Messages from the Provost

Messages from Dr. James F. Canniff, Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs

June 16: Provost Update

Dear Colleagues!
I hope you are enjoying the cooler, sunny weather.  At this time in our academic calendar, we are reflecting on the past year and beginning to reorganize for the summer months and plan for the fall. I sincerely wish for each you some leisure time to enjoy New England with a bit more cautious freedom afforded us by COVID vaccinations.
I know many of you are engaged in recruiting, advising, and teaching. Our headcount enrollment for Summer 1 is 3,709 resulting in an FTE of 1341.5. Compared to last summer, these figures represent a headcount decrease of 14.4% and a credit hour decrease of 11.8%. Please let your friends and family members know that they are welcome to enroll. Each division is engaging in outreach to new and continuing students who have not yet enrolled. Please share with your dean your ideas and willingness to assist in registering more students for Summer 2 and Fall 2021.
As many of you know, the DISH has provided important support to BHCC students and staff during the time the campus has been operating mostly virtually. I wanted to share the report prepared by Molly Hansen who serves as Senior Special Programs Coordinator for the DISH Food Pantry & Textbook Assistance Program (TAP). Please see the attached report. The DISH and Single Stop provide important basic needs support for BHCC students. As many of you know, donations have been, and continue to be, so important. Thank you to the staff who ensured these services continued during this time. Also thank you to those of you who have made donations to support students, their needs, and their success.
Finally, this Friday marks the first time that the Commonwealth is honoring Juneteenth as an official holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the United States. Galveston, Texas was the origin of this celebration that commemorated on the anniversary date of the June 19, 1865 announcement of General Order No. 3 by Union Army general Gordon Granger, proclaiming freedom in Texas. This order was issued almost three years after Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862 that declared slavery illegal as of January 1, 1863. On this holiday, let us each ask ourselves the question focused on what can we do, individually and collectively, to end oppression created by structural racism.
Stay healthy and safe,

June 9: Provost Update

Thank you to those who participated in last week’s CECW Institute. I hope each of you has provided your feedback to guide the CECW planning for the coming year. The program and speakers were powerful and thank you to the CECW Steering Committee for your work on this important conference.

I want to highlight the Fall 2020 Student Parent Survey that was developed by adapting for BHCC an existing survey from the Ascend ASPEN Institute; attached is the Executive Summary. These results provide insights into how we can support our students who are juggling many demands of parenthood. We are seeking ways to respond to the needs students shared.

Best wishes to those who are teaching in Summer Session 1 that began on Monday! For those who are not teaching now, I hope that each of you has some planned time of rest and relaxation. I know that this year has been more challenging than any time in my professional career. I appreciate that for each of you the journey has been difficult and I want you to know how much I appreciate you and your many contributions. Thank you!

Stay healthy and safe,


JUNE 9: Last day for schedule adjustment (add/drop) - Session 1/Bridge/Web/CSDL.(CSDL courses may be dropped or cancelled during the scheduled adjustment period, or within five (5) working days from the date of registration.

May 26: Provost Update


Tomorrow we join in celebration of the achievements of BHCC’s graduates! We also honor you as faculty and staff who have made these successes possible as you have shared your knowledge, expertise, passion, kindness, and support with BHCC’s Class of 2021. Thank you! We will gather tomorrow evening, Thursday, May 27 at 6 pm for BHCC’s virtual Commencement

I am pleased to announce a new initiative launched by the AIDE team. The Hybrid Teaching Institute is an engaging professional development opportunity designed to help prepare faculty to offer their courses through a blend of asynchronous and synchronous instruction. Designed by the facilitators from the Online Learning Toolkit, experts in teaching and learning, the HTI is dedicated to making the hybrid course design process accessible and enjoyable for faculty at every level of teaching and technology experience.. This institute will focus on simplifying hybrid course design by introducing faculty to sustainable processes and easy to apply design templates. Through the HTI, faculty will learn how to design engaging hybrid learning experiences.  Faculty will be paid $160 for successful completion of the HTI. See the attached flyer for curriculum outline and instructions for registering for the institute.

I want to thank you who have invested in your development of enhanced virtual teaching expertise.  I invite those of you who have not done so to enroll in the Remote Teaching Institute and now the Hybrid Teaching Institute.  I know the deans are working to ensure that web course development continues by recommending faculty for enrollment in Online 101 and subsequent course design.  I look forward to learning about your successes as we continue to invest in learning and teaching using the range of modalities we now have available for BHCC students.
Stay healthy and safe,
REGISTER FOR THE FOURTH ANNUAL CECW INSTITUTE ON JUNE 3-4, 2021:  This year's theme is: The Urgency of Now: Transformative Resistance in Higher Education . The two-day virtual experience will be framed by our featured speaker, Tara Yosso, who created the theory of community cultural wealth. Yosso's work has shifted our thinking, recognizing the unique strengths and assets communities of color bring to our work.
Please register to reserve your virtual space at this year's Institute.


May 19: Provost Update


I hope the exam and grading period goes well for each of you. Thank each of you for your commitment and hard work over the past year during this very challenging time. We will celebrate BHCC students graduating on Thursday, May 27 at 6 pm during BHCC’s  Virtual Commencement

I wanted to highlight a new initiative underway to implement a new customer relation management (CRM) online system. Salesforce is the company supporting TargetX; the platform designed to enhance and track communications to guide Admissions and BHCC strategic outreach plans focused on student recruitment, enrollment, and retention. The Title V Grant BHCC received is funding this project. I will provide updates on the implementation timeline targeted for 2022.

Finally, the American Association of Community Colleges in yesterday’s Community College Daily, highlighted the national legislative agenda focused on community colleges and students. Here is the link: Washington Watch: Community colleges carry a broad legislative agenda – Community College Daily (

Stay healthy and safe,



BHCC Celebration of Commonwealth Honor Students 2021
Join us for a Virtual Graduation Celebration of Commonwealth Honors Program Scholars.
Bunker Hill Community College
Celebration of Commonwealth Honors Scholars
Tuesday, May 25, at 6 p.m.
Join by WebEx:
Meeting number: 172 758 0731
Password: 2KmyH7Dq3jJ
Join by phone: 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 172 758 0731
Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders come from diverse communities with a rich heritage, and have contributed to shaping the history of the United States.
At Bunker Hill Community College, we have honored the diversity of our AAPI communities throughout the year starting in 2016, when our College was designated as an Asian American, Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI). This year, we are proud to launch the celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May.  The events and resources lined up below were collated and designed collaboratively by the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning, the AANAPISI CommuniTea, the Office of Student Activities, and the AANAPISI@BHCC Initiative.
About the AANAPISI@BHCC Initiative
In 2016, Bunker Hill Community College was awarded a five-year, $1.7 million Title III Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) by the U.S. Department of Education. The grant, which bears the title, Building the Framework for Success, is advancing the academic success of the College’s Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Pell-eligible students through the institutionalization of a new English Language Learning Program integrated with culturally responsive student support services, and the use of culturally responsive pedagogies that infuse Asian American content across key courses in the general education curriculum.
About the AANAPISI CommuniTea
The AANAPISI CommuniTea is the College’s affinity group of faculty, staff and administrators who are of Asian or Pacific Islander descent. Launched in February 2020 by the AANAPISI grant leadership, the group started out informally as a community that gathered together in fellowship, to promote a greater sense of belonging, affirm the cultural wealth of a shared Asian heritage, and offer support for one another. The AANAPISI CommuniTea continues to evolve, with hopes of expanding its membership, continuing to plan culturally meaningful programming for the College’s diverse AAPI communities, and laying the foundation for leadership development that is grounded in cultural wealth.

Remaining Open Dates from May 14 - 24

FREE Hollaback! Training to Stop Anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment
In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment, Hollaback! has partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt its free bystander intervention training as well as offer a free de-escalation training adapted to support the AAPI community.
Below is a list of the free training workshops that are being offered this May. Click for each workshop description and to register for remaining open dates:
  • Bystander intervention to stop anti-Asian/American harassment and xenophobia workshop
  • Bystander intervention 2.0: conflict de-escalation training workshop
  • How to respond to harassment for people experiencing anti-Asian/American harassment training workshop 
Please note: you must register in advance for all training workshops. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The training is currently offered only in English but Hollaback! is seeking funding to expand it into other languages.

Friday, May 21 at 4 p.m.

The Roots that Bind Us: Embracing Our Evolving Identities
A Community Reflection on Lulu Wang’s “The Farewell”
Our families are the vessels that connect us to our cultural beliefs, traditions and practices across time and space. Through our family relationships, we navigate multiple layers of our evolving roles and identity. But what happens when we lose, or think we might lose, a loved one who is the rock and foundation of our family?
Lulu Wang’s award-winning movie, The Farewell (2019), captures the rich interwoven dynamics of culture, family and evolving identities. In this event, we invite the community to come together to look more deeply into a few selected sub-themes of the movie -- the globalized nature of our families and communities today, the rituals that connect us to our culture, the value for respect and reverence for our elders, and the struggles of questioning or embracing difference across age and culture -- to reflect on the continuing quest for our individual and collective identities in these times.
Participants will be able to share their reflections in small groups following the film. Members of the AANAPISI CommuniTea will facilitate the small group discussions.
Brief welcome by Dr. Pam Eddinger, President, followed by Introductory Remarks from Maria Puente, Professor, Behavioral Sciences Department, and Project Director, AANAPISI Grant
Co-sponsored by the AANAPISI Grant and AANAPISI CommuniTea in collaboration with the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning and Office of Student Activities.
Watch the film before the event at your convenience:
Watch it for FREE on the Kanopy Film Database of BHCC’s Online Library:
Please note: You will need a BHCC library bar code and password to access the Kanopy Database remotely. If you have not yet done so, you can apply for your bar code here right away:
Watch it using your personal Amazon Prime account (rental and purchase options available):
If you prefer to watch the movie using Amazon Prime but do not yet have an account, you will need to create your own personal account on
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 895 6756 2088
Passcode: 792028
Find your local number:

Wednesday at May 26

AAPI Digital Collection and AAPI LibGuide at the BHCC Online Library
Visit the BHCC Online Library to view the digital resources on Asian American and Pacific Islander films, art, artists and readings in different disciplines. The resources are intended to increase awareness of diverse AAPI cultures, histories and issues related to AAPI student success in higher education. Faculty instructors may also use the resources to enrich their course curricula with Asian American content.
Please note that development of the digital collection is in progress and will continue to be updated through the summer. Recommendations on high quality AAPI digital resources are welcome and may be sent to Prof. Maria Kathleen N. Puente, AANAPISI Project Director, at

May 12: Provost Update

I hope you plan to join in this week’s BHCC College Retreat on Friday, May 14 from 9 am to 1 pm.  To foster broad participation, the College offices will be closed on May 14, and faculty who teach on that date can request a substitute with your dean. Link to Register
As we anticipate the ending of classes next week, I want to thank each of you for the many contributions you have made this semester, and year, to BHCC students and your colleagues.  I appreciate the complexities of managing and balancing your work and home lives. I know this time has not been without challenges, sadness, fear, and fatigue. I celebrate and honor your courage, resilience, dedication, and flexibility. Thank you for the wonderful support you have provided students and each other. I hope you are making plans to relax and recharge in the coming months.

