc.edu |
MacPherson, Jayne
Professor and Chairperson |
Surgical Technology Certificate Program | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3362 | jmacpher@bhcc.edu |
Silva, Edwin L.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3355 | esilva@bhcc.edu |
Gagnon, Michelle
Professor/Program Director/Chairperson |
Medical Imaging Program | Charlestown | G-207 | 617-228-2407 | mgagnon@bhcc.edu |
Benjamin, Scott S.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-350C | 617-228-2253 | sbenjamin@bhcc.edu |
Kerstner, Jacqueline
Professor |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | D-300E | 617-228-3314 | jkerstner@bhcc.edu |
John, Biljana D.
Professor |
Computer Information Technology Department | Charlestown | D-123J | 617-228-2357 | bjohn@bhcc.edu |
Glaze, George
Director |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202D | 617-336-5228 | george.glaze@bhcc.edu |
Leite, Maria D.
Director of Information Technology Project Management |
Information Services | Charlestown | B-228E | 617-228-3411 | mleite@bhcc.edu |
Ginsberg, Jeffrey L.
Associate Vice President |
Administration and Finance | Charlestown | B-320 | 617-228-2478 | jginsberg@bhcc.edu |
Rowe, Debra D.
Accountant V |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2430 | drowe@bhcc.edu |
Ba, Lamine L.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | E-320-T | 617-228-3381 | lba@bhcc.edu |
Chirichiello, John A.
Director |
Facilities Management | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3352 | jchirich@bhcc.edu |
Nguyen, Chi Ha
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | D-106-1 | 617-228-2408 | cnguyen@bhcc.edu |
Griffin, Marie
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-2376 | mgriffin@bhcc.edu |
Burns, James F.
Help Desk Coordinator |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-2280 | jburns@bhcc.edu |
Pieri, Robert S.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-3270 | rpieri@bhcc.edu |
Chowdhury, Ismail M.
Accountant IV |
Payroll Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2121 | ichowdhury@bhcc.edu |
Velo, Evisa
Staff Assistant |
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning | Charlestown | B-228-C | 617-228-2285 | evelo@bhcc.edu |
Lesnik, Anna G.
Accountant V |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-2031 | alesnik@bhcc.edu |
Fornari, Marilou Y.
Accountant V |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-2432 | mfornari@bhcc.edu |
Arias, Luisa A.
Telephone Operator II |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-3398 | laarias@bhcc.edu |
Jean-Gilles, Hilaire
Professor |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-122K | 617-228-2186 | hjgilles@bhcc.edu |
Chan, Jack P.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | N-111H-6 | 617-228-2157 | jchan@bhcc.edu |
Ngan, Mei L.
Business Analyst/Programmer |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | Rm 504 | 617-228-2021 | mngan@bhcc.edu |
Corona, Cecile M.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-300C | 617-228-2301 | ccorona@bhcc.edu |
D'Entremont, Michael R.
Professor |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | D-300B | 617-228-3260 | mdentrem@bhcc.edu |
Amerena, Denise E.
Coordinator |
Health Services | Charlestown | E-154 | 617-228-2185 | damerena@bhcc.edu |
Guilmette, Nicole E.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-350D | 617-228-2363 | nguilmette@bhcc.edu |
Abarca, Mirna V.
Academic Coordinator |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | B-330 | 617-228-2070 | mabarca@bhcc.edu |
Boudreau, Bernard G.
Painter II |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-3478 | bboudreau@bhcc.edu |
Presto, Gary J.
Senior Human Resources Associate |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333-C | 617-228-2337 | gpresto@bhcc.edu |
Santos Silva, Lee M.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-300A | 617-228-2417 | lssilva@bhcc.edu |
Mapstone, Kathryn L.
Professor |
History and Social Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-300G | 617-228-2493 | kmapston@bhcc.edu |
Latina, Deborah A.
Assistant Professor and Chairperson |
Allied Health Certificate Program | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2472 | dlatina@bhcc.edu |
McCuish, Luana L.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-350E | 617-228-3251 | lmccuish@bhcc.edu |
Dumas, Jamar T.
Campus Police Officer I |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | jdumas@bhcc.edu |
Roller, Steve A.
Executive Director |
Grants Department | Charlestown | C-316A | 617-228-2394 | sroller@bhcc.edu |
Nguyen, Kieu T.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-3428 | knguyen@bhcc.edu |
Atkinson, Karen E.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-350K | 617-228-2360 | KAtkinson@bhcc.edu |
Rodriguez, Yoel E.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-2281 | yrodriguez@bhcc.edu |
Roy, Stephen C
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-228-2236 | sroy@bhcc.edu |
Schmidt, Pamela B.
Professor and Program Coordinator |
Human Services Program | Charlestown | B-122E | 617-228-3276 | pschmidt@bhcc.edu |
Craven, Bryan D.
Assistant Professor and Chairperson |
Computer Media Technology Department | Charlestown | D-123H | 617-228-2248 | bcraven@bhcc.edu |
Bautista, Aurora B.
Professor and Chairperson |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | D-350H | 617-228-2481 | ABautis@bhcc.edu |
Darwish, Samer F.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-P | 617-228-2218 | sdarwish@bhcc.edu |
Driscoll, Mei-Hua
EDP Systems Analyst III |
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation | Charlestown | 617-228-1988 | mdriscol@bhcc.edu | |
Cohn, Jennifer A.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-300E | 617-228-3250 | jcohn@bhcc.edu |
Rosenbaum, Scott J.
Campus Police Officer II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | srosenba@bhcc.edu |
Birden, Rosa A.
Clerk V |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2378 | rlbirden@bhcc.edu |
Choufa, Vincent
EDP Systems Analyst III |
Technology Support Services | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3433 | vchoufa@bhcc.edu |
De Paula Gomes, Maria R.
Admissions Coordinator |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2479 | mgauthie@bhcc.edu |
Jecmenica, Nada
Academic Counselor |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211N-3 | 617-228-2345 | njecmeni@bhcc.edu |
Cohn, Allison
Educational Case Manager (Academic Coordinator) |
Welcome Back Center | Charlestown | E-174-A | 617-228-2399 | acohn@bhcc.edu |
Wery, Kevin E.
Senior Director |
College Events and Cultural Planning | Charlestown | A-308 | 617-228-2328 | kwery@bhcc.edu |
Dunphy, Elizabeth
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | B-350D | 617-228-3258 | edunphy@bhcc.edu |
Kelley, George
Professor |
Hospitality Department | Charlestown | E-410-D | 617-228-2171 | grkelley@bhcc.edu |
Lambert, Julie K.
Learning Specialist |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2352 | jklamber@bhcc.edu |
Arai, Mizuho
Professor |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | D-350J | 617-228-3448 | marai@bhcc.edu |
Spracklin, Barbara A.
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-205 | 617-228-3449 | basprack@bhcc.edu |
Hoover, William L.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-350F | 617-228-3447 | wlhoover@bhcc.edu |
Maguire, Lauren
Professor and Chairperson |
Hospitality Department | Charlestown | E-320-S | 617-228-3480 | llmaguir@bhcc.edu |
Peterson, Erin M.
Acting Program Director and Professor, Medical Radiography (eve) |
Medical Imaging Program | Charlestown | G-214 | 617-228-3477 | emmcl917@bhcc.edu |
Puente, Maria N.
Professor |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | D-300J | 617-228-3484 | mkpuente@bhcc.edu |
Martins, Richard V.
Campus Police Officer II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | rvmartin@bhcc.edu |
Dubson, Michael G.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-350I | 617-228-2189 | mdubson@bhcc.edu |
Portillo, Jose N.
Maintainer III |
Facilities Management | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2240 | jpor7338@bhcc.edu |
Davis, Camilla D.
Administrative Assistant II |
Academic Affairs | Charlestown | B-228-D | 617-228-3423 | cddavis@bhcc.edu |
Magana, Carmen C.
Academic Coordinator |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | E-140 | 617-228-2451 | cmagana@bhcc.edu |
Chung, Kenny
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Audio Visual Department | Charlestown | D-106A | 617-228-2010 | kchung@bhcc.edu |
Pena, Oscar E.
Laboratory Technician II |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | B-332 | 617-228-3265 | oepena@bhcc.edu |
Imani, Shamila
Accountant IV |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-3274 | simani@bhcc.edu |
Kozikowski, Kenneth M.
Director |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-2322 | kkozikow@bhcc.edu |
Brennan, Lauren
Manager of College Events |
College Events and Cultural Planning | Charlestown | A-308 | 617-228-2017 | lbrennan@bhcc.edu |
Lavine, JoDe M.
Assistant Dean |
Science, Engineering and Mathematics | Charlestown | C-312B | 617-228-2439 | jmlavine@bhcc.edu |
Mudarrie, Nicole M.
