About the Program
This certificate prepares students with in-depth knowledge of object oriented programming and design. Within two semesters of entering the program, students are expected to demonstrate acceptable keyboarding proficiency.
Program Courses*
Intro to Computer Science and Object Oriented Programming CSC-120
C++ Programming CSC-237
Advanced C++/OOP CSC-284
Java Programming CSC-239
Data Structures CSC-242
Advanced Java CSC-285
Android Development with Kotlin CSC-244
Survey New Popular OOPL for Programmers CSC-287
Graduates will be able to:
- Design, implement, and maintain software solutions for realistic problems by applying principles of object oriented programming.
- Write sophisticated and efficient code using the latest object oriented programming languages such as C++ and Java.
- Work in both Unix and Windows environments.
*Please visit the program page for prerequisites and alternate course options.