Please check out the link to the Spring 2021 academic calendar that highlights the important dates and deadlines (Academic Calendar - Bunker Hill Community College ( For faculty members, thank you in advance for submitting your grades no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, May 24. Students often need this information as they plan for Summer 1 courses.

Also as a reminder, the ‘P’ Grade Policy has been updated to allow students to request a ‘P’ Grade until 5 pm, May 28. The form will be available in Self Service beginning May 17. As a reminder, students must earn a ‘C’ or better. See this link for the details: P Grades - Bunker Hill Community College (

Stay healthy and safe,



  • FRIDAY, MAY 14 FROM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM:  Join the BHCC College-wide Retreat.  Please register using this Link to Register
  • BHCC Spring Arts Festival - Music, Performing Arts, Visual and Media Arts and Literary Arts MAY 13-18: 

BHCC Spring Arts Festival

Thursday, May 13 at  6 p.m.

Tell Magazine: The Roots Edition Reading (Part I)
Hear stories and poems from magazine editors Sara Valentina Alvarez Echavarria, Jalen Esteve, Brandon Johnson, and Daton Reed and spring 2021 contributors. Pages from the new digital magazine edition will be on display.
With remarks from Tell Magazine Faculty Advisor, Alison Ruch, Associate Professor, English Department
Sponsored by Tell Magazine and the English Department
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 858 4833 9494
Passcode: 570929
Join by Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 858 4833 9494
Passcode: 570929

Friday, May 14 at  6 p.m.

Lasting Legacies and Testimonies of Truth—The Contributions of Boston-area AAPI Artists
American artists of Asian heritage bring a prolific and combined legacy to their work—a lasting body of work in visual, literary and media arts that both honors and transcends history, embodies various cultural and spiritual practices, and boldly envisions an inclusive and sustaining future.  Join visual artist and activist Wen-ti Tsen, awarding-winning poet Princess Moon, and master Khmer ceramicist Yary Livan as they reflect on past exhibitions and presentations at Bunker Hill Community College and share new works.
Remarks by Maria Puente, Professor, Behavioral Sciences Department, and Project Director, AANAPISI Grant
Sponsored by the AANAPISI Grant and the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 863 2343 6792
Passcode: 393366
Join by Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 863 2343 6792
Passcode: 393366

Monday, May 17 at  6 p.m. 

Virtual Student Recital
Join us for a virtual student recital by our applied music students. We will hear a variety of music across styles and time periods.
BHCC Applied Music Recitals, Riikka Pietiläinen-Caffrey
Sponsored by the Performing Arts Department
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 829 5345 9905
Passcode: 704324
Join by Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 829 5345 9905
Passcode: 704324

Tuesday, May 18 at  6 p.m. 

Tell Magazine: The Roots Edition Reading (Part II)
Hear stories and poems from magazine editors Sara Valentina Alvarez Echavarria, Jalen Esteve, Brandon Johnson, and Daton Reed and spring 2021 contributors. Pages from the new digital magazine edition will be on display.
With remarks from Tell Magazine Faculty Advisor, Alison Ruch, Associate Professor, English Department
Sponsored by Tell Magazine and the English Department
Attendees, please bring your own original poems and story excerpts, as we will open up the reading to everyone after Tell Spring 2021 contributors have read.
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 832 5710 1468
Passcode: 851003
Join by Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 832 5710 1468
Passcode: 851003


Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month


Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders come from diverse communities with a rich heritage, and have contributed to shaping the history of the United States. 
At Bunker Hill Community College, we have honored the diversity of our AAPI communities throughout the year starting in 2016, when our College was designated as an Asian American, Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI). This year, we are proud to launch the celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May.  The events and resources lined up below were collated and designed collaboratively by the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning, the AANAPISI CommuniTea, the Office of Student Activities, and the AANAPISI@BHCC Initiative.
About the AANAPISI@BHCC Initiative
In 2016, Bunker Hill Community College was awarded a five-year, $1.7 million Title III Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) by the U.S. Department of Education. The grant, which bears the title, Building the Framework for Success, is advancing the academic success of the College’s Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Pell-eligible students through the institutionalization of a new English Language Learning Program integrated with culturally responsive student support services, and the use of culturally responsive pedagogies that infuse Asian American content across key courses in the general education curriculum.
About the AANAPISI CommuniTea
The AANAPISI CommuniTea is the College’s affinity group of faculty, staff and administrators who are of Asian or Pacific Islander descent.  Launched in February 2020 by the AANAPISI grant leadership, the group started out informally as a community that gathered together in fellowship, to promote a greater sense of belonging, affirm the cultural wealth of a shared Asian heritage, and offer support for one another.  The AANAPISI CommuniTea continues to evolve, with hopes of expanding its membership, continuing to plan culturally meaningful programming for the College’s diverse AAPI communities, and laying the foundation for leadership development that is grounded in cultural wealth.

Friday, May 14 at 6 p.m.

Lasting Legacies and Testimonies of Truth—The Contributions of Boston-area AAPI Artists
American artists of Asian heritage bring a prolific and combined legacy to their work—a lasting body of work in visual, literary and media arts that both honors and transcends history, embodies various cultural and spiritual practices, and boldly envisions an inclusive and sustaining future.  Join visual artist and activist Wen-ti Tsen, awarding-winning poet Princess Moon, and master Khmer ceramicist Yary Livan as they reflect on past exhibitions and presentations at Bunker Hill Community College and share new works.
Remarks by Maria Puente, Professor, Behavioral Sciences Department, and Project Director, AANAPISI Grant              
Sponsored by the AANAPISI Grant and the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning 
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 863 2343 6792
Passcode: 393366
Join by Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 863 2343 6792
Passcode: 393366

Remaining Open Dates from May 14 - 24 

FREE Hollaback! Training to Stop Anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment
In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment, Hollaback! has partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt its free bystander intervention training as well as offer a free de-escalation training adapted to support the AAPI community.
Below is a list of the free training workshops that are being offered this May. Click to jump directly to each workshop description and to register for remaining open dates:
Please note: you must register in advance for all training workshops. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The training is currently offered only in English but Hollaback! is seeking funding to expand it into other languages.

Friday, May 21 at 4 p.m.

The Roots that Bind Us: Embracing Our Evolving Identities A Community Reflection on Lulu Wang’s “The Farewell”
Our families are the vessels that connect us to our cultural beliefs, traditions and practices across time and space.  Through our family relationships, we navigate multiple layers of our evolving roles and identity.  But what happens when we lose, or think we might lose, a loved one who is the rock and foundation of our family?
Lulu Wang’s award-winning movie, The Farewell (2019), captures the rich interwoven dynamics of culture, family and evolving identities.  In this event, we invite the community to come together to look more deeply into a few selected sub-themes of the movie -- the globalized nature of our families and communities today, the rituals that connect us to our culture, the value for respect and reverence for our elders, and the struggles of questioning or embracing difference across age and culture -- to reflect on the continuing quest for our individual and collective identities in these times.
Participants will be able to share their reflections in small groups following the film.  Members of the AANAPISI CommuniTea will facilitate the small group discussions.
Brief welcome by Dr. Pam Eddinger, President, followed by Introductory Remarks from Maria Puente, Professor, Behavioral Sciences Department, and Project Director, AANAPISI Grant. 
Co-sponsored by the AANAPISI Grant and AANAPISI CommuniTea in collaboration with the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning and Office of Student Activities.
Watch the film before the event at your convenience:
Watch it for FREE on the Kanopy Film Database of BHCC’s Online Library:
Please note: You will need a BHCC library bar code and password to access the Kanopy Database remotely.  If you have not yet done so, you can apply for your bar code here right away: 
Watch it using your personal Amazon Prime account (rental and purchase options available):  
If you prefer to watch the movie using Amazon Prime but do not yet have an account, you will need to create your own personal account on
Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 895 6756 2088
Passcode: 792028
Join by Phone: +16468769923,,89567562088#,,,,*792028# US (New York)
Find your local number:

Wednesday, May 26

AAPI Digital Collection and AAPI LibGuide at the BHCC Online Library
Visit the BHCC Online Library to view the digital resources on Asian American and Pacific Islander films, art, artists and readings in different disciplines.  The resources are intended to increase awareness of diverse AAPI cultures, histories and issues related to AAPI student success in higher education. Faculty instructors may also use the resources to enrich their course curricula with Asian American content.

Please note that development of the digital collection is in progress and will continue to be updated through the summer.  Recommendations on high quality AAPI digital resources are welcome and may be sent to Prof. Maria Kathleen N. Puente, AANAPISI Project Director, at

May 5: Provost Update


I hope each of you and your family members are healthy.  I also hope that everyone has had the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. The science and research continue to support the effectiveness of the vaccine in disease prevention supported by continuing mask and social distancing to match the settings in which we find ourselves.

The Re-opening Committee comprised of faculty and staff continues to monitor the Commonwealth’s information as this group is developing plans that build upon the success of operating with safety protocols for the selected classes that have been taught on campus since June 2020. The BHCC website is the repository for all information regarding ongoing planning. See this specific link: College Reopening - Bunker Hill Community College (  Review the FAQs with the link found on the left box on the Reopening page.

Plan to join in the upcoming BHCC College Retreat on Friday, May 14th from 9 am to 1 pm.  To foster broad participation, the College offices will be closed on May 14, and faculty who teach on that date can request a substitute with your dean. We are seeking everyone’s participation in this meaningful dialogue. Link to Register

Again this semester, the ‘P’ Grade Policy has been updated to allow students to request a ‘P’ Grade until 5 PM, May 28. The form will be available in Self Service beginning May 17. As a reminder, students must earn a ‘C’ or better. See this link for the details: P Grades - Bunker Hill Community College (

Stay healthy and safe,



FRIDAY, MAY 7 AT NOON:  Join the May 7 President’s Chat at 12 Noon; the Webex link follows:

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 180 326 9246
Meeting password: PrezChat
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-650-479-3208,,1803269246## Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Join by phone
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)


April 28: Provost Update

Commencement will be here soon! Plan to join the Virtual Commencement Ceremony that will be streaming on May 27, 2021, at 6 p.m. For more Commencement details, please visit Commencement Information - Bunker Hill Community College ( By May 3, you are invited to send your congratulations to BHCC’s 2021 Graduates!
  • Submit a photo with an expression of congratulations with a sign of love, peace sign, high five, or written congratulations. Feel welcome to use the #BHCCCommencement with your expression of congratulations, and/or;
  • Submit a video saying the word “congratulations" to graduates in the languages that reflect BHCC’s cultural wealth. Please keep the video to only this word, expression, or phrase to be featured in the video for the ceremony. 
I wanted to pass along information Pam shared regarding some highlights of President Biden’s American Families Plan proposal that he will discuss tonight during his 9 PM address:
  • Provide $109 billion to offer two years of free community college to all
  • Increasing the Pell Grant maximum by $1400
  • $62 billion grant program for completion and retention strategies at colleges and universities that serve high numbers of low-income students
  • $46 billion tuition support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities.
  • $225 billion to expand access to child care programs
  • $200 billion for free universal pre-school for ages 3-4
  • $9 billion to train, equip, and diversify the teacher pipeline 
I am so grateful for the daily contributions each of you makes to BHCC students and the broader community. This time of year, in the rush to complete all the tasks on each of our lists, it is often hard to lift our heads to celebrate the many accomplishments of the semester and year. I hope you will take some time to savor your individual and collective successes. Thank you for the creativity and innovation you have shared during this extraordinary time.
Stay healthy and safe,
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE MAY 14TH COLLEGE RETREAT: More details will be shared in the future.
Meeting ID: 814 2654 7382 Passcode: 720022
Join by Phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 814 2654 7382 Passcode: 720022
Erica Armstrong Dunbar is the Charles and Mary Beard Professor of History at Rutgers University. Her first book, A Fragile Freedom: African American Women and Emancipation in the Antebellum City, was published by Yale University Press in 2008. Her second book, Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge was a 2017 finalist for the National Book Award in nonfiction and a winner of the 2018 Frederick Douglass Book Award.