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-131 | 617-336-5129 | nicole.mudarrie@bhcc.edu |
Griffin, Brandon M.
Director of Enrollment Technology and Data Analytics |
Enrollment Management and LifeMap | Charlestown | B-228E | 617-228-2320 | brandon.griffin@bhcc.edu |
Jarvis, Frances H.
Staff Assistant |
President's Office | Charlestown | E-313-2 | 617-228-2295 | fjarvis@bhcc.edu |
Cofield, Kali R.
Executive Assistant to the Vice President |
Administration and Finance | Charlestown | B-317 | 617-228-2452 | krcofiel@bhcc.edu |
O'Brien, Caroline
Administrative Assistant II |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2488 | cobrien@bhcc.edu |
Holster, Melissa B.
Executive Director |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-313 | 617-228-2271 | mbholste@bhcc.edu |
Gregoire, Louis
Math Computer Lab Coordinator (Coordinator of Learning Resources) |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-226 | 617-228-2283 | lgregoir@bhcc.edu |
Liang, Huixin
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | E-157 | 617-336-5072 | hlian182@bhcc.edu |
Cuevas, Richard J.
Maintainer III |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2168 | rcuevas@bhcc.edu |
Sharma, Sonia
Administrative Assistant II |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | N-111-1 | 617-228-2462 | ssha4746@bhcc.edu |
Glaze, Jillian M.
Senior Director |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-228-2277 | jmclarke@bhcc.edu |
Sanchez, Jennifer S.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-321C | 617-228-2296 | jssanche@bhcc.edu |
Montagna, Priscilla M.
Administrative Assistant II |
Professional Studies | Charlestown | C-309 | 617-228-2026 | pmmontag@bhcc.edu |
Brouker-Botelho, Kristen M.
Associate Director, Stewardship, Donor Engagement and Operations |
Advancement and BHCC Foundation | Charlestown | E-331-1 | 617-228-2395 | kmbrouke@bhcc.edu |
Cannon, Tia N.
Administrative Assistant II |
Health Sciences | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2028 | tcannon@bhcc.edu |
Jennings, Nicole S.
Administrative Assistant II |
Behavioral, Social Sciences and Global Learning | Charlestown | C-304 | 617-228-2029 | nflecha@bhcc.edu |
Prudent, Max
Learning Specialist (Mathematics and Business) |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2225 | mpru5371@bhcc.edu |
Hannig, Todd J.
Learning Specialist |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | E-140 | 617-228-3336 | thannig@bhcc.edu |
McDonald, Michael J.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-116 | 617-228-2044 | mjmcdona@bhcc.edu |
Key, Tammie A.
Manager of Adjunct Faculty Services |
Academic Affairs | Charlestown | B-226M | 617-228-1910 | takey@bhcc.edu |
Chen, Yong
Professor |
Visual and Media Arts Department | Charlestown | D-122A | 617-228-2146 | yqchen@bhcc.edu |
Clement, Daniel T.
Systems Administrator |
Administrative Systems | Charlestown | D-221 | 617-228-2358 | dtclemen@bhcc.edu |
Pellecchia, Lynn
Professor and Clinical Coordinator |
Medical Imaging Program | Charlestown | G-133 | 617-228-2405 | lpellecc@bhcc.edu |
Rodriguez, Maria M.
Professor |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | B-136H | 617-228-2334 | mmrodrig@bhcc.edu |
Kadambi, Belinda L.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-300K | blkadamb@bhcc.edu | |
Murray, Karen M.
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | B-136D | 617-228-2232 | kmmurray@bhcc.edu |
Kumahia, Justice
Dean of Students |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | D-106F | 617-228-3293 | jkumahia@bhcc.edu |
Lee, Daze S.
Professor |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-122J | 617-228-2043 | dlee7571@bhcc.edu |
Naggie, Lindsay A.
Professor |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | D-300C | 617-228-3234 | lnaggie@bhcc.edu |
Mahoney, Jaime L.
Professor |
Computer Information Technology Department | Charlestown | D-122E | 617-228-3229 | jlmahone@bhcc.edu |
Fernandes, Jefferson T.
Associate Professor |
Computer Information Technology Department | Charlestown | D-123F | 617-228-3228 | jtfernan@bhcc.edu |
Sagar, Vikram
Learning Specialist |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2226 | vssagar@bhcc.edu |
Poole, Monica C.
Professor and Chairperson |
History and Social Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-300K | 617-228-3231 | mcpoole@bhcc.edu |
Ortiz, Miguel A.
Campus Police Officer I |
Public Safety | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2053 | maor7856@bhcc.edu |
Bastien, Denis P.
Maintenance Equipment Operator I |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2240 | db198760@bhcc.edu |
Pendergast, William P.
Interim Associate Director |
Tutoring and Academic Support Center | Charlestown | E-229-B | 617-228-3422 | wpenderg@bhcc.edu |
Ha, Thanh Q
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Audio Visual Department | Charlestown | G-106A | 617-228-2255 | tqha@bhcc.edu |
Morris, Therese
Administrative Assistant II |
Humanities and Learning Communities | Charlestown | C-304 | 617-228-2238 | tmmorris@bhcc.edu |
Desautel, Christopher L.
Captain (Associate Director of Operations) |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | cdesaute@bhcc.edu |
Canniff, James F.
Provost and Vice President |
Academic and Student Affairs | Charlestown | E-313-E | 617-228-2437 | jfcannif@bhcc.edu |
Deveau, Tracy L.
Executive Assistant to the Provost and Vice President |
Academic and Student Affairs | Charlestown | E-313-3 | 617-228-2435 | tldeveau@bhcc.edu |
Heerter, Joshua
Learning Specialist |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | E-140 | 617-228-2374 | jheerter@bhcc.edu |
Fontes, Anthony D.
Professor and Chairperson |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-122B | 617-228-2252 | afontes@bhcc.edu |
Van Dyke, Olga M.
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-134 | 617-228-2450 | omsulliv@bhcc.edu |
Abukhidejeh, Khaled
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | B-122F | 617-228-2072 | kabukhid@bhcc.edu |
McMillion-Williams, Jacqueline R.
Director |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211E | 617-228-3476 | jrwillia@bhcc.edu |
Chu, Hung Q.
Academic Counselor |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-228-3368 | hqchu@bhcc.edu |
O'Neill, Kathleen B.
Director |
Single Stop Program | Charlestown | N-113B | 617-228-3282 | kboneill@bhcc.edu |
Boyle, Michael G.
Professor |
Computer Media Technology Department | Charlestown | B-122A | 617-228-2256 | mgboyle@bhcc.edu |
McCarthy, Andrew
Librarian (Coordinator of Library Services) |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-319B | 617-228-2323 | ajmccart@bhcc.edu |
Nkansah, Francis K.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-G | 617-228-2418 | fknkansa@bhcc.edu |
Bullock, Jovana
Accountant II |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-2278 | jgbulloc@bhcc.edu |
Vallie, R. Arlene
Interim Associate Provost |
Chelsea Campus | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2421 | ravallie@bhcc.edu |
Atlas, Susan A.
Professor and Chairperson |
Paralegal and Legal Studies Department | Charlestown | B-137H | 617-228-3211 | saatlas@bhcc.edu |
Whitman, Robert L.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-350C | 617-228-3210 | rlwhitma@bhcc.edu |
Makhene, Ujunwa
Associate Director |
Academic Innovation and Technology | Charlestown | 617-228-2069 | uvnsonwu@bhcc.edu | |
Combs, Michael L.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-C | 617-228-2290 | mcombs@bhcc.edu |
Gilliland, Austin A.
Dean |
Professional Studies | Charlestown | C-309A | 617-228-2420 | agillila@bhcc.edu |
Jean-Marie, Handine
Assistant Dean |
Professional Studies | Charlestown | C-312C | 617-336-5048 | hjeanmar@bhcc.edu |
Kasili, Paul M.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-300H | 617-228-3238 | pkasili@bhcc.edu |
Nefer, Tua
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-350A | 617-228-3463 | tnefer@bhcc.edu |
Kang, Sunny
Professor and Chairperson |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-O | 617-228-3367 | ska14437@bhcc.edu |
Erilus, Evans
Interim Director |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | D-122H | 617-228-2103 | eerilus@bhcc.edu |
Sarpy, LaTasha K.
Professor |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | D-350G | 617-228-3464 | lksarpy@bhcc.edu |
Reichert, Krista
Professor |
Environmental Science Department | Charlestown | B-350B | 617-228-3431 | kreicher@bhcc.edu |
Frashure, Kim M.
Professor and Chairperson |
Environmental Science Department | Charlestown | B-137D | 617-228-3454 | kmfrashu@bhcc.edu |
Raut, Mukti N.
