ACE Mentor Program Mission Statement
The Bunker Hill Community College ACE Mentor program is committed to helping new students make a successful transition to Bunker Hill Community College by focusing on academic achievement, engagement, and cultural competency. ACE Mentors are integrated into Learning Community classrooms where they serve as resources to help new students adjust to the academic, social and personal environment at BHCC. ACE Mentors collaborate with faculty in designing Learning Community curriculum and assignments and co-facilitate class activities and discussions on difficult issues such as religion, race, class, gender and culture.
What qualities make an effective ACE Mentor?
- An ACE Mentor appreciates the value of learning and working in a diverse environment and treats every member of the college community with dignity and respect.
- An ACE Mentor is committed to fostering a campus environment where difficult issues such as religion, race, class, gender and culture can be discussed openly and honestly.
- An ACE Mentor is able to listen and empathize with the new student experience, and takes the time to get to know new students.
- An ACE Mentor can work cooperatively as part of a group and respects and values multiple points of view, different backgrounds, and diverse cultures.
- An ACE Mentor is knowledgeable about BHCC programs and services and is able to connect new students with appropriate campus resources.
- An ACE Mentor is making progress toward achieving their own academic goals and is in good academic standing.
- An ACE Mentor is reliable and responsible and is able to positively represent the College and Learning Community programs.
What is the role of an ACE Mentor?
- Assist new students who are enrolled in BHCC’s Learning Communities to make a successful transition to college.
- To collaborate with faculty in designing Learning Community curriculum and assignments, and co-facilitating class activities and discussions that promote community building and student success.
- To work with faculty and/or Success Coaches to establish and maintain contact with students.
- To serve as an information resource, respond to questions and concerns, and to provide referrals to appropriate college resources and departments.
- To represent the college as well as its program and services to new students professionally and respectfully.
- To assist in the promotion of Learning Communities to students during the advising and registration process.
- To assist in the promotion, recruitment, and training of new ACE Mentors.
- To advocate for the holistic well-being of students.
View the ACE Mentor job description
What training and benefits do ACE Mentors receive?
- ACE Mentors participate in a training before the semester begins in August and January. The training focus on mentoring to empower, facilitating difficult dialogues in the Learning Community classroom, developing strategies for effective mentoring, student leadership and logistics of the position.
- All ACE Mentors participate in bi-monthly trainings throughout the semester. Topics vary, but include discussions involving identity exploration, cultural competency, leadership development, student development, self-care, field discussions and teambuilding.
- ACE Mentors check in with Senior ACE Mentors weekly to discuss progress, classroom challenges, and receive additional support.
- ACE Mentors are compensated $15-$17/hour for up to 18.5 hours per week. ACE Mentors often find that assisting students in their transition to college enriches their own experience as a BHCC student and promotes their own success in meeting academic, personal, and career goals.
What is the application process for becoming an ACE Mentor?
To become an ACE Mentor:
- Complete ACE Mentor Application Form
- Provide thoughtful answers to questions on the application
- Submit an updated résumé (optional)
- Submit recommendations from one faculty and one personal source
- Participate in a peer-led interview (scheduled after you complete an application)
- Successfully passed a Learning Community Seminar or Cluster by the end of Spring 2024
- Application will be available until April 26th. Peer-led interviews will be held via Webex in May
- All hired ACE Mentors are expected to attend mandatory training the week before classes begin in the Fall 2024 semester.