April 22: Provost Update

This week the world has witnessed the closing arguments and just outcome of the Minnesota trial of Derek Chauvin. The collective trauma of George Floyd’s death, the trial, and ongoing deaths continues to have an impact. I encourage us to be sensitive and supportive with an awareness of the faculty and staff EAP resources as well as student counseling services. We, as educators, have important roles in the lives of so many. During a recent meeting, Oscar Lanza-Galindo, BHCC Associate Dean for the Library and Learning Commons, shared a resource that examined libraries and their roles and commitment to advancing equity and racial justice. This report National Movements for Racial Justice and Academic Library Leadership, ( poses important questions that have relevance for all of us to consider in our roles at BHCC and beyond. Thank you for your dedication to social justice and equity as we work together to transform within our spheres of influence.
As we continue to support students in their quest to graduate, I would invite you to remind students to complete their FAFSA, the form needed for financial aid. For more information, please refer to this website: Financial Aid - Bunker Hill Community College ( Please let students know that this Saturday, April 24, experts will be standing by all day to help students complete the FAFSA, the college financial aid application. Students should register at
Thank you for your work with BHCC students and our colleagues. We each have a special trust to inspire and create the best educational and work environments to promote success. I appreciate your personal investment to make each encounter count in a positive way!
Stay healthy and safe,
JOIN THE POETRY MONTH CELEBRATION EVENTS: See the website for all events and resources-- National Poetry Month - Bunker Hill Community College (
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE MAY 14TH COLLEGE RETREAT: More details will be shared in the future.
Presented by the Library and Learning Commons and the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement
The following titles are available all week on Kanopy, accessible with your BHCC ID Card. If your ID card does not have a library barcode number on it, or if you do not have a password, please email for assistance. Please note: Kanopy is not supported on Internet Explorer.
The following titles are available all week:
“The Green Lie”
Environmentally friendly electric cars, sustainability produced food products, fair production processes: Hurray! If everything the corporations tell us is true, we can save the world through our purchasing decisions alone! A popular and dangerous lie. In his new documentary film, Werner Boote (Plastic Planet, Everything Under Control) shows us, together with environmental expert Kathrin Hartmann, how we can protect ourselves. Running Time: 98 mins. Year: 2018.
“From Flint: Voices of a Poisoned City Investigating the Michigan Water Crisis”
FROM FLINT goes beyond the news headlines to spotlight the impact of the devastating water contamination crisis on the people of Flint, Michigan. The film highlights the stories of residents who were personally injured, along with the work of local organizations and individuals that rallied to support them. Running Time: 25 mins. Year: 2016.
“Climate of Change: People Fighting the Devastating Effects of Climate Change”
Climate of Change Oscar-winning actress Tilda Swinton narrates this inspiring documentary about everyday people taking action to save our environment and to fight climate change. Official Selection at the Tribeca Film Festival. "...the movie is never less than stunning." - Daniel M. Gold, The New York Times. Running Time: 88 mins. Year: 2010.
“Straws: The Impact of Plastic Straws on our Environment”
A powerful documentary about plastic straws and other forms of plastic pollution that inundate our waterways and oceans. The film illustrates how individuals, groups, and businesses around the globe are reducing plastic straw use through education, collaboration, policy development and utilization of non-plastic alternatives. With colorful opening animation narrated by Oscar winner Tim Robbins, STRAWS is entertaining as well as educational. Winner of Best Documentary Short at the Rincon International Film Festival. Running Time: 33 mins. Year: 2017.
The discussion, “Protecting the Environment and the Planet” originally scheduled for Thursday night, will be rescheduled for the first week of May. 

April 14 2021: Provost Update

Good morning!

As we move through this semester, we continue to focus on monitoring our environment regarding the pandemic and our plans for the upcoming academic year. Additionally, our community is continuing to be impacted by the traumas created by the ongoing shootings as well as the killing of men of color at the hands of law enforcement around the country. As members of the BHCC community, we have a special role to support our colleagues and students while taking care of ourselves. I wanted to ensure that you are aware of the services of Lifeworks, a free employee assistance program (EAP), that is provided to you as a BHCC benefit.  Lifeworks offers professionally trained consultants available to help with a multitude of issues that include health and safety concerns; financial and legal topics; relationship and family matters; and work issues. This employee assistance program is confidential and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Access Lifeworks online at:
Username: bhcc Password: lifeworks
Call LifeWorks toll-free, 24/7: 888-267-8126
En español: 888-732-9020; TTY: 800-346-9188

This Friday, April 16 at 2 p.m. we are launching the BHCC Title V Grant designed to advance our work as a Hispanic Serving Institution. Please join our VIRTUAL celebration through at: HSI Kickoff Virtual Celebration. We will have a keynote address featuring Dr. Alberto Ledesma, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity at UC Berkeley Author: Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer: Undocumented Vignettes from a Pre-American Life (Latinographix).

Stay healthy and safe,




VIRTUAL CHAT WITH THE PRESIDENT: Thursday, April 15, Noon. Please join!

Join from the meeting link:

MEETING #: 180 492 6588

April 7: Provost Update

Good afternoon!
I hope that all is going well. I encourage everyone to attend this Friday’s MA Community College 2021 Teaching, Learning, and Student Development Conference. This link: Student Development Conference: Tools for the New Normal | Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) provides the needed information.
Attached you will find the HOPE Initiative: Spring 2021 Professional Development Series Schedule. These opportunities increase our individual and collective understandings of how we work to advance our commitment to equity, access and cultural wealth for student, faculty and staff success.
Next week we are launching the BHCC Title V Grant designed to advance our work as a Hispanic Serving Institution on April 16, 2021 at 2 p.m. Register and join our VIRTUAL celebration through the links included below. We will have a keynote address featuring Dr. Alberto Ledesma, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity at UC Berkley Author: Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer: Undocumented Vignettes from a Pre-American Life (Latinographix).
Thank you for your individual contributions as we continue to support each other and BHCC students during this ongoing challenge imposed on each us by the COVID pandemic.
Stay healthy and safe,
RSVP Today! for access to the VIRTUAL celebration through the link below: 
HSI Kickoff Virtual Celebration Link
Keynote Address:
Dr. Alberto Ledesma, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity at UC Berkley
Author: Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer: Undocumented Vignettes from a Pre-American Life (Latinographix)
Why should you attend?
Celebrate our recognition as an HSI. Be inspired by the pathways of Latinx and BHCC community members. Learn about ways you can contribute to and benefit from our grant.
If you have any questions please email:

March 31: Provost Update


As we greet a new month, we continue to support students as they start Mini Session 2 courses and pass mid-terms for semester-long classes. Thank you for continuing work with students to create a community within your classes. Students, faculty and staff welcome opportunities to connect and discuss how things are going. I appreciate your caring outreach in this virtual world. I also value the insights you are sharing with your dean who is passing these perspectives along to Alice, Cynthia and me to guide our thinking and planning. Thank you!

With yesterday’s opening of Priority Registration, I hope many students in your classes have a plan to register. I am sure that during your advising conversations with students you include a focus on students’ goals and aspirations. Every encounter we have can have a powerful impact on students who feel that we care about them as individuals. I am so grateful for your work to let students know that they belong and we are here to build with them on their strengths and dreams.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow during BHCC’s Professional Development afternoon when we will learn from Dr. Janice Carello of Edinboro University during her workshop: Trauma Informed Care and Healing in Higher Education. Thank you to the Professional Development Committee in partnership with the BHCC Mental Health Commission for your leadership in planning our time togetherGiven the impact of COVID-19 on our lives and those around us, the topic is so timely and important. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Women’s History Month and the many programs offered to the BHCC Community. 

Stay healthy and safe,


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: Thursday, April 1 at 1-3:55  pm

WebEx Meeting link: number: 160 718 5483
Password: BRekPPwY222
Join by phone: 1-877-668-4493
Access code: 160 718 5483

MA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 2021 TEACHING, LEARNING, AND STUDENT DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE:  Friday, April 9 Registration is open. See website for details  Student Development Conference: Tools for the New Normal | Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) Tools for the New Normal: Innovations in Access, Equity, and Student Success is the theme.