Senior Director of Purchasing |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333-A | 617-228-2433 | mnraut@bhcc.edu |
Vega, Flor J.
Admissions Operations & CRM Manager |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2019 | fjvega@bhcc.edu |
Allen Jr, Henry J
Professor |
History and Social Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-300L | 617-228-2491 | hjallen@bhcc.edu |
Carter, Anne B.
Professor and Chairperson |
Visual and Media Arts Department | Charlestown | E-320-Q | 617-228-3246 | acar7680@bhcc.edu |
Nouchrif, Wissal
Professor |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-122I | 617-228-2347 | wnouchri@bhcc.edu |
Nyakurimwa, Tendai W.
Professor |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-122D | 617-228-3249 | twnyakur@bhcc.edu |
Mullin, Gregory P.
Professor |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | D-300L | 617-228-2375 | gpmullin@bhcc.edu |
Steinman, Kenneth C.
Math Computer Lab Coordinator (Coordinator of Learning Resources) |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-226 | 617-228-3286 | kcstienm@bhcc.edu |
Cronin, William R.
Professor and Chairperson |
Computer Information Technology Department | Charlestown | D-123B | 617-228-3263 | wrcronin@bhcc.edu |
Cephas, Cheryl D.
Executive Director |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333-D | 617-228-3331 | ccephas@bhcc.edu |
Cuddahy, Anthony G.
Campus Police Officer I |
Public Safety | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2053 | agcuddah@bhcc.edu |
Estridge, Erica S.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-5212 | esestrid@bhcc.edu |
Garcia, Carlos S.
Academic Counselor |
Financial Aid Department | Charlestown | B-218 | 617-228-2279 | csg73910@bhcc.edu |
Costello, Michael P.
Associate Director |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-201B | 617-228-2383 | mpcostel@bhcc.edu |
Sadler, Asher
Director of Department of Labor SCC2 Grant |
Professional Studies | Charlestown | N-111 | 617-936-1965 | ash.sadler@bhcc.edu |
Owens, Ashlee
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211D | 617-228-5069 | arowens@bhcc.edu |
LaPierre, Veronica E.
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-211 | 617-228-2318 | veronica.lapierre@bhcc.edu |
Suny, Dreaming
Database Administrator |
Administrative Systems | Charlestown | D-212G | 617-228-2467 | tsun@bhcc.edu |
Desjardins, Nicolson
Campus Police Officer I |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-5424 | nicolson.desjardins@bhcc.edu |
Singer, Emily C.
Program Manager |
Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth | Charlestown | E-320-N | 617-228-5150 | emily.singer@bhcc.edu |
Casula, Donna M.
Director |
International Center | Charlestown | N-221A | 617-228-2461 | donna.casula@bhcc.edu |
Ellis, Lauren
Associate Dean |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-336-5126 | lauren.ellis@bhcc.edu |
Osman, Elmutaz
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Network Operations | Charlestown | D-206B | 617-228-3225 | emosman@bhcc.edu |
Nguyen, ThuyTram
Technical Assistant III |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2225 | ttn90154@bhcc.edu |
Melle, Carol A.
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Leadership and Engagement | Charlestown | E-226-2 | 617-228-2260 | camelle@bhcc.edu |
Jean, John I.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-D | 617-228-2105 | jijean@bhcc.edu |
Wolf, Anita
Graphic Designer (Coordinator of College Graphics) |
Marketing and Creative Services | Charlestown | E-335-1 | 617-228-3321 | amwolf@bhcc.edu |
Miller, Cecilia D.
Accountant IV |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-2183 | cmi26448@bhcc.edu |
Chandler-Smith, Nuri G.
Dean |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | E-231 | 617-228-2415 | ngchandl@bhcc.edu |
Firew, Eyob D.
Accountant V |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213 | 617-228-2035 | efirew@bhcc.edu |
Yee, Colleen P.
Director |
Retention and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211C | 617-228-2445 | cpyee@bhcc.edu |
Banton, Corry H.
Associate Director |
Early Childhood Workforce Projects | Charlestown | B-226B | 617-936-1911 | chbanton@bhcc.edu |
Harris, E. Alicia A.
Assistant Professor |
Hospitality Department | Charlestown | E-410-C | 617-228-1925 | eaharris@bhcc.edu |
Clark, Tony C.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | D-300F | 617-936-1923 | tcclark@bhcc.edu |
Flores, Julio S.
Professor |
Visual and Media Arts Department | Charlestown | E-320-L | 617-936-1924 | js189207@bhcc.edu |
Rodas, Brisna
Administrative Assistant II |
International Center | Charlestown | N-221 | 617-936-1917 | brodas@bhcc.edu |
Ciocan, Eugenia
Professor |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-122H | 617-936-1922 | eciocan@bhcc.edu |
Soro, Torna O.
Professor |
History and Social Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-136E | 617-936-1929 | tosoro@bhcc.edu |
Yadav, Jill A.
Admissions Pathway Counselor (Academic Counselor) |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-936-1944 | jill.yadav@bhcc.edu |
Eddinger, Pam Y.
President |
Executive | Charlestown | E-313-F | 617-228-2400 | peddinger@bhcc.edu |
Abel, Joshua E.
Professor and Chairperson |
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department | Charlestown | B-123H | 617-228-2192 | jeabel@bhcc.edu |
Watts, Frank J.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Marketing and Creative Services | Charlestown | E-335 | 617-936-1909 | fjwatts@bhcc.edu |
Moro, Nicole M.
Senior Director |
Communications and Digital Content | Charlestown | 617-936-1913 | nmoro@bhcc.edu | |
Savino, Donna J.
Assistant Dean |
Health Sciences | Charlestown | G-238 | 617-228-3386 | djsavino@bhcc.edu |
Luong, Quyen
Accountant V |
Grants Department | Charlestown | B-228H | 617-336-5065 | ql191801@bhcc.edu |
Lajoie, Kattlyne P.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-5217 | kplajoie@bhcc.edu |
Keohan, John K.
Storekeeper IV |
Central Services | Charlestown | C-313 | 617-228-2118 | jkkeohan@bhcc.edu |
Sutherland, Ronald V.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Network Operations | Charlestown | 617-936-1990 | rvsuther@bhcc.edu | |
Betts, Stacey
Project Manager |
Grants Department | Charlestown | B-227G | 617-228-2287 | swbetts@bhcc.edu |
Hallsmith, George C.
Executive Assistant to the President |
President's Office | Charlestown | E-313-1 | 617-228-2401 | gchallsm@bhcc.edu |
Singleton, Elaina L.
Accountant IV |
Payroll Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2125 | elsingle@bhcc.edu |
Pitcher, John K.
Vice President |
Administration and Finance | Charlestown | B-319 | 617-228-2208 | jkpitcher@bhcc.edu |
Kuhar, Marilyn K.
Executive Director |
Advancement and BHCC Foundation | Charlestown | E-331-B | 617-228-3290 | mkkuhar@bhcc.edu |
Meehan, Kevin M.
Administrative Assistant II |
Enrollment Management and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211N-2 | 617-228-3396 | kmmeehan@bhcc.edu |
Wenger, Kristen J.
Senior Director and Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-235 | 617-228-3450 | kjwenger@bhcc.edu |
Kiser, Karl W.
EDP Systems Analyst IV |
Network Operations | Charlestown | D-206 | 617-228-3348 | kwkiser@bhcc.edu |
White-Marzouki, Ninette J.
Director |
TRIO Student Success Program | Charlestown | N-217E | 617-228-2092 | njwhite@bhcc.edu |
Chhoeun, Phanny
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-204 | 617-936-1975 | pchhoeun@bhcc.edu |
Mah, Grace
Dean |
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation | Charlestown | E-230-F | 617-228-2182 | gmmah@bhcc.edu |
Paul, Ashley H.
Professor and Chairperson |
English Department | Charlestown | B-350H | 617-936-1958 | ahpaul@bhcc.edu |
Maynard, Carlos L.
Professor |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | D-350I | 617-936-1945 | clmaynar@bhcc.edu |
Chavarin, Jeanette
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Leadership and Engagement | Charlestown | E-226-2 | 617-228-2261 | jchavari@bhcc.edu |
Harris, Michael D.
Associate Professor |
Computer Information Technology Department | Charlestown | D-123E | 617-228-2486 | mdharris@bhcc.edu |
Miller, Elizabeth C.
Professor and Chairperson |
Computer Science Department | Charlestown | D-122G | 617-228-2062 | ecmiller@bhcc.edu |
Bigelow, Gary A.
Chief Facilities Planning Officer |
Facilities Planning, Construction and Energy Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-936-1985 | gbigelow@bhcc.edu |
Metherall, Arthur E.
Senior Application Developer |
Administrative Systems | Charlestown | 617-228-2191 | aemether@bhcc.edu | |
Flores, Roberto
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211K | 617-228-2291 | rtflores@bhcc.mass.edu |
Angoff, Nancy J.
Director of Grant Development |
Grants Department | Charlestown | C-316A | 617-936-1961 | nangoff@bhcc.edu |
Simon, Agnes
Senior Director, Grant Management |
Grants Department | Charlestown | B-137J | 617-228-2470 | as198853@bhcc.edu |
Robinson, Andre A.
Professor |
History and Social Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-300D | 617-228-2221 | aa203149@bhcc.edu |
Anand, Monica
Staff Associate |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2158 | manand@bhcc.edu |
Smith, Frederick J.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-336-5215 | fjsmith@bhcc.edu |
Mason, Sondra T.
Professor |
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department | Charlestown | B-123G | 617-228-2049 | sondra.mason@bhcc.edu |
Gilman, Perla
Professor and Chairperson |
Medical Laboratory Technician Program | Charlestown | B-350G | 617-228-2480 | pgilman@bhcc.edu |
Popeney, Mark J.
Professor and Chairperson |
Performing Arts Department | Charlestown | B-350K | 617-228-2219 | mpopeney@bhcc.edu |
Ellenbird, Jeff C.
Professor and Chairperson |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | D-300A | 617-228-1984 | jcellenb@bhcc.edu |
Nelson, Whitney B.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | D-300G | 617-228-5091 | wbnelson@bhcc.edu |
Shedden, Matthew C.
Deputy Chief of Police and Director of Operations |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-936-1993 | mcshedde@bhcc.edu |
Rojas-Surin, Michelle M.
Senior Director |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | N-111E | 617-228-2286 | mrojassu@bhcc.edu |
Kelkar, Swati M.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | B-123C | 617-228-1979 | smkelkar@bhcc.edu |
Pham, Loc Q.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-116 | 617-228-1970 | lqpham@bhcc.edu |
Grondin, Glen F.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-110 | 617-228-2319 | gfgrondi@bhcc.edu |
Dottin, Sartreina M.
Director of Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | B-138C | 617-228-3468 | smdottin@bhcc.edu |
Carrasquillo, Misael J.
Assistant Director |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-1 | 617-228-3233 | mjcarras@bhcc.edu |
Castro-Cardoso, Adrian F.
Accountant IV |
Payroll Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2122 | afcastro@bhcc.edu |
Curran Conway, Stacey L.
College Connection Coordinator |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | D-206 | 617-228-2165 | scurranc@bhcc.edu |
Siggelkoe, Rebecca D.
Assistant Director |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211C | 617-228-2380 | rdsiggel@bhcc.edu |
Paudyal Chhetry, Prem P.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-B | 617-936-1947 | pppaudya@bhcc.edu |
Boudreau-George, Amy E.
Senior Research Associate |
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning | Charlestown | B-228D | 617-936-1938 | aeboudre@bhcc.edu |
Ocasio, Julia L.
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-336-5047 | jlocasio@bhcc.edu |
McLaughlin, Kathryn M.
Accountant V |
Grants Department | Charlestown | 617-228-2459 | km210489@bhcc.edu | |
Freeman, Paul
Storekeeper IV |
Central Services | Charlestown | E-119 | 617-228-2409 | pfreeman@bhcc.edu |
Lopez, Jose R.
Maintenance Equipment Operator I |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2240 | jr211089@bhcc.edu |
Cheng, Linda
Clerk VI |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219I | 617-228-2314 | lcheng@bhcc.edu |
Bhalla, Sherry P.
Learning Specialist |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2227 | spbhalla@bhcc.edu |
Doherty, Kristine E.
Academic Coordinator |
Single Stop Program | Charlestown | N-113A | 617-228-1915 | kelarkin@bhcc.edu |
Thomas, Dana A.
Professor |
Surgical Technology Certificate Program | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3363 | da216636@bhcc.edu |
Morello, James G.
Reproduction Service Supervisor |
Central Services | Charlestown | E-138 | 617-228-3461 | jmorello@bhcc.edu |
Ruch, Alison L.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | D-350L | 617-228-2054 | alruch@bhcc.edu |
Siggelkoe, Erik R.
Professor and Chairperson |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department | Charlestown | D-350B | 617-228-3320 | ersiggel@bhcc.edu |
Moore, Brian S.
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211J | 617-228-3401 | bs216538@bhcc.edu |
Nguyen, Thu
Laboratory Technician II |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-311A | 617-228-3435 | tn217164@bhcc.edu |
Cheng, Betty C.
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | B-137B | 617-228-2443 | bccheng@bhcc.edu |
Koebelin, Craig V.
Web Developer |
Communications and Digital Content | Charlestown | 617-228-2288 | cvkoebel@bhcc.edu | |
Pathmanathan, Pathmavigi
Accountant V |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2429 | ppathman@bhcc.edu |
Bastardi, Jessica R.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-5211 | jrbastar@bhcc.edu |
Duarte, Anne-Marie
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-5218 | ad222788@bhcc.edu |
Yarborough, Brooke
Director |
Marketing and Creative Services | Charlestown | E-335 | 617-228-3406 | blyarbor@bhcc.edu |
Davis-Rezendes, Keisa
Associate Director |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-336-5074 | kvdavisr@bhcc.edu |
Nandi, Ishita
Professor |
History and Social Sciences Department | Charlestown | B-136C | 617-228-3304 | ixnandi@bhcc.edu |
Abreu, Gabriel A.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | E-157 | 617-336-5075 | ga201138@bhcc.edu |
Le, Minhtu H.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-336-5078 | mhle@bhcc.edu |
O'Brien, Kathleen M.
Director |
Payroll Department | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-336-5079 | kmobrien@bhcc.edu |
Almeida, Christian
Business Analyst/Programmer |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-227E | 617-336-5068 | calmeida@bhcc.edu |
Blackwood, Sara E
Coordinator Instructional Technology (Simulation Lab Specialist) |
Health Sciences | Charlestown/Chelsea | G-233 | 617-228-3335 | sblackwood@bhcc.edu |
Schwartz, Deborah
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-300B | 617-336-5092 | dcschwar@bhcc.edu |
Sarmiento, Isaias C.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | D-122B | 617-228-2265 | icsarmie@bhcc.edu |
Mabikas, Franck D.
Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-A | 617-228-2269 | fdmabika@bhcc.edu |
Cifuni, Margaret
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-135 | 617-228-3236 | mmcifuni@bhcc.edu |
Ipus, Elsa
Administrative Assistant II |
Testing Services and Assessment | Charlestown | B-118 | 617-228-2397 | eipuz@bhcc.edu |
Scully, Thomas M.
Associate Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | B-123F | 617-228-3442 | tmscully@bhcc.edu |
Valdez, Jennifer
Professor |
English Language Learning Department | Charlestown | D-300D | 617-228-3325 | jvaldez@bhcc.edu |
Briggs, Jesse M.
Associate Professor and Chairperson |
Emergency Medical Studies Department | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-336-5131 | jb240217@bhcc.edu |
O'Leary, Stephen
Academic Coordinator |
Allied Health Certificate Program | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2471 | so241721@bhcc.edu |
Bryszkowski, Stephanie A.
Assistant Dean |
Humanities and Learning Communities | Charlestown | C-305A | 617-228-2242 | sabryszk@bhcc.edu |
Steele, Ranesha A.
Academic Coordinator |
Health Sciences | Charlestown | G-232 | 617-228-3486 | rasteele@bhcc.edu |
Perry, Meir J.
Academic Coordinator |
Testing Services and Assessment | Charlestown | D-221I | 617-228-2350 | mj240218@bhcc.edu |
Johnson, Sasha M.
Assistant Director, HOPE Initiative-Training Project |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-5 | 617-228-2034 | sm229737@bhcc.edu |
Ventura, Candida
Clerk VI |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219F | 617-336-5056 | cventura@bhcc.edu |
Lopez, Katherine
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
Learning Communities | Charlestown | N-216 | 617-936-1940 | kl249702@bhcc.edu |
Belaoun, Samira
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211H | 617-228-2090 | sbelaoun@bhcc.edu |
Cribby, William J.
Assistant Dean |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | D-106-G | 617-228-2012 | wjcribby@bhcc.edu |
Ortiz, Maria M.
Special Programs Coordinator-(9th-12th grade outreach specialist) |
TRIO Talent Search Program | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-466-5075 | mo249699@bhcc.edu |
Prudent, Steve W.
Director of High School Partnerships and Pathways |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | D-206 | 617-336-5066 | swpruden@bhcc.edu |
Branley, Heloisa H.
Clerk VI |
Health Services | Charlestown | E-154 | 617-336-5141 | hhbranle@bhcc.edu |
Toto, Lisa H.