March 24: Provost Update

I hope you found some time for yourself during Spring Break.  I know for many this week allows for a bit of catching up. Now we are heading toward the second half of the semester with BHCC’s second virtual Commencement scheduled for 6 pm on Thursday, May 27, 2021.
I want to thank the department members who are hosting information and advising sessions for current students in anticipation of Tuesday’s (March 30th) Priority Registration launch for Summer 2021 and Fall 2021 classes. Please remind students with whom you work to see their advisors and create academic plans to guide their success. Attached you will find yesterday’s email sent to current students highlighting the plan for an increased number of on-campus Fall 2021 courses with many courses continuing to use a remote synchronous modality. We also plan an ongoing assessment of the student demand plus the health and safety conditions for potentially increasing the number of hybrid courses.
Tomorrow there will be a Town Hall focused on BHCC’s finances. I hope you will be able to attend to learn more about BHCC’s financial position and the update on the Federal funds recently authorized by Congress that will assist the College’s students, programs, and facilities. We are focusing as a community on positioning BHCC and its academic degree and certificate programs to meet the current and future workforce, community, and student economic needs shaken by the pandemic.
Next week on Monday and Wednesday, we will host two candidates for the Associate Provost-Charlestown position and I invite you to participate in the virtual interview process.
Stay healthy and safe,
BUDGET TOWN HALL: Thursday, March 25 at 1-2:15  p.m. -- The Town Hall Webex link is
Meeting number: 180 433 4515
Password: xnKJCt3sw64
Join by phone: 1-877-668-4493
Access code: 180 433 4515
Monday, March 29
1:15 - 1:55 PM   Open Session
2:00 - 2:40 PM   Open Session
Wednesday, March 31
1:15 - 1:55 PM   Open Session
2:00 - 2:40 PM   Open Session

March 10: Provost Update

I hope you and your family are doing well. With no classes next week, I wish for each of you to have a different pace and some time to unplug from constant screen time. For those with time off, please enjoy. 
I wanted to highlight again the upcoming Advising Institute. I invite you to participate in the spring Advising Institute. The Institute offerings include synchronous and asynchronous sessions focused upon general advising and navigation of selfservice. To learn more, please see the Institute schedule at the email’s end. To register for a session, please click here.  If you have questions about the Advising Institute, please contact the Advising Taskforce Co-chairs: Alicia D’Oyley ( and Monica Poole (
When you have time, please review BHCC’s climate survey DRAFT report prepared by Professor Cheryl D. Ching, PhD at UMASS-Boston.  On Thursday at 1:00 pm there will be a session to discuss the findings. The draft report can be accessed at  PLEASE NOTE: When you access the link, you will be prompted to sign in using your BHCC log-in credentials.
Stay healthy and safe,
VIRTUAL CHAT WITH PRESIDENT EDDINGER Thursday, March 11 at 12 noon Webex link for that session is
Meeting number (access code):180323 9919
Meeting password: PrezChat
Join by phone: 1-650-479-3208
CAMPUS CLIMATE SURVEY SESSION Thursday, March 11 at 1 p.m. Webex link for that session is



NAVIGATING SELFSERVICE AND ACADEMIC PLANNING (Select a maximum of one session) This two hour session will provide an overview of the advising functions of SelfService. Participants will also learn strategies for advising students using the academic planning functions of SelfService.
GENERAL ADVISING Q&A SESSION (You may select more than one session)
This one hour session provides participants the opportunity to meet with administrators and Success Coaches from Advising and LifeMap. The facilitators will provided responses to general advising questions about SelfService, advising policies and procedures.
Please register in advance to attend these sessions by clicking on the registration link below.


Beginning on March 26, the Advising Institute space will be open in Moodle. The Advising Institute in Moodle will provide various resources including: training videos on navigating SelfService, materials on academic planning, Q&A forums, and open forums for general discussion about advising approaches, policies and procedures. In order to request access to the Moodle space for the Advising Institute, please use the registration form below.

Faculty will be compensated at the regular rate for participation in the synchronous and asynchronous sessions.


Friday, March 26, 2021
12 - 2 p.m.
The Advising Institute space becomes available in Moodle. Request access using the registration form.
Facilitators: Cherry Lim, AAPI Coordinator, Monica Poole, Professor and Chairperson History and Social Sciences Department
Monday, April 5, 2021
2 - 3 p.m.
Facilitators: Andy Caul, Success Coach,
Barbara Pierre, Success Coach
Thursday, April 8, 2021
2 - 4 p.m.
Facilitators: Andy Caul, Success Coach,
Jackie McMillion-Williams, Director of LifeMap and Advising
Friday, April 9, 2021
12 - 2 p.m.
Facilitators: Brian Kelleher-Calnan, Success Coach, Jennifer Cohn, Professor, English Department
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
2 - 4 p.m.
Facilitators: Colleen Yee, Assistant Director of Advising and LifeMap, Alicia D’Oyley, Associate Dean of Enrollment
Friday, April 23, 2021
12 - 1 p.m.
Facilitators: Brian Kelleher-Calnan, Success Coach, Barbara Pierre, Success Coach, Jennifer Cohn, Professor English Department

March 2: Provost Update


Thank you to each of you who attended last Friday’s BHCC All-College Retreat.  I look forward to learning from everyone’s feedback.  I invite you to share your insights by following this link to the Survey: Take the Survey  or copy and paste the URL into your internet browser:

During this time of the semester, students may face personal difficulties so I wanted to remind everyone that if you know of a student who is in crisis, please immediately call the Dean of Students team on the Bull Dog Emergency Phone at 857-500-7743.

To advance the goal of increasing the number of courses in order to meet increasing demands for online programs and hybrid courses at BHCC, AIDE is offering two new professional development opportunities for faculty to add to the Remote Training Institute and Online 101 training offerings.

  1. New Hybrid Teaching Institute (HTI)
  2. New Process for Expedited Web Course Development

Online Learning Toolkit’s Hybrid Teaching Institute is an engaging professional development opportunity designed to support faculty members in developing their courses through a blend of asynchronous and synchronous instruction. OLT will focus on simplifying hybrid course design by introducing faculty to sustainable processes and easy to apply design templates. Through the HTI, faculty will learn how to design accessible and engaging hybrid learning experiences for students. Faculty will receive a stipend of $160 upon successful completion of the HTI that requires 4 hours of engagement. We anticipate the HTI to begin in late April.

Faculty who have previously completed Online 101 and have taught web courses for at least 2 semesters are eligible to develop new web courses in an expedited format.  Faculty will participate in an asynchronous training workshop, meet with the AIDE development team, and establish a timeline for completion. Estimated timeline for completion of a new web course is 6-8 weeks . Faculty will be compensated $500 per credit hour for course development.  Interested faculty should work with their academic dean to determine priority. 

I invite you to visit the AIDE Resources ePortfolio. There are many Moodle and WebEx resources there for students, faculty and staff.

  • Students, faculty and staff can Drop into our WebEx room to get support Monday -Friday, 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. & Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. AIDE is closed on Sundays.
  • Students, faculty and staff can also call into the Virtual Innovation lab WebEx room by dialing 1-877-668-4493. Enter Access code 735 429 954, then press # to enter the room.
  • Faculty and staff can Schedule an appointment to work with an AIDE team member one-on-one.

Stay healthy and safe,



OER WEEK AT BHCC: Check out the events by visiting the OER webpage:

Learn more about the BHCC’s No- Cost, Low-Cost ($50 and under) OER Initiative.

REMINDER ABOUT STUDENT TECHNOLOGY: If students in your courses need specialized programs not supported by Chromebooks, please notify your division dean immediately.  For other technology needs, contact Melissa Holster at


ENLISTING ASSISTANCE FOR STUDENTS: Forms to alert the staff of needs so you can marshal immediate assistance.

February 24: Provost Update

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to remind all faculty to enter the NA for each student who has never attended on each class roster by 5 p.m. today, Wednesday, February 24th. Rosters are available through BHCCSelfService. Please remember that this does not include courses that have not yet begun. We are required to ensure enrollments by Federal regulations.
I look forward to seeing you at this Friday’s BHCC All-College Retreat beginning at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Be sure to register (click on register). This will be part one of a two-part retreat, with the second date to be scheduled in May. Part of the day will feature a series of "lightening" breakout sessions on a range of topics. There will be three rounds of breakout sessions--30 minutes each. There are 11 topics, all attendees will choose three they would like to participate in. Please link to this survey [] for more information on the sessions so you can indicate your three preferences. Materials from all breakout sessions will be made available in an ePortfolio, for any that you're interested in but unable to attend.
Thank you to the Academic Support Services leaders who shared their resources during today’s Forum. I wanted to highlight the contact links. Thank you in advance for guiding students in your classes to these valuable sources of support.
I wanted to remind everyone that if you know of a student who is in crisis, please immediately call the Dean of Students team on the Bull Dog Emergency Phone with the number of 857-500-7743.
Also below are some links to forms that alert the staff of needs so you can marshal immediate assistance
COVID-19 Assistance
Stay healthy and safe,

February 17: Provost Update

This week marks our fourth week of the semester and the time BHCC must verify who is attending classes as required for Federal Financial Aid regulations. Registrar Dr. Miguel Sahagun shared the instructions today via email. As he indicated, one key reporting requirement is to report students who never attended classes since the start of the Spring 2021 semester. This does not include courses that have not yet begun. For courses that have already begun, please ensure a thorough review as outlined below:
  • Examine each of your Spring 2021 class rosters for enrolled students who have never attended
  • Enter an NA (Never Attended) final grade for any student who has never attended your class
At this point in the semester, it is very important to gauge each student’s engagement in each class. I would ask you to consider inviting staff and faculty who are working in Academic Support Services into your classes so students can meet the BHCC Community colleagues who, along with you as the class professor, are dedicated to their academic success. Below are the contact links.


DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT Student can use their computers or smartphones to reach AIDE at this link:  See website for hours:
Thank you for your ongoing creativity and dedication as you and our BHCC colleagues continue to do the very best to teach and support students as COVID-19 continues to affect many aspects of our lives. I sincerely hope that each of you are taking care of yourself, your family, and friends.
Stay healthy and safe,


COLLEGE-WIDE RETREAT—FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Mark your calendars for the upcoming virtual gathering focused on our future vision for BHCC in the post-COVID world. It is vitally important that all faculty and staff lend your voices to the dialogues during the day. All virtual offices will be closed for business during the designated times so that everyone can participate. Please watch your email for more details. Please provide your perspectives on our remote experiences by completing the Faculty and Staff Pulse Survey Link at

Provost Update: February 10

Good morning!

I hope that all is going well. I know that the direct and indirect impacts of COVID and the associated isolation are very real for many BHCC students, faculty and staff. As people await the opportunity to secure the vaccination, there is hope in sight. Just in case you missed the Channel WCVB 5 feature about the COVID vaccination hunt, I wanted to share the link to the story about Olivia Adams, a software engineer, who wrote her own software code to gather MA appointment information in a simpler way for people to access. Here is the website link highlighted in the article I hope this resource will assist you and your family when vaccinations become available for your designated group.

On Friday, February 26 there will be a college-wide retreat. Please take a few minutes to respond to a brief anonymous survey about your remote work experience and preferred work environment.Survey results will be used to inform a wholistic assessment for the remote working experience and the ongoing planning discussion about the post-COVID college environment. The results will be shared at the upcoming College Retreat. The Faculty and Staff Pulse Survey Link is:

As we continue into the third week of classes, I would ask you to join me in considering how we can retain BHCC students currently enrolled. This first part of the semester is a critical time. I would ask each of us to consider the question-are we a welcoming community in all of our interactions with students. Thank you for exploring this question as you continue your support of students and their success. Below are important resources to share with the students with whom you are working. I would encourage you to invite students in your classes to use these tutoring services to build upon their strengths.







DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT:  Student can use their computers or smartphones to reach AIDE at this link  See website for hours:

Stay healthy and safe,


  • NATIONAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH Please plan to join in the many opportunities planned for February. Watch your email for reminders.
  • THIS WEEK’S CECW SESSIONS Check your email for WebEx details - Curricular Integration Showcase
    • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 4:30 PM
    • Equity Framework Training Professional Staff and Administrators Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 4:30 PM
    • CECW Drop-In Session Friday, February 12, 2021 at 11:00 AM
  • COLLEGE-WIDE RETREAT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Mark your calendars for the upcoming virtual gathering focused on our future vision for BHCC in the post-COVID world. It is vitally important that all faculty and staff lend your voices to the dialogues during the day. All virtual offices will be closed for business during the designated times so that everyone can participate. Please watch your email for more details.