Business Analyst |
Administration and Finance | Charlestown | 617-228-2428 | ltoto@bhcc.edu | |
Munmun, Tahmina
Administrative Assistant II |
Disability Support Services | Charlestown | E-222 | 617-228-2338 | tahmina.munmun@bhcc.edu |
Leung, Sze Chun
Comptroller |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333-A | 617-228-2427 | sl250032@bhcc.edu |
Rossi, Luke J.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | N-216 | 617-336-5237 | ljrossi@bhcc.edu |
Gingras, Matthew
Academic Counselor |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-228-3482 | mgingras@bhcc.edu |
De Vitto, Ceit M.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation | Charlestown | E-235A | 617-228-2235 | kmdevitt@bhcc.edu |
Chaney, Sharon L.
Buyer III |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-936-1921 | schaney@bhcc.edu |
Rodriguez, Yahaira E.
Administrative Assistant II |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | D-221F | 617-228-2294 | yerodrig@bhcc.edu |
Atkinson, Maryanne
Dean |
Health Sciences | Charlestown/Chelsea | G-235/CHEL | 617-228-2027 | matkinso@bhcc.edu |
Bishop, Donna M.
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-203 | 617-228-2194 | dbishop@bhcc.edu |
Ampane, Crispina C.
Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | B-137C | 617-936-1977 | ccapitul@bhcc.edu |
Zepeda Torres, Miguel A.
Associate Dean |
Chelsea Campus | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2458 | mazepeda@bhcc.edu |
Berger, Shana D.
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-137E | 617-228-2206 | sdberger@bhcc.edu |
Asmelash, Asther
Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | E-321F | 617-936-1978 | aasmelas@bhcc.edu |
McKenna, Kristen P.
Dean |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | N-111F | 617-228-2416 | kpmckenn@bhcc.edu |
Heideman, Janelle A.
Instructional Designer |
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation | Charlestown | D-122D | 617-228-1951 | jaheidem@bhcc.edu |
Turner, Denise
Manager of Cultural Planning |
College Events and Cultural Planning | Charlestown | A-308 | 617-936-1902 | dwturner@bhcc.edu |
McGinn, Suzanne L
Administrative Assistant II |
Testing Services and Assessment | Charlestown | B-118 | 617-936-1964 | slmcginn@bhcc.edu |
Sharpe, Jyllian N.
Clerk V |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203F | 617-228-1920 | jnsharpe@bhcc.edu |
Patti, Jeremy
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211K | 617-228-2083 | jpatti@bhcc.edu |
D'Oyley, Alicia A.
Dean |
Enrollment Management and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211M | 617-228-3267 | alicia.doyley@bhcc.edu |
Gomes, Matthew
EDP Systems Analyst III |
Academic Innovation and Instructional Design | Charlestown | E-230 | 617-228-2392 | mtgomes@bhcc.edu |
Pham, Ngoc H.
EDP Systems Analyst III |
Academic Innovation and Instructional Design | Charlestown | E-230 | 617-228-3429 | nhpham@bhcc.edu |
Vasovic, Aleksandar
Senior Director |
Administrative Systems | Charlestown | B-226K | 617-620-6159 | Aleksandar.vasovic@bhcc.edu |
Maykis, Adam
Special Programs Coordinator |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202F | 617-336-5216 | adam.maykis@bhcc.edu |
Hernandez, Carlos G.
Maintenance Equipment Operator I |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-2168 | carlos.hernandez@bhcc.edu |
Hannon, Christina
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211B | 617-228-2299 | christina.hannon@bhcc.edu |
Essofi, Lamia
Academic Coordinator, Dual Enrollment and Malden Satellite |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Charlestown | 617-228-2170 | lbadir@bhcc.edu | |
Kane, Joli A.
Associate Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | E-320-I | 617-228-2188 | joli.kane@bhcc.edu |
Curry, Michael T
Associate Professor |
Mathematics Department | Charlestown | B-211C | 617-228-2476 | mtcurry@bhcc.edu |
Guzman, Lisandro
Communications Dispatcher II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | lisandro.guzman@bhcc.edu |
Ortiz, Carlos E
Accountant III |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2425 | carlos.ortiz@bhcc.edu |
Smith, Vengerflutta
Assistant Dean |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | D-106-H | 617-336-5076 | vengerflutta.smith@bhcc.edu |
Kelleher-Calnan, Brian
Coordinator of Transfer Affairs (Transfer Coordinator) |
Advising and LifeMap and Assessment | Charlestown | N-211A | 617-228-2111 | brian.kellehercalnan@bhcc.edu |
Taylor, Keesha B.
Coordinator of Student Assessment |
Testing Services and Assessment | Charlestown | B-118 | 617-228-3451 | keesha.taylor@bhcc.edu |
Cousins, Marc-Anthony X.
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-2239 | marcanthony.cousins@bhcc.edu |
Saberi, Abouhamed
Associate Professor |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department | Charlestown | D-123L | 617-228-2130 | asaberi@bhcc.edu |
Burke, Dennis F.
Professor |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2143 | dburke@bhcc.edu |
Diaz, Alba
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-5227 | alba.diaz@bhcc.edu |
Deehan, John T.
Business Analyst |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219C | 617-228-3488 | john.deehan@bhcc.edu |
Lapierre, Marc A.
Associate Professor |
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department | Charlestown | E-320E | 617-228-2362 | marc.lapierre@bhcc.edu |
Martin, Susan G.
Registrar |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-220 | 617-228-2135 | susan.martin@bhcc.edu |
Gallego Zarzosa, Alicia
Professor and Chairperson |
Global Languages Department | Charlestown | B-123E | 617-228-3360 | a.gallegozarzosa@bhcc.edu |
Williams, Harris
Associate Professor |
Computer Science Department | Charlestown | D-122F | 617-228-2204 | he260566@bhcc.edu |
Spears, Jennifer
Associate Director |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | D-113 | 617-228-2412 | jennifer.spears@bhcc.edu |
Gomez Vergara, Endy
Painter I |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-120 | 617-228-3478 | endy.gomez@bhcc.edu |
Colello, Katharine V.
Academic Coordinator, Learn and Earn |
Career Development and Internships | Charlestown | N-111H-3 | 617-228-1943 | kvcolell@bhcc.edu |
Medina, Yanitza O.
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211N-6 | 617-228-1934 | yanitza.medina@bhcc.edu |
Ozek Kaloti, Yesim
ESOL Instructor (Special Programs Coordinator) |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3343 | yesim.ozekkaloti@bhcc.edu |
Moyer, Glenn R.
Accountant III |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-3269 | glenn.moyer@bhcc.edu |
Tabela, Danielle
Director of Testing Services and Assessment |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-118 | 617-228-2368 | danielle.tabela@bhcc.edu |
Akai-Dennis, Naoko
Associate Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | D-123D | 617-228-2156 | nakaiden@bhcc.edu |
Ouellette, Leslie A.
Interim Executive Director |
Integrated Marketing and Communications | Charlestown | E-335-A | 617-336-5054 | leslie.ouellette@bhcc.edu |
Perez-Sostre, Herman
Special Programs Coordinator-(9th-12th grade outreach specialist) |
TRIO Talent Search Program | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-466-5075 | hperez@bhcc.edu |
Ticas, Jeniffer
Administrative Assistant II |
Academic and Student Affairs | Charlestown | B-137-G | 617-228-2361 | jeniffer.ticas@bhcc.edu |
Burnham, Karissa A.
Associate Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-212 | 617-336-5053 | karissa.burnham@bhcc.edu |
Shou, Jane
Assistant Director |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | B-214D | 617-228-2270 | jane.shou@bhcc.edu |
Rowell, Allison G.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-220A | 617-936-1972 | allison.rowell@bhcc.edu |
Joshi, Nikisha
Accountant IV |
Grants Department | Charlestown | B-228A | 617-228-2389 | nikisha.joshi@bhcc.edu |
Carlisle, Nahomi
Associate Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer |
Executive Division | Charlestown | A-307 | 617-228-3311 | nahomi.carlisle@bhcc.edu |
Salejwala, Zainab
Program Coordinator (Senior Special Programs Coordinator) |
Academic Affairs | Charlestown | B-137C | 617-228-3242 | zmsalejw@bhcc.edu |
Rubin, Laura C.
Dean |
Science, Engineering and Mathematics | Charlestown | C-312 | 617-228-2465 | laura.rubin@bhcc.edu |
Lin, Vivian
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211L | 617-336-5088 | vivian.lin@bhcc.edu |
Onodje, Maritza
Director of Student Success Initiative (Title V grant) |
Chelsea Campus | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-936-5089 | maritza.onodje@bhcc.edu |
Noel, Jonathan
Associate Director |
Career Development and Internships | Charlestown | N-111C | 617-228-3408 | jonathan.noel@bhcc.edu |
Chandler, David
Administrative Assistant II |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211N-5 | 617-228-2365 | david.chandler@bhcc.edu |
Taylor, Franklyn E.
Associate Provost-Charlestown |
Academic and Student Affairs | Charlestown | B-136-B | 617-228-2214 | franklyn.taylor@bhcc.edu |
Sendras, Robert D.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202N | 617-336-5213 | robert.sendras@bhcc.edu |
Ngodup, Tenzin
Accountant III |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2429 | tngodup@bhcc.edu |
Stauble, Lauren E.
Associate Professor and Chairperson |
Education Department | Chelsea | 350/CHEL | 617-228-2310 | lauren.stauble@bhcc.edu |
Johnson, Lateia
Assistant Director, Rapid, Recovery, and Re-employment (R3) |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | N-111E | 617-228-3361 | lmjo8989@bhcc.edu |
Ingersoll, Courtney A.
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-228-2078 | courtney.ingersoll@bhcc.edu |
Sherman, Jennifer T.
Associate Professor |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-122C | 617-228-3374 | jennifer.sherman@bhcc.edu |
O'Malley, Donica C
Associate Professor and Chairperson |
Communication Department | Charlestown | B-300F | 617-936-1999 | donica.omalley@bhcc.edu |
Park, Soo H.
Dean |
Humanities and Learning Communities | Charlestown | C-303 | 617-228-2173 | soo.park@bhcc.edu |
Jahan, Kawsar E.
Clerk VI |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219J | 617-228-2367 | kejahan@bhcc.edu |
Poole, Christopher M
Learning Specialist |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2355 | christopher.poole@bhcc.edu |
Ziani, Amel
Administrative Assistant II |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-3365 | aziani@bhcc.edu |
Gosselin, Hunter P.
Administrative Assistant II |
Health Sciences | Charlestown | 617-228-2155 | hunter.gosselin@bhcc.edu | |
Plummer, Robert
Director |
TRIO Talent Search Program | Chelsea | CHEL | robert.plummer@bhcc.edu | |
Warner, Christopher
Senior Data Analyst |
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning | Charlestown | B-228H | 617-228-3346 | christopher.warner@bhcc.edu |
Phan, Thuloan
Accountant IV |
Payroll Office | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2459 | thuloan.phan@bhcc.edu |
Liberty, Logan
Director |
Administration and Finance | Charlestown | A-311 | 617-336-5058 | logan.liberty@bhcc.edu |
Bobea, Jenny E.
Director of Language Institute |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | N-111-1 | 617-228-2289 | jenny.bobea@bhcc.edu |
Dhekyong, Tenzin
Admissions Coordinator |
Admissions and Recruitment | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3220 | tenzin.dhekyong@bhcc.edu |
Hughes, Brendan P.
Special Assistant to the President and Director of Public Affairs |
President's Office | Charlestown | B-318 | 617-228-3402 | brendan.hughes@bhcc.edu |
Gonzalez Hidalgo, Carla I
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-4 | 617-336-5132 | carla.gonzalez@bhcc.edu |
Valdez-Gonzalez, Roselvi M.
Administrative Assistant II |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-2 | 617-228-2020 | rmvaldez@bhcc.edu |
Marin, Senia S.
Digital Content Specialist |
Communications and Digital Content | Charlestown | B-316 | 617-936-1963 | smarin@bhcc.edu |
McKee, Diana R.
Graphic Arts Technician II |
Central Services | Charlestown | E-138 | 617-228-2154 | diana.mckee@bhcc.edu |
Zechariah, Sunnie
Assistant Professor |
Education Department | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-336-5071 | sunnie.zechariah@bhcc.edu |
Curry, Gordon M.
Professor |
Communication Department | Charlestown | B-137E | 617-228-2356 | gordon.curry@bhcc.edu |
Sabouni, Youssef
Assistant Professor |
Business Administration Department | Charlestown | B-226H | 617-228-2263 | ysabouni@bhcc.edu |
Weldon, Ida M
Assistant Professor |
Education Department | Charlestown | E-320-H | 617-228-2351 | ida.weldon@bhcc.edu |
FrostBrophy, Maya
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-5 | 617-228-2292 | maya.frostbrophy@bhcc.edu |
George, Bobby
Senior Director |
Network Operations | Charlestown | D-226A | 617-228-3460 | bobby.george@bhcc.edu |
Varraso, Rosa E
Assistant Comptroller |
Business Office | Charlestown | E-333-A | 617-228-2342 | rosa.varraso@bhcc.edu |
Brittingham, John
Associate Director |
Teaching, Learning and Instructional Design | Charlestown | E-230 | 617-336-5094 | john.brittingham@bhcc.edu |
Asmar, Ramzy P
Associate Professor |
Hospitality Department | Charlestown | E-410-B | 617-228-2073 | ramzy.asmar@bhcc.edu |
Mukherjee, Suman
STEM Coordinator (Academic Coordinator) |
Science, Engineering and Mathematics | Charlestown | B-226A | 617-228-3218 | smukherj@bhcc.edu |
Butella, Stefani P
Assistant Professor |
Hospitality Department | Charlestown | E-410-B | 617-228-2273 | spdesros@bhcc.edu |
Sundaram, Vijaya
Assistant Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-211E | 617-228-2413 | vijaya.sundaram@bhcc.edu |
Levey-Pabst, Marie
Assistant Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | 617-228-2040 | maleveyp@bhcc.edu | |
Ahmed, Fawzia
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-2 | 617-336-5093 | fahmed@bhcc.edu |
Val, Kandley
Associate Director |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-201A | 617-228-2266 | kandley.val@bhcc.edu |
Stanford, Abbey
Associate Registrar |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-220F | 617-939-1974 | abbey.stanford@bhcc.edu |
Abdelhady, Manal M.
Associate Professor and Program Director |
Medical Imaging Program | Charlestown | 617-228-3444 | mabdelha@bhcc.edu | |
Jones, Jacob
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-6 | 617-336-5103 | jacob.jones@bhcc.edu |
Rojas-Pion, Carolina
Assistant Director of Dual
Enrollment and Early College at Chelsea High School |
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs | Chelsea | CHEL HIGH | 617-228-2059 | carolina.rojaspion@bhcc.edu |
Fusco, Kadee M.
Academic Counselor |
Student Financial Services | Charlestown | N-111H-2 | 617-336-5221 | kadee.fusco@bhcc.edu |
Phelan, Tiffany
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-214 | 617-228-1981 | tiffany.phelan@bhcc.edu |
Phelps, Molly
Director |
Humanities and Career Programs | Charlestown | N-111H-8 | 617-336-5230 | molly.phelps@bhcc.edu |
Dachille, Gregory W
Coordinator of Library Services |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-316A | 617-228-2307 | gregory.dachille@bhcc.edu |
Saint Germain, Guimard
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-6 | 617-228-2275 | Guimard.germain@bhcc.edu |
Horta, Adilson J.
Associate Director of Adult Education |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-336-5127 | ajhorta@bhcc.edu |
Mauriz, Renata
Director |
Immigrant Services | Charlestown | N-211G | 617-936-5232 | renata.mauriz@bhcc.edu |
Kerner, Melissa
Academic Coordinator |
Early Childhood Workforce Projects | Charlestown | B-226D | 617-228-3247 | melissa.kerner@bhcc.edu |
Lajoie, Stephen M.
Librarian, Access Services |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-315B | 617-228-2423 | stephen.lajoie@bhcc.edu |
Shrestha, Sangam
Educational Case Manager (Academic Coordinator) |
Welcome Back Center | Charlestown | E-174-B | 617-336-5122 | sangam.shrestha@bhcc.edu |
Beattie, Laurel
Enrollment Counselor |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211B | 617-228-2317 | laurel.beattie@bhcc.edu |
Liberatore, Rachelle
Campus Police Officer I |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | rachelle.liberatore@bhcc.edu |
Rodrigues, Sara
Coordinator of Enrollment: Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211D | 617-228-3409 | ssrodrig@bhcc.edu |
Torres, Larry A.
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-3 | 617-336-5149 | larry.torres@bhcc.edu |
Gottlieb, Rachael A
Career Navigator (Career Development Counselor) |
Career Development and Internship | Chelsea | N-111H-8 | 617-336-5081 | rachael.gottlieb@bhcc.edu |
Twohads, Nickoliss
Senior Special Programs Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-3 | 617-336-5123 | nickoliss.twohads@bhcc.edu |
Tortola, Heather P.
Director of Facilities Planning, Construction and Energy Management |
Facilities Management | Charlestown | E-023D | 617-336-5128 | heather.tortola@bhcc.edu |
Charles, Walgler
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-1 | 617-336-5124 | walgler.charles@bhcc.edu |
Hughes, Mercedes B.