Provost Update: February 4

Good morning!
I hope that you are settling in as we approach the end of the second week of most classes that included our first major winter storm and its associated interruption of classes. Given the interruption at the beginning of the semester, I wanted to ensure you knew about two Academic Calendar changes.  The deadlines for submitting a Change of Major Form for Spring 2021 and making schedule adjustments (add/drop) including Mini Session I/Web Late-Start (WBL) have been extended to Thursday, February 4, 2021.
As of last night, our enrollment and resulting FTE count is down 17.67%.  We continue to have a lower number of continuing matriculated BHCC students who enrolled this semester.  We are down in headcount for this group by 1312 (-19.15%) students when compared to this timeframe last Spring Semester (5,549 this spring versus 6,852). While I know COVID-19 has impacted our students and communities dramatically, I ask myself what can I, and we, do differently to encourage students to persist and reenroll for the coming semester. I hope you will join me in asking this question and sharing your ideas and actions with your division dean and your colleagues.
Please share with this link with students to access BHCC resources: Important Contacts and Hours - Bunker Hill Community College (  For basic needs, please share this information link: Basic Needs - Bunker Hill Community College (
I know we share the goal of ensuring that BHCC students have all of the information they need to be engaged in your courses.  Moving forward I would request that each of you use the Moodle shell available for each course section so students have a central and uniform way to access course syllabi and assignments.  Having a shared approach provides a clear path for all  students. As I mentioned last week, the AIDE team is ready to assist you by posting your syllabi and assignments in your Moodle shell.  Please send the course name/ section, syllabus and instructions to  Also I want to underscore the importance of following in the scheduled format listed as synchronous or asynchronous.  Many students are juggling a myriad of commitments.  Consequently, they rely on the accuracy of the description as they plan their lives. Thank you in advance for maintaining the schedule as officially outlined in the registration schedule.  If you have any questions, please contact your dean.
Thank you for your personal dedication and hard work each day!
Stay healthy and safe,



NATIONAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Please plan to join in the many opportunities planned for February. See the attached list of virtual events.
LINKS TO DISCUSSIONS:  Please see the shared documents’ links resulting from the Coming Attractions Sessions held on Tuesday, 1/19 and Thursday, 1/28 organized by Jenne Powers, Lee Santos Silva, Meghan Callaghan, and Zaida Ismatul.
ACADEMIC CALENDAR: Please review and ensure you share the important dates and deadlines with the students and colleagues with whom you work.  Academic Calendar - Bunker Hill Community College (
COLLEGE-WIDE RETREAT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26: Mark your calendars for the upcoming virtual gathering focused on our future vision for BHCC in the post-COVID world.  It is vitally important that all faculty and staff lend your voices to the dialogues during the day.  All virtual offices will be closed for business during the designated times so that everyone can participate. Please watch your email for more details.

January 28: Provost Update

Good morning!

Welcome back to Spring Semester 2021! With the ongoing impact of COVID-19, we must continue to take care of our families, our communities and ourselves. I sure hope you have had some relaxing time over the break.

Nationally, community colleges have faced the direct impacts of the pandemic as our community members struggle. Our enrollments as of Tuesday reflect the pressures of these time as the number of students (FTE) is down 17.37%. The staffs of Enrollment Services including Admissions, Testing/Assessment, LifeMap, and Student Central plus division faculty members continue to reach out to students to assist students in registering. Thank you for assisting students as they launch this semester. We are welcoming 6,428 continuing and 1,181 readmitted or reactivated students plus 577 new first time students, 50 new international students, 124 new transfer students, 271 new non-matriculated students, and 284 new dual enrollment students. I hope you will learn who is new and returning to BHCC in your classes and extend a warm welcome.

My sincere thanks to each of you for your contributions to strengthening our community through your care and support of each other and all BHCC students. I ask you in your classes to advance a supportive, educational environment designed to inspire and support BHCC students as they engage with you. You make a true difference by assisting students as they strive to achieve their goals and fulfill their aspirations. Here is the link to campus resources’ contact information that you can share with students who may need additional assistance:

Ensuring BHCC students, who enroll in your classes have the accurate information, is vital to their success. It is important that you check your class rosters before every class meeting during the Add/Drop period. If a student has added your course, you will need to send them any information you have already sent to other students. I encourage you to use the Moodle shell available for each course section as a way to ensure students have a clear roadmap for their work with you. AIDE is ready to assist should you want to post your syllabi and assignments. Please send the course name/ section, syllabus and instructions to I also want to stress that each course has been listed in the schedule as synchronous or asynchronous and students count on the accuracy of the description as they plan their lives. It is vital that you follow the stated strategy and maintain the schedule as outlined. If you have any questions, please contact your dean.

Finally, this semester I look forward to our collective steps to deepen our advancement of equity and exploration of our rich, cultural wealth as we begin to implement the new Title V Grant to support our work as a Hispanic Serving Institution and continue the work of the AANAPISI Grant, the CECW and the HOPE Initiative. I also want to highlight the work of the Student Affairs staff members who continues to host virtual student affinity group sessions to advance students’ connections with their colleagues. Thank you for your part in promoting a welcoming and equity-centered community.

Stay healthy and safe,


  • BASIC NEEDS RESOURCES WHEN WORKING WITH STUDENTS: Basic Needs Resource page is filled with financial, housing, food and personal assistance information. Please share with students.
  • FACULTY ENGAGEMENT IN FOCUS GROUPS: If you would be interested in participating in a focus groups discussing the BHCC physical campus of the future, please send an email to Jeniffer Ticas in the Office of the Provost by Monday, February 1st.
  • COLLEGE-WIDE RETREAT — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26: Mark your calendars for the upcoming virtual gathering focused on our future vision for BHCC in the post-COVID world. It is vitally important that all faculty and staff lend your voices to the dialogues during the day. All virtual offices will be closed for business during the designated times so that everyone can participate. Please watch your email for more details.

December 16: Provost Update

Dear Colleagues,
Given the surge in the Commonwealth’s and Boston’s COVID-19 cases, there have been changes in the phases and associated impacts on BHCC and other area higher education institutions.  Below is an overview of the current status and the upcoming changes to campus operations and Spring21 classes.
  • The City of Boston issued changes on December 13, 2020 with an implementation date of December 16, 2020. COVID-19: Reopening in the City of Boston |
  • The Commonwealth issued changes on December 8, 2020 with an implementation date of December 13, 2020. Reopening Massachusetts |
Given the current conditions and our ongoing commitment to the health and safety of all BHCC students, faculty and staff, there will be a delay implemented for in-person instruction and an alteration in our operations for the upcoming Spring 21 semester as outlined below:
  • Winter Session Classes will begin January 4 and Spring21 classes begin January 25 in a virtual mode.
  • SEM Labs and some Music classes scheduled for an on-campus component, will be delayed until March 22 after Spring Break.
  • Culinary Labs on campus will begin when Mini II classes start on March 28.
  • Allied Health and Nursing Labs will be delayed and details are being addressed (as much as possible, after Spring Break).
  • International Students--At least one hybrid course with an in-person component is required.  Details are being addressed.
  • All campus buildings will be locked and accessible only for approved staff. There will be no staffing of the Welcome Desk B-Lobby.
  • Only designated staff will permitted on campus and will be arranged by permission only.
  • Assessment Center will provide virtual assessments.
  • DISH Food Pantry will mail food cards and fulfill food orders by delivery ONLY when possible.
A new MA flu vaccine regulation requires college students who attend any classes or activities on campus, even once, must be vaccinated by December 31. This requirement applies to all full-time undergraduate and graduate students under 30 years of age and all full- and part-time health science students. The only exception is for college and university students who exclusively attend classes online and never visit campus in person. (NOTE: Flu Vaccine Now Required for all Massachusetts School Students Enrolled in Child Care, Pre-School, K-12, and Post-Secondary Institutions |
I want to ensure that you as BHCC faculty and staff have this information before students are notified beginning next week. There will be a robust communication plan to let students know what to expect. Thank you for your help in sharing this information when you receive questions. We remain committed to protecting the health and safety of the entire BHCC Community. I hope each of you remain healthy.

December 9: Provost Update

Good afternoon!
As we look to the end of the semester, I know grading and supporting students are central to the work each of you is managing at this time. I am delighted to learn that some divisions have focused on sharing ways to promote self-care. This strategy of having a plan for taking time for oneself is a very important. During this time, each of us must consider ways to enhance our mental and physical health. Please take care.
Thank you for your encouragement of students registering for the Spring Semester. If finances are obstacles, please share that Melissa Holster, Executive Director of Student Financial Services, is available to assist. Her email is Pam and Marilyn Kuhar continue to seek new funds to support students. 
Please let students in your classes know that should they plan to enroll in any Spring 2021 course that has an on-campus component, a flu shot with verification is required for anyone 30 years old or younger. Students are being alerted to this new MA requirement.
Finally, I wanted to share with you an annual “partnership for the talent pipeline” directory produced by the New England Council.  BHCC students are featured on the front cover in the top middle box. We have few partnership programs featured in this directory as well. Thank you to those of you who support and advance these important opportunities for BHCC students.  See Education-Partnership-Directory-2020_Nov12.pdf (  The BHCC partnerships include:
Page 19: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Employee Career Initiative
Page 20: Pao Arts Center
Page 21: Learn and Earn Internship Program
Page 35: Creating Pathways to Data with Education Development Center partner
About The New England Council - a non-partisan alliance of businesses, academic and health institutions, and public and private organizations throughout New England formed to promote economic growth and a high quality of life in the New England region. Through a variety of events and forums throughout the six New England states and in Washington, DC, the Council provides its members with access to those policymakers, while also serving as a resource to those leaders as they work to craft policies that support economic growth.
Stay healthy and safe,
  • NEW BASIC NEEDS RESOURCE WEBSITE: Consolidated information focused on financial, housing, food and personal assistance information
  • STUDENT ACADEMIC SUPPORT:  Here is the link with contact information for all support services:  Below are some links to share so students.
DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT:  Student can use their computers or smartphones to reach AIDE at this link:  See website for hours: 
  • URGENT—PLEASE PLACE ALL BOOKSTORE ORDERS IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO: Direct all questions to:  For your information, students should order course materials online as soon as possible and shipping for student books will be paid by BHCC. I checked today and 79% of courses now have book orders submitted. Thank you to those who have moved forward.
  • P GRADES: Final letter grades are due for Fall 2020 on December 28, 2020. Students may submit a ‘P’ grade request beginning December 29, 2020 until the deadline January 8, 2021 by 5 pm. Students will receive an email reminder today. 
  • OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCES (OER): Please consider adopting OER course materials.Please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website:
  • JOIN IN THE BHCC WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL 2020:  Email reminders are sent to everyone on the day of each event.