Simulation Technologist (Coordinator of Instructional Technology) |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | G-233 | 617-228-2060 | mercedes.hughes@bhcc.edu |
Rondash, Carmen L.
Special Programs Coordinator, Students Who Are Parents |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | N-113-A | 617-336-5133 | carmen.rondash@bhcc.edu |
Eaton, Caroline
Administrative Assistant II |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-3341 | caroline.eaton@bhcc.edu |
Ramirez, Eduardo
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202M | 617-228-2384 | eduardo.ramirez@bhcc.edu |
McDonald, Trisha J.
Communication Dispatcher II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | trisha.mcdonald@bhcc.edu |
Kielar, Ahnastasia R
Academic Coordinator |
HOPE Initiative | Charlestown | E-225-4 | 617-228-2373 | ahnastasia.kielar@bhcc.edu |
Ernest, Hannah M.
Associate Bursar |
Student Payment Office | Charlestown | B-213C | 617-228-2126 | hannah.ernest@bhcc.edu |
Batherwich, Heather A.
Assistant Director of Human Resources for Talent Management |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333-C | 617-228-2127 | heather.batherwich@bhcc.edu |
Rogodzinski, Andrew
EDP Systems Analyst II |
Technology Support Services | Charlestown | 617-336-5234 | ar191043@bhcc.edu | |
Beauvais, Fadiala
Academic and Career Advisor, Adult Education and Transition Program |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-336-5084 | fadiala.beauvais@bhcc.edu |
Qian, Wei
SQL Programmer |
Administrative Systems | Charlestown | 617-228-3473 | wei.qian@bhcc.edu | |
Jacob, Michael
Admissions Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2003 | michael.jacob@bhcc.edu |
Raymond, Michael
Academic Coordinator |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2030 | michael.raymond@bhcc.edu |
Noei, Nazanin
Director of Project Support Services |
Grants Department | Charlestown | B-227G | 617-336-5132 | nazanin.noei@bhcc.edu |
Morgan, Edward N.
Associate Dean |
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning | Charlestown | E-313-3 | 617-228-3287 | edward.morgan@bhcc.edu |
Love, Alexandria
Campus Police Officer I |
Public Safety | Charlestown | A-200 | 617-228-2053 | alexandria.love@bhcc.edu |
Khaze, Sholeh
Learning Specialist |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2354 | skhaze@bhcc.edu |
St. Laurence, Robert
Assistant Professor |
Performing Arts Department | Charlestown | 617-336-5087 | rstlaurence@bhcc.edu | |
Freitas-Haley, Jillian
Associate Dean of Enrollment Management |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | E-235R | 617-336-5083 | jillian.freitashaley@bhcc.edu |
Lefebvre, Teresa M.
Director |
Career Development and Internships | Charlestown | N-111C | 617-228-3252 | teresa.lefebvre@bhcc.edu |
Bartzak-Graham, Susan J.
TRIO Success Coach |
TRIO Student Success Program | Charlestown | N-217D | 617-228-3283 | susan.bartzakgraham@bhcc.edu |
Okan, Lee
Assistant Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-300H | 617-336-5095 | Ashlee.hershey@bhcc.edu |
McKee, Hannah E.
Administrative Assistant II |
Athletics and Wellness | Charlestown | G-118 | 617-228-3443 | hannah.mckee@bhcc.edu |
Bartovics, Thomas G.
Supervisor (Special Programs Coordinator) |
Tutoring and Academic Support Center | Charlestown | E-229-A | 617-936-1971 | thomas.bartovics@bhcc.edu |
Chapman, Erin L.
Coordinator for Early Childhood Workforce Projects (Special Programs Coordinator) |
Education Department | Charlestown | B-226C | 617-228-2245 | erin.chapman@bhcc.edu |
Azhari, Ali
Assistant Professor |
Computer Science Department | Charlestown | D-122F | 617-228-3221 | ali.azhari@bhcc.edu |
Lewis, Alex
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | E-235U | 617-228-1919 | alex.lewis@bhcc.edu |
Galvis, Ivan
ELL Recruitment Counselor |
Workforce and Economic Development | Charlestown | 617-936-5219 | ivan.galvis@bhcc.edu | |
Rani Fnu, Suman
Clerk V |
Disability Support Services | Charlestown | E-222E | 617-228-2267 | srani@bhcc.edu |
Rivera Gonzalez, Yomeiska
Administrative Assistant II |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219E | 617-228-3253 | y.riveragonzalez@bhcc.edu |
Torchia, Raffaella A.
Senior Director of Operations and Donor Services |
Advancement and BHCC Foundation | Charlestown | E-331-A | 617-228-3466 | raffaella.torchia@bhcc.edu |
Alexander, Chelsea M.
Academic Coordinator, DISH Food Pantry |
Student Affairs | Charlestown | B-138A | 617-228-2093 | chelsea.alexander@bhcc.edu |
Platt, Heather
Assistive Technology Accessibility Specialist (Disabilities Counselor) |
Disability Support Services | Charlestown | E-222D | 617-228-2234 | heather.platt@bhcc.edu |
Wells, Nathan D.
Special Programs Coordinator |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219A | 617-228-2006 | nathan.wells@bhcc.edu |
Neverson, Jeshua
Laboratory Technician I |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | D-311A | 617-228-3453 | jeshua.neverson@bhcc.edu |
Macdonald, Rob
Assistant Director of Enterprise Center for Entrepreneurship and Training |
Workforce and Economic Development | Chelsea | CHEL | 617-228-2004 | rob.macdonald@bhcc.edu |
Huang, Adam
Director |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | 617-228-3256 | adam.huang@bhcc.edu | |
Sarneso, Anna R.
Dean |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-315A | 617-228-3240 | arsarnes@bhcc.edu |
Dunkley, Yvonne
Assistant Director of Apprenticeship Hub |
Career Development and Internship | Charlestown | N-111 | 617-228-2032 | yvonne.dunkley@bhcc.edu |
Price, Anthony R
Director |
Athletics and Wellness | Charlestown | G-119 | 617-228-3472 | anthony.price@bhcc.edu |
Page, Zachary
Clerk V |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | 617-228-2063 | zachary.page@bhcc.edu | |
Do, Vivianne
Academic Internship Coordinator |
Career Development and Internships | Charlestown | N-111H-3 | 617-228-2293 | vivianne.do@bhcc.edu |
Hartnett, Kathleen M.
Disabilities Counselor, Academic Learning Specialist |
Disability Support Services | Charlestown | E-222E | 617-228-3281 | kathleen.hartnett@bhcc.edu |
Depin, Andrew
Administrative Assistant II |
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center | Charlestown | B-138 | 617-936-1928 | andrew.depin@bhcc.edu |
MacDonald, Melissa A.
Associate Professor |
Behavioral Sciences Department | Charlestown | E-320-K | 617-228-2074 | ma190842@bhcc.edu |
Wilson, Latisha
Academic Counselor |
Financial Aid Department | Charlestown | B-214 | 617-228-3345 | latisha.wilson@bhcc.edu |
Gagne, Isabelle
Professor |
Behavioral Science Department | Charlestown | E-320-M | 617-228-2067 | ifgagne@bhcc.edu |
McKiernan, Adele (Kiernan)
Special Programs Coordinator |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219B | 617-228-2344 | adele.mckiernan@bhcc.edu |
Chromik, Martyann
Financial Analyst |
Administration and Finance | Charlestown | 617-228-2061 | martyann.chromik@bhcc.edu | |
Kwak, SeungJu
Clerk V |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | 617-228-2057 | max.kwak@bhcc.edu | |
Anand, Divya
Director |
Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth | Charlestown | E-313-D | 617-228-3403 | divya.anand@bhcc.edu |
Galvis, Sabine
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202C | 617-336-5222 | sabine.galvis@bhcc.edu |
Mai, Katie
Coordinator (Senior Special Programs Coordinator) |
Early College and High School Partnerships | Charlestown | D-221 | 617-336-5080 | katie.mai@bhcc.edu |
Mullaney, Emily R.
Research Assistant |
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning | Charlestown | B-226M | 617-936-1966 | emily.mullaney@bhcc.edu |
Dao, Thu
Accountant III |
Business Office | Chelsea | E-333 | thu.dao@bhcc.edu | |
Potter, Jacqueline N.
Marine/Maritime Trades Coordinator |
Workforce and Economic Development | Charlestown | 617-228-2254 | jacqueline.saba@bhcc.edu | |
Galpern, Heidi J.
Business Analyst/Programmer |
Enrollment Services | Charlestown | B-227AB | 617-936-1946 | heidi.galpern@bhcc.edu |
Kappeler, Erin J.
Instructional Designer |
Academic Innovation and Distance Education | Charlestown | 617-336-5099 | ejkappel@bhcc.edu | |
Farzner, Vanessa
Academic Coordinator |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | 617-936-1936 | vanessa.farzner@bhcc.edu | |
Clark, Jacqueline M.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211F | 617-936-1986 | jacqueline.clark@bhcc.edu |
Handy, Cecilia J.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211-B | 617-228-2268 | cecilia.handy@bhcc.edu |
Rosefsky, Heather N.
Employer Partnership Coordinator |
Career Development and Internships | Charlestown | N-111-H | 617-228-3347 | heather.rosefsky@bhcc.edu |
Marchand, Caitlyn M.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211-H | 617-228-3353 | caitlyn.marchand@bhcc.edu |
Glass, Jamie
Administrative Assistant II |
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation | Charlestown | E-230 | 617-336-5077 | jamie.glass@bhcc.edu |
Fisher, Theodore
Associate Professor |
Visual and Media Arts Department | Charlestown | E-320-J | 617-228-3254 | ted.fisher@bhcc.edu |
Taylor, Omagbemi R.
Assistant Director for Benefit Administration |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333-C | 617-228-2211 | gbemi.taylor@bhcc.edu |
Cardona, Miranda
Senior Academic Counselor |
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center | Charlestown | B-138F | 617-936-1927 | mncardon@bhcc.edu |
Aubry, Jerry
Administrative Assistant II |
Human Resources | Charlestown | E-333 | 617-228-2056 | jerry.aubry@bhcc.edu |
Pierre, Tomy C.
Success Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-211-L | 617-936-1996 | tcpierre@bhcc.edu |
Milloshi, Besmir
Admission Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2341 | besmir.milloshi@bhcc.edu |
Keane, Margaret
Director |
Disability Support Services | Charlestown | E-222B | 617-228-3415 | margaret.keane@bhcc.edu |
Jones, Tiphanie
Academic Coordinator |
Community-Based Initiatives | Charlestown | D-206 | 617-936-1962 | tiphanie.jones@bhcc.edu |
Kaya, Hatice Y.
Academic Counselor-Student and Study Abroad Advisor |
International Center | Charlestown | N-221 | 617-228-2410 | hatice.kaya@bhcc.edu |
Wasserman, Rachel
Assistant Professor and Chairperson |
Pharmacy Technician Program | Charlestown | 617-228-3366 | rachel.wasserman@bhcc.edu | |
Na, Yoo Sun
Assistant Professor |
Performing Arts Department | Charlestown | B-123A | 617-228-2152 | yna@bhcc.edu |
Summers, Mary
Laboratory Technician I |
Biology and Chemistry Department | Charlestown | B-311 | 617-228-2086 | mary.summers@bhcc.edu |
Breitenfeldt, Jeffrey
Associate Professor |
English Department | Charlestown | B-350F | 617-936-1950 | jeffrey.breitenfeldt@bhcc.edu |
Keazer, Davida
Administrative Assistant II |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-314 | 617-228-2212 | davida.keazer@bhcc.edu |
Torrens, Pablo
Enrollment Counselor |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2059 | pablo.torrens@bhcc.edu |
Black, Alexis
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | 617-228-3438 | alexis.black@bhcc.edu | |
Troiano, Peter
Academic Coordinator |
Veterans Center | Charlestown | N-116A | 617-336-5057 | peter.troiano@bhcc.edu |
Cannon, Mary J.
Senior Academic Counselor |
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center | Charlestown | B-138G | 617-936-1995 | mary.cannon@bhcc.edu |
Silva, Kathryn
Interim Dean |
Behavioral, Social Sciences and Global Learning | Charlestown | C-303 | 617-228-3217 | kathryn.silva@bhcc.edu |
Rosemond, Margaret
Assistant Director |
Grants Development | Charlestown | C-316A | 617-936-1927 | margaret.rosemond@bhcc.edu |
Greene, Elise M.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-210D | 617-936-1997 | elise.greene@bhcc.edu |
Cheetham, Kristine J.
Academic Coordinator |
Health Sciences | Charlestown | G-232 | 617-228-3373 | kristine.cheetham@bhcc.edu |
Kelley-Mudie, Sara
Coordinator of
Library Services, Research and Instruction |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-316B | 617-936-1916 | sara.kelley-mudie@bhcc.edu |
Campbell, Debbie A.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | 617-936-5134 | debbie.campbell@bhcc.edu | |
Fevry, Natasha
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | B-227-6 | 617-228-2088 | natasha.fevry@bhcc.edu |
Fox, Katherine
Coordinator of Library Services, Research and Instruction |
Library, Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | N-315A | 617-228-2008 | katherine.fox@bhcc.edu |
Najarian, Michelle
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | 617-936-1998 | michelle.najarian@bhcc.edu | |
Kittle, Gianna
Deputy for Title IX Coordinator |
Compliance | Charlestown | 617-228-2385 | gianna.kittle@bhcc.edu | |
Abate, Carla E.
Interim Assistant Director |
Workforce and Economic Development | Charlestown | 617-228-3474 | carla.abate@bhcc.edu | |
Parker, Andrea N.
Director of Early Childhood Workforce Projects |
Professional Studies | Charlestown | B-226I | 617-228-2436 | andrea.parker@bhcc.edu |
Maldonado, Henry
Admissions Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Admissions and Recruitment | Charlestown | B-203 | 617-228-2119 | henry.maldonado@bhcc.edu |
Jura, Joelle R.
Learn and
Earn Internship Coordinator (Special Programs Coordinator) |
Career Development and Internship | Charlestown | N-111H3 | 617-228-2013 | joelle.jura@bhcc.edu |
Thornton, Jordan
Graphic Arts Technician II |
Central Services | Charlestown | E-1238 | 617-228-2258 | jordan.thornton@bhcc.edu |
Ingersoll, Keagan
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-936-5214 | keagan.ingersoll@bhcc.edu |
Affonso, Jessicca T.
Enrollment Counselor |
Adult Education and Transition Program | Charlestown | jtaffons@bhcc.edu | ||
Lin, Elaine
Clerk VI |
Student Central | Charlestown | B-202 | 617-936-5210 | elaine.lin@bhcc.edu |
Correa, Willys R
Campus Police Officer II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | E-127 | willys.correa@bhcc.edu | |
Jimenez, Jonathan R
Campus Police Officer II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | E-127 | jonathan.jimenez@bhcc.edu | |
Palmer, Michael F.
Campus Police Officer II |
Public Safety | Charlestown | E-127 | michael.palmer@bhcc.edu | |
Manso Alvarez, Doranggie
Assistant Professor |
Allied Health Certificate Program | Charlestown | CHEL | 617-228-2464 | dmanso@bhcc.edu |
Steddom, Alessandra B.
Social Sciences & Humanities Facilitator-Learning Specialist |
Center for Self-Directed Learning | Charlestown | N-114 | 617-228-2353 | alessandra.steddom@bhcc.edu |
Carvajal, Samantha K.
Special Programs Coordinator |
Academic Records | Charlestown | B-219J | 617-228-2367 | skcarvaj@bhcc.edu |
Mains, Nicole J.
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education Department | Charlestown | B-227-5 | 617-228-2298 | nicole.mains@bhcc.edu |
Quigley, Jeanna M.
Assistant Professor |
Nurse Education | Charlestown | B-227-4 | 617-936-1941 | jeanna.quigley@bhcc.edu |
O'Brien, Austin
Storekeeper IV |
Central Services | Charlestown | austin.obrien@bhcc.edu | ||
Miller, Jennifer
Interim Dean |
Academic Affairs (Research and Assessment | Charlestown | 617-228-2147 | jennifer.miller02@bhcc.edu | |
Driscoll, Elizabeth
Senior Academic Counselor |
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center | Charlestown | B-138-H | 617-228-2313 | elizabeth.driscoll@bhcc.edu |
Lam, Huong
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor) |
Advising and LifeMap | Charlestown | N-210-D | 617-228-2144 | |
Mauceri, Michael
Coordinator of College Graphics |
Marketing and Creative Services | Charlestown | E-335 | 617-228-2038 | michael.mauceri@bhcc.edu |
Dauria, Tee Ser Selina
Accounting Operations Manager |
Business Office | E-333 | 617-228-2346 | tee.dauria@bhcc.edu | |
Lee, Jimmy
Assistant Director |
Integrated Marketing and Communications | Charlestown | B-228 | 617-228-2129 | jimmy.lee@bhcc.edu |
Tailor, Chandni
Accountant II |
Business Office | Chalrestown | |||
Schwenzer, Jacqueline
Coordinator of Library Services |
Library and Learning Commons and TASC | Charlestown | jaqueline.schwenzer@bhcc.edu | ||
Name/Title | Department | Campus | Office | Phone |