December 2: Provost Update

Good evening!
I hope your Thanksgiving Break provided time for rest and relaxation. As we return, December brings us to a very busy time as the end of the semester requires intensive grading of exams, papers, and projects plus working with both new and continuing students along with managing the many associated administrative processes. I wish you well as you gear up for the final semester push and thank you for your supportive spirit to guide us to a successful semester’s end.
Again this semester “P” grades are an available option for students. Final letter grades for the Fall 2020 semester are due on December 28, 2020. Students may submit a “P” grade request beginning December 29, 2020 until the deadline January 8, 2021 by 5 pm.
Thank you in advance for ensuring students are aware of the Basic Needs Resource page filled with financial, housing, food and personal assistance information.
Also please encourage students to register for the Spring Semester. If finances are obstacles, please contact Melissa Holster, Executive Director of Student Financial Services by email at Melissa is working with students who have an outstanding balance to ensure that finances do not prevent them from registering. Call campaigns are underway to reach 1,900 students, including those with dependents as indicated on their FAFSA, and LifeMap staff members have called all Liberal Arts students. Thanks to everyone who is focusing on students and their success.
Thank you for reminding students of the free tutoring services in TASC for currently enrolled students. This link contains contact information for all support services and below are additional links to share with students.
  • DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT  Student can use their computers or smartphones to reach AIDE at this link see their website for hours
Stay healthy and safe,


  • URGENT—PLEASE PLACE ALL BOOKSTORE ORDERS IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO Place your order  Direct all questions to For your information, students should order course materials online as soon as possible and shipping for student books will be paid by BHCC. 
  • NEW BASIC NEEDS RESOURCE WEBSITE: Consolidated information focused on financial, housing, food and personal assistance information.
  • OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCES (OER) Please consider adopting OER course materials. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website: 
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 JOIN CECW DROP-IN 11 a.m.-Noon. Click this link for details Internal Calendar (
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 JOIN PRESIDENT’S VIRTUAL CHAT 12-1 p.m. Click this link for details Internal Calendar (

November 18: Provost Update

Good evening!

As we come to the season of giving thanks, I want to express my deep gratitude to each of you for your many contributions to our rich BHCC community. We continue to experience, as a collective local and national community, the hardest of times. However, I am hopeful and grateful for this week’s news about the COVID-19 vaccine. This advancement promises to bring new possibilities for normalcy at some point in the future.

There is a new Basic Needs Resource page filled with financial, housing, food and personal assistance information.  Please familiarize yourself with this information and share with the students with whom you work these important sources of support.

Also please encourage students to register for the Spring Semester. If finances are obstacles, please contact Melissa Holster, Executive Director of Student Financial Services Her email is is the season that often brings mental health issues into focus. If a student expresses thoughts of suicide or has actively engaged in suicidal behaviors, please call the Bulldog phone at 857-500-7743 to reach the Dean of Students staff. When you call, please share the student’s name and ID if possible. The Dean of Students Office team will lead the follow-up process to focus on student safety.

I would ask you to actively engage students with the many resources available to advance their success. Here is link with contact information:

Stay healthy, safe, and enjoy your holidays,



NEW BASIC NEEDS RESOURCE WEBSITE: Consolidated information focused on financial, housing, food and personal assistance information.
  • BHCC Honors First-Generation College Students
  • BHCC Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week
  • International Education Week--Crossing Cultures with Confidence
BOOKSTORE INFORMATION: Place your order  Direct all questions to:
OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCES (OER): Please consider adopting OER course materials. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at  Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website: 

November 4: Provost Update

Good evening!
I want to acknowledge and thank you for the difficult task each of you face each day as you teach and work in this virtual environment. I know each of you is continuing to adapt new ways to reach students. I understand that many faculty and staff are tired and stressed. Please know that I know this is hard and I am very appreciative of your service and what it means to the entire BHCC Community. The deans, associate provosts and I are available to support you.
BOOKSTORE: The Bookstore Manager Ray Short urges you to place your orders if you have not done using  Direct all questions to: Ray indicates that Follett has learned both UPS and FedEx are anticipating many slowdowns beginning Thanksgiving, as most people will be shopping online for the holiday season.
OER: I hope many of you are incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) as a way to make attending college more affordable for BHCC students. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at  Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website:
Thank you for ensuring students are aware of the resources found at this link  Also know that there are financial resources to assist students. An email outlining more details will soon follow. Melissa Holster, Executive Director of Student Financial Services is ready to assist. Her email is
Stay healthy and safe,



TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 5, 12-1 PM:  President’s Virtual Chat
Meeting link:
Meeting number:172 927 9777
Password:  PrezChat
More ways to join
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
1-650-479-3208 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 172 927 9777
Global call-in numbers | Toll-free calling restrictions
TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 5, 6 PM:  One Book Program
Bunker Hill Community College presents: A Conversation with One Book Author, Historian and Lecturer Erica Armstrong Dunbar

October 28: Provost Update

Good evening!

Here we are at the end of the second month of the semester having arrived at the time of the year to adjust our clocks this weekend to Daylight Savings Time. As we turn back our clocks, we also enter the last half of the semester. I hope that each of you is participating in one of the community events that provide avenues for connecting with BHCC friends. I have found the cultural and special events to be important gatherings to add richness to my days. Thank you to all who are contributing to BHCC’s many opportunities to share our cultural wealth.

I want you to know that we are continuing to monitor COVID-19’s impact on Boston and the Commonwealth. Currently, we have a limited number of classes being taught face-to-face. Should circumstances change, faculty members will prepare to pivot if necessary. I will keep you posted on any needed changes. For Spring 2021, we will continue to use the guide of approximately 20% on-campus and 80% online/hybrid/remote classes. We will employ the same measures to promote health and safety as those used this fall. Check with your division dean if you have any questions.

I hope each of you is planning to join the Professional Development Program tomorrow from 1 PM to 4 PM. The focus of the afternoon centers on the theme --Starting from What We Already Do and Have: Building a Foundation for More Equitable and Racially Just Professional Development.

See the attached agenda for the sessions and their Webex links.

I hope you have ordered your course materials for Winter Session as well as Spring 2021.
BOOKSTORE: The Bookstore Manager Ray Short urges you to place your orders if you have not done using  Direct all questions to:  Ray indicates that Follett has learned both UPS and FedEx are anticipating many slowdowns beginning Thanksgiving, as most people will be shopping online for the holiday season. 
OER: I hope many of you are incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) as a way to make attending college more affordable for BHCC students. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at  Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website:
I encourage you to ensure students are aware of the many excellent resources that are available. Thank you for actively supporting students in your classes by prompting them to tap all staff and services using this information found at this link:
Stay healthy and safe,


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY TOMORROW OCTOBER 29 —  1 to 4 PM: The Professional Development Committee welcomes your involvement tomorrow.

FREE COVID-19 TESTING ON CAMPUS:  East Boston Community Health Center (EBNHC) is conducting free COVID-19 tests, for BHCC students, faculty and staff who are on campus this fall. Testing is free, and takes place every Tuesday from 10 AM to noon. Call 617-568-4500 to register for the next session. EBNHC will conduct testing for the first 50 people who register and come for the session. Please indicate you are a BHCC student, faculty or staff, and provide your Social Security and Insurance information when you register. Confidential results are sent to the participants within 2 to 4 days. 

ACADEMIC RESOURCE INFORMATION:  Please let students in your classes know that there are tutoring and academic support services available at no charge for currently enrolled students. Please share with the students with whom you are working the links below to get specifics on accessing these important resources:

  • DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT You can use your computer or smartphone to reach AIDE at this link:  See website for hours:

October 21: Provost Update

Good evening!
I hope that you and your family remain healthy in the midst of the growing intensity created by COVID-19. I know that many of us are weary at moments as we juggle the continuing demands thrust upon us by this pandemic. I look forward to hearing about how you continue to learn new ways of teaching, leading and learning in this virtual world as we strive each day to adapt and enhance our practice. I sincerely appreciate your ongoing commitment to BHCC students, faculty and staff members during these challenging times.
As you know, this past Monday currently enrolled students began registering for Spring 2021 classes. Thank you for your outreach to students. As of 10:00 AM this morning, 429 students had registered. Please continue to encourage students with whom you are working to meet with their advisors and register so that they can have the best selection of courses. Also share that today Winter Session Registration opened for all students. The Winter Session begins January 4 and ends January 24. (See the Winter Session Academic Calendar: )

Please remember that now is the time to begin ordering your course materials for Winter Session as well as Spring 2021.

BOOKSTORE: The Bookstore Manager Ray Short urges you to place your orders now using Direct all questions to: Ray indicates that Follett has learned both UPS and FedEx are anticipating many slowdowns beginning Thanksgiving, as most people will be shopping online for the holiday season.

OER: I hope many of you are incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) as a way to make attending college more affordable for BHCC students. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at  Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website:   I hope many of you have participated in this week’s OER presentations.  Thank you to the AIDE team plus the faculty, staff and students who have served as presenters and shared your experiences and expertise.
As we continue to advance each student’s success, I hope you will integrate the many resources available for student support into the fabric of your courses. If you need more information or would like to host a staff presentation from someone from TASC, Counseling, Career Services, or other resource areas, please reach out to the staff. Thank you for actively encouraging students to tap all staff and services using this information link: 
Stay healthy and safe,


TONIGHT---THE 5th WEEKLY CONVERSATION ABOUT THE 2020 NATIONAL ELECTIONThe Office of Community Engagement's Talking Politics series continues tonight at 6 pm. For the Talking Politics schedule, click here: For resources and questions in how to engage in the 2020 election, please visit Contact Meghan Callaghan ( with any questions.
FRIDAY--CECW: The CECW will be holding a Drop-in this Friday, October 23 at 11AM.  Webex information is below. 
o   Meeting number: 172 103 8258
Password: 3QtQEUx2w35
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 172 103 8258
RESCHEDULED FLU SHOT CLINIC: Weather permitting, on Tuesday 10/27 from Noon to 2 pm at the Charlestown Campus outside on the B Plaza, faculty, staff, and students can receive a free flu shot. A registration to be completed on site will be required. Students, faculty and staff who are engaged on the Chelsea Campus will have a designated clinic date.
FREE COVID-19 TESTING ON CAMPUS:  East Boston Community Health Center (EBNHC) is conducting free COVID-19 tests, for BHCC students, faculty and staff who are on campus this fall. Testing is free, and takes place every Tuesday from 10 AM to noon. Call 617-568-4500 to register for the next session. EBNHC will conduct testing for the first 50 people who register and come for the session. Please indicate you are a BHCC student, faculty or staff, and provide your Social Security and Insurance information when you register. Confidential results are sent to the participants within 2 to 4 days.
ACADEMIC RESOURCE INFORMATION:  Please let students in your classes know that there are tutoring and academic support services available at no charge for currently enrolled students. Please share with the students with whom you are working the links below to get specifics on accessing these important resources:
  • DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT You can use your computer or smartphone to reach AIDE at this link See website for hours
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY OCTOBER 29: The Professional Development Committee invites those of you who are interested, to email: PD Committee Co-Chairs Deborah Schwartz at and Jennifer Valdez at

October 14: Provost Update

Good evening!

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. I appreciate the investment that each of you is making in your teaching and remote work. Our continued vigilance is important for our individual and collective well-being. I think what lifts us is the collective energy generated by our many collaborations and ongoing creativity that we share. Thank you for your positive spirit.

Please remind the students with whom you work to begin planning now with their advisors for the Winter Session and Spring 2021 Semester. Registration opens next Monday, October 19. Also Mini Session II starts November 1st should students want to add a course to this semester’s load. I appreciate your support of students as we work together to ensure their success and academic progression. Retention and degree completion are our key shared goals so that students can achieve their dreams.

Stay healthy and safe,



2020 CENSUS DEADLINE MOVED TO TOMORROW: As you may know, the deadline has been moved and is tomorrow Thursday, October 15. Please remind your friends, families, students and colleagues to submit their census data so that cities and towns have accurate counts that link with government allocations to support municipalities and states. Complete the 2020 Census Today so everyone is counted!

DREAM SCHOLARS PROGRAM: Do you know an outstanding student who has contributed to BHCC and the neighboring community? If so, I encourage you to submit an application for their participation in the 2021 DREAM Scholars Program. Achieving the Dream (ATD) is seeking exemplary students to participate in the virtual 2021 DREAM Scholars Program. As DREAM Scholars, students will engage with community activists, education leaders, peers and DREAM Scholars Alumni. Scholars will receive customized programming and exclusive networking sessions that align with their future goals. Chosen through a competitive application process, selected students will participate in a virtual learning and professional development experience to take place February 16-19, 2021. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. EST on Monday, November 16, 2020. Nominate an outstanding student today! For more information and to access the application, click here. (Note dead link removed 6-1-2022)
COURSE MATERIALS: Now is the time to begin ordering your course materials for Winter Session as well as Spring 2021.
  • BOOKSTORE: The Bookstore Manager Ray Short urges you to place your orders now using  Direct all questions to:  Ray indicates that Follett has learned both UPS and FedEx are anticipating many slowdowns beginning Thanksgiving, as most people will be shopping online for the holiday season. 
  • OER: I hope many of you are incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) as a way to make attending college more affordable for BHCC students. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at  Also the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website: 
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 TLSD CONFERENCE: I encourage any of you who are able to attend the TLSD conference ( This year’s theme is Employing an Anti-Racist Lens to Build Inclusive College Curriculum and Student Services. The featured speaker is Estela Bensiom, a national recognized leader in equity-minded practice. Her work has strongly influenced our own work around equity at BHCC. Also, many of our BHCC colleagues will be presenting, and we’d love your support!

October 7: Provost Update

Good afternoon!

October is here I hope your classes and work with students have generated excitement of learning collaboratively. Your support helps anchor each student in the process of discovery and guides each person in the development of new competencies and possibilities. Thank you for your caring dedication and professional steadiness.  I hope you can take some time over this upcoming long weekend to savor the fall beauty. Remember Monday, October 12 is a holiday and no classes will be held.

Beginning Monday, October 19, Spring 2021 Registration begins for Continuing Students so I hope you have plans to reach out to students and encourage their active engagement in Advising and Registration. Then on Wednesday, October 21, New and Guest Students may register. Winter Session Registration opens for all students on Wednesday, October 21 as well.  Please share these dates with students in your classes.

The Achieving the Dream Holistic Student Support Advising Taskforce is reaching out to all faculty for input on the desired resources to better support you as a faculty advisor. To tailor information to assist with advising, I am asking you to provide your input through a survey developed by the Achieving the Dream Holistic Student Support Advising Taskforce. I invite you to share your ideas via this short survey If you have any questions about this survey and/or the work of the Taskforce, please contact its co-chairs, Alicia D'Oyley or Monica Poole

Now is the time to begin ordering your course materials for Winter Session as well as Spring 2021.

  • BOOKSTORE: The Bookstore Manager Ray Short urges you to place your orders now using Direct all questions to:  Ray indicates that Follett has learned both UPS and FedEx are anticipating many slowdowns beginning Thanksgiving, as most people will be shopping online for the holiday season. 
  • OER: I hope many of you are incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) as a way to make attending college more affordable for BHCC students. If you need assistance in identifying OER materials, please contact  BHCC’s Senior Special Programs Coordinator for Digital Learning – Ceit DeVitto at the Library staff members are ready to support you. Visit the OER Website:

We continue to learn of students who need support and assistance. Thank you for actively encouraging students to tap all staff and services using this information link:

Stay healthy and safe,




  • TONIGHT---THE 3rd WEEKLY CONVERSATION ABOUT THE 2020 NATIONAL ELECTION: The Office of Community Engagement's Talking Politics series continues tonight at 6 PM. For the Talking Politics schedule, click here: resources and questions in how to engage in the 2020 election, please visit Contact Meghan Callaghan at with any questions.
  • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 6 PM BHCC HONORS INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY: Larry Spotted Crow Mann “We are the Story, We are the Land" Join Larry Spotted Crow Mann for an engaging talk that will focus on the spiritual, cultural and social significance of ‘Place and the Art of Story’ on the Indigenous peoples of New England. Remarks by Kimberly M. Frashure, Professor Engineering and Physical Sciences Department

Join by WebEx: Meeting Number: 172 423 2091 Password: giP9URmPM34


Join by Phone: Phone Number: 1-877-668-4493 Access Code: 172 423 2091

  • STUDENT STATUS NA (NOT ATTENDING) INFORMATION DUE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9:  For courses that have already begun, AR is requesting that you do the following:
  • UPDATE FROM THE CAMPUS REOPEN COMMITTEE: As the fall is progressing, the city of Boston and the state are starting to see increases in new COVID-19 cases. We are tracking these trends closely; no adjustments to on-campus operations are necessary at this point. We have asked on-campus faculty to have contingency plans for reverting to remote delivery in the event that the College needs to cease on-campus operations. We also encourage faculty and deans to consider accelerating delivery to complete on-campus class sections earlier. Please think about scheduling adjustments and/or other options for accelerated delivery, and discuss your ideas with the Associate Provosts and Provost prior to implementing.

Review each of your Fall 2020 class rosters for enrolled students who have never attended

Enter an NA (Never Attended) final grade for any student who has never attended your class

  • VIRTUAL CHAT WITH THE PRESIDENT ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 FROM 12 to 1 PM: President Eddinger is hosting a series of informal chats to keep us connected over the fall.  With the unpredictable course of the COVID-19 Outbreak, it will be important for us to share information and input over the next few months. 
  • FLU SHOT CLINIC: On Tuesday 10/13 from Noon to 3 PM at the Charlestown Campus outside on the B Plaza, faculty, staff, and students can receive a free flu shot. A registration to be completed on site will be required. Students, faculty and staff who are engaged on the Chelsea Campus will have a designated clinic date.
  • FREE COVID-19 TESTING ON CAMPUS: East Boston Community Health Center (EBNHC) is conducting free COVID-19 tests, for BHCC students, faculty and staff who are on campus this fall. Testing is free, and takes place every Tuesday from 10 AM to noon. Call 617-568-4500 to register for the next session. EBNHC will conduct testing for the first 50 people who register and come for the session. Please indicate if you are a BHCC student, faculty or staff, and provide your Social Security and Insurance information when you register. Confidential results are sent to the participants within two to four days.
  • ACADEMIC RESOURCE INFORMATION:  Please let students in your classes know that there are tutoring and academic support services available at no charge for currently enrolled students. Please share with the students with whom you are working with the links below to get specifics on accessing these important resources:






o    DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT You can use your computer or smartphone to reach AIDE at this link: See website for hours:

  • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 6 PM: Hispanic Heritage Month 2020/ Mes de la Herencia Hispana 2020 Event-- My Voice! AfroLatinidad in a Time of Crisis and Healing—Why It Matters
  • UPCOMING MA COMMUNITY CONFERENCE: The 2020 Massachusetts Community Colleges Teaching, Learning & Student Development (TLSD) Conference will be hosted virtually by Roxbury Community on Friday, October 16 from 9 AM - 2 PM. The virtual conference will be held via Zoom (link will be made available to registrants). The new theme is: Employing an Anti-Racist Lens to Build Inclusive College Curriculum and Student Services. Here is a link to the conference landing page:

Join by WebEx: 

Meeting Number: 172 183 3539

Password: kJU3SSM2PG7


Join by Phone:

Phone Number: 1-877-668-4493

Access Code: 172 183 3539

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY OCTOBER 29: The Professional Development Committee invites those of you who are interested, to email: PD Committee Co-Chairs Deborah Schwartz at dcschwar@bhcc.eduand Jennifer Valdez at jvaldez@bcc.ed

September 30: Provost Update

Good afternoon!

I want to share with you that we have met the New England Commission of Higher Education representatives regarding our accreditation. Now we are awaiting NECHE’s official notification of our status. We have received positive feedback regarding our report and visit. I want to thank each of you for your part in supporting and advancing the BHCC mission through your work each day. Your individual and collective contributions provided the strengths noted for BHCC in this process.

Now we turn to the end of September and quickly move toward the October activities which include mid-term assessments plus advising and registering students for the Winter Session and Spring 2021 semester. For your information, the Winter Session and Spring 2021 courses are now available for viewing in SelfService. In preparation for the upcoming academic advising period at BHCC, the Achieving the Dream Holistic Student Support Advising Taskforce is reaching out to all faculty for input on the desired resources to better support you as a faculty advisor. To tailor information to assist with advising, I am asking you to provide your input through a survey developed by the Achieving the Dream Holistic Student Support Advising Taskforce. In case you missed my email, please complete this brief survey on, or before, Monday, October 5.

Now is also the time of year to promote the many services available to advance student success as the midterm of the semester is just around the corner. Thank you for actively encouraging students to tap all campus resources. For a list of resources and ways to access the office staff use this link:

As we continue to face the uncertainties of this time, please ensure that we take care of ourselves and each other. I encourage each of us to consider how we are communicating in writing and verbally to promote respect and equity using a strength-based approach. Our words and tones matter to BHCC students, faculty and staff. Thank you for your mindfulness in promoting an atmosphere that is grounded in honoring the dignity of each of us in large and small ways.Stay healthy and safe,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affairs


LATE START COURSES SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT DEADLINE: The Add/Drop deadline for courses beginning Monday, October 5 will be Wednesday, October 7.

TONIGHT – THE 2ND WEEKLY CONVERSATION ABOUT THE 2020 NATIONAL ELECTION: The Office of Community Engagement's Talking Politics series continues tonight at 6 PM.
  • For the Talking Politics schedule, click here: 
  • For resources and questions in how to engage in the 2020 election, please visit  
  • Contact Meghan Callaghan ( ) with any questions.
TOMORROW NIGHT 6 PM – HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH EVENT: Live! Tres Vidas-Experience this dynamic theatrical event about the lives of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, Salvadoran human rights advocate Rufina Amaya and Argentinean poet Alfonsina Storni embracing diversity and social justice; presented by Core Ensemble and performed with live music on screen. A question and answer period with the performers will conclude the program. Remarks by Associate Provost Alice Murillo, Chelsea Campus, Sponsored by BHCC’s Chelsea Campus.
  • See
REGISTRATION DEADLINE – FRIDAY, 10/2  UPCOMING MA COMMUNITY CONFERENCE: The 2020 Massachusetts Community Colleges Teaching, Learning & Student Development Conference (10/16), please fill out the conference registration form by Friday, October 2, 2020.
  • Here is a link to the conference landing page:

FREE COVID-19 TESTING ON CAMPUS: East Boston Community Health Center (EBNHC) is conducting free COVID-19 tests, for BHCC students, faculty and staff who are on campus this fall. Testing is free, and takes place every Tuesday from 10 AM to noon. Call 617-568-4500 to register for the next session. EBNHC will conduct testing for the first 50 people who register and come for the session. Please indicate you are a BHCC student, faculty or staff, and provide your Social Security and Insurance information when you register. Confidential results are sent to the participants within two to four days.;

ACADEMIC RESOURCE INFORMATION:  Please let students in your classes know that there are tutoring and academic support services available at no charge for currently enrolled students. Please share with the students with whom you are working the links below to get specifics on accessing these important resources:
  • DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT You can use your computer or smartphone to reach AIDE at this link: See website for hours: 

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY OCTOBER 29: The Professional Development Committee invites those of you who are interested, to email: PD Committee Co-Chairs Deborah Schwartz at and Jennifer Valdez at

BHCC LANGUAGE INSTITUTE: The BHCC Language Institute’s mission is to provide high quality programs and access quality language learning through availability of morning, evening, weekend classes through the Division of Workforce Development. The Institute has recently received outstanding feedback through the CEA accreditation process which began in March 2019 and continued with a site visit in August. BHCC has met 38 of the 42 standards and will receive notification in mid-December of our status with CEA.

September 23: Provost Update

Good evening!

As the third week of courses is underway, I hope you, your classes, and students are settling into the semester. I know the staff members are working to support students by active engagement via email, Webex appointments, and virtual chats. Please let your dean know if students are missing from your classes so that there can be outreach.

I would ask you to continue to encourage students to utilize the services, support, and staff who are available for them. For a list of resources and way to access the office staff use this link: Thank you for your ongoing commitment to student success as we focus and build upon students’ assets and cultural wealth.

As we work together, please know that each person is working to do their very best to respond to the needs and concerns of students, faculty and staff. In this virtual environment the demands on some areas are very intense as the volume of work has grown exponentially. I would ask each of us to be understanding and patient as we seek assistance and support. Thank you for your individual concern for students and each other during this ongoing pandemic that has dramatically impacted all of our lives.

Stay healthy and safe,



TONIGHT STARTS THE WEEKLY CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE 2020 NATIONAL ELECTION: The Office of Community Engagement’s Talking Politics series starts today at 6 PM as part of BHCC's Election 2020 weekly conversations. For the Talking Politics schedule, click here:  For resources and questions in how to engage in the 2020 election, please visit  Contact Meghan Callaghan at with any questions.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY OCTOBER 29: The Professional Development Committee would like to host a Professional Development Day that has a grass-roots feel and supports the efforts that are already successfully taking place in, and across, departments and divisions. This also fits with the College’s commitment to centering equity and racial justice in all aspects of our work. To that end, we’re wondering if you would be interested in showcasing your department, division, and/or cross-initiative Professional Development efforts to the College during our October 29th Professional Development Day. If you are interested, please email the co-chairs and they will follow up with you: PD Committee Co-Chairs Deborah Schwartz at and Jennifer Valdez at Thank you!

LATE START COURSES SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT DEADLINE: Add/Drop deadline for classes beginning Monday, September 21 will be Tuesday, September 29 and for those courses beginning Monday, October 5 the deadline will be Wednesday, October 7.

UPCOMING MA COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONFERENCE:  The 2020 Massachusetts Community Colleges Teaching, Learning & Student (TLSD) Development Conference will be hosted virtually by Roxbury Community on Friday, October 16 from 9 AM to 2 PM. The virtual conference will be held via Zoom (link to come). The new theme is: Employing an Anti-Racist Lens to Build Inclusive College Curriculum and Student Services.

  • Keynote speaker is noted author, speaker, and Director of the USC Center for Urban Education, Dr. Estela Mara Bensimon.
  • NOTE:  If you submitted a proposal for the April conference, you may request that it remain on the agenda. The details for proposal submission and registration are found on the conference website. Given the virtual nature of this conference, the normal registration fee will not apply. I hope that many of you will submit proposals (due SEPTEMBER 28) and attend the conference. To submit a proposal, please fill out the RFP form
  • Here is a link to the conference landing page:


September 16: Provost Update

Good evening!

As we are in the middle of the second week of classes, I hope the semester is going smoothly. We have reached out to 10,722 unenrolled admitted and continuing students to remind them of their options for registering. Yesterday we sent emails to the 9,635 currently enrolled students about the extension of the schedule adjustment date. We are also reopening admissions today, September 16, for prospective students who wish to enroll in Mini Session II and other delay-start courses.

Please encourage students to utilize the services, support, and staff who are available for them. For a list of resources and way to access the office staff use this link:

Thank you for your ongoing support for each other, and BHCC students, as we continue this journey in these unprecedented times.  


TOMORROW: CONSTITUTION DAYSee the attached handout for more information.

TOMORROW: Thursday, September 17, 1– 2 p.m.--Engage! Fuerza, Familia y Comunidad: Understanding Our Latinx Students’ Cultural Wealth. Hosted by our LSSI Faculty Fellow Professors Melissa Colon and Carlos Maynard

Join by WebEx:
Meeting Number: 172 999 0771
Password: kJU3SSM2PG7
Join by Phone:
Phone Number: 1-877-668-4493
Access Code: 172 999 077

REOPEN COMMITTEE AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thank you to those who volunteered on campus during the first two weeks of the semester, you’ve helped to smooth the way for our students in a challenging time and keep our campus safe!  We will need another group of volunteers on campus next week. Volunteers will staff a welcome desk inside the B-lobby, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., to assist students, faculty, and staff coming in for class and for work with the check-in process for building entry. There is signage to assist people who are doing the check-in for the first time. Volunteers will also provide information and assistance to any “walk-ins.” There will be signage and printed information to provide regarding BHCC services that can be accessed remotely. We have a google sheet with the volunteer schedule at this link: Please enter yourself on the sheet for any days/times you are available or send your availability to  Only one volunteer per shift is needed.

RESOURCE INFORMATION: Here are some key links to campus resources to share with students and colleagues. As you may know, there are tutoring and academic support services available at no charge for currently enrolled students. Please share with the students with whom you are working the links below to get specifics on accessing these important resources:





o   DIGITAL LEARNING SUPPORT: You can use your computer or smartphone to reach AIDE at this link:  See website for hours:

SECURING LIBRARY BARCODES AND PASSWORDS: The Library and Learning Commons (LLC) team processed 468 requests for new library barcodes and/or passwords from September 1st to September 15th. The LLC team, led by the efforts of Andrew McLaughlin, responded quickly within a 24-hour timeframe to fill all requests.  We want to ensure our BHCC community members have ready access to the materials and resources needed for a successful semester. If you know of any students seeking to access digital materials from the Library and Learning Commons, please direct them to the following link:

STUDENT CHROMEBOOK REQUESTS AND INTERNET ACCESS SUPPORT: Students can request a Chromebook as well as internet access support if needed. Link to form:  As of today, 157 Chromebooks have been distributed, 11 are scheduled for pick-up this week, and 16 have been reserved for students who have not yet selected a pick-up time.

SURVEY FOR QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT RETURNING TO CAMPUS THIS FALL: Please feel free to reach out and share your questions or concerns using this link:

FIRST FALL PRESIDENT’S VIRTUAL CHAT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 12-1 p.m.:  Virtual Chats with President Eddinger will continue throughout the Fall semester. These informal chats are designed to keep our community connected and engaged and provide a forum for information sharing and conversation.

Join via WebEx:

Meeting number: 172 334 7243
Password: PrezChat
Join by phone
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 172 334 7243

INFORMATION ON FLU SHOTS IN BOSTON: If someone you know, does not have health insurance, or if co-pays are a barrier, we encourage people to call the Mayor’s Health Line​ at (617) 534-5050 or toll-free at (800) 847-0710. BPHC, through the Mayor’s Health Line, will be offering vouchers for free flu vaccines to uninsured or underinsured adults, which may be redeemed at any Walgreens pharmacy. For more information, see the website:

Stay healthy and safe,


September 10: Provost Update

Good evening!

Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester!  I hope those of you who have started your classes have experienced a smooth beginning. The remote environment creates many opportunities and challenges. For new students who did not pivot with BHCC in the spring, the experience of starting their college careers in this unknown environment requires all us to reach out with enhanced support and ongoing information. Student Central, LifeMap, and other Enrollment Services areas have been engaged with on campus pre-scheduled appointments to assist new students with their entry. All office staff members across BHCC have been preparing to welcome students, faculty and staff to our mostly remote and virtual community. 

I encourage each of you to browse the BHCC website: to learn about the resources and to remain up-to-date on announcements. Thank you for your part in creating a welcoming and supportive community! I appreciate your work to ensure students know how to communicate with you and your colleagues. I applaud you as you provide prompt responses to questions and concerns. Best wishes for a successful beginning!


ENROLLMENT: As of last night our FTE enrollment was down 17.87% compared to this day in the semester last year. We are continuing to register; students have until next Tuesday to register plus add or drop courses to their current schedules.

MOODLE, WEBEX AND OTHER RESOURCE INFORMATION FOR ONLINE LEARNING: Encourage students to visit the Online Student Resource Center in Moodle (SRC). The SRC offers resources and activities to support their digital learning experience at BHCC. Students can practice using Moodle, view tutorials in our “How-to” library and much more. Login to Moodle using their BHCC email address and password. If students have questions, they can email:

BHCC VISITING ARTIST AND SCHOLAR: Dr. Shirley Suet-ling Tang (鄧雪齡), Professor of Asian American Studies at UMass Boston, is this year’s BHCC Visiting Artist. In response to requests to email the full program details of Dr. Tang’s Visiting Program and anticipated activities with faculty, we are sharing them here again: Please consider joining in the activities for the Faculty Fellows Program.  The AANAPISI grant will be happy to pay stipends for 10 faculty fellows for this incredibly promising opportunity for professional growth!  Contact Maria Puente ( ) or Aurora Bautista (

Stay healthy and safe


August 27: Provost Update

Good morning!

As we look forward to the beginning of the semester, I know you and your colleagues are continuing to prepare for Fall courses and services. Thank you for your dedication as we continue in this primarily virtual world. I look forward to our gathering for next week’s virtual Convocation scheduled for Thursday, September 3 beginning at 9 a.m.

Our enrollment focus continues as staff and faculty reach out to students supporting their entry into the Fall registration process.  Most community colleges throughout the Commonwealth continue to report lower than usual enrollments. To ensure that we pursue every possible avenue, Karen Norton and the IMC team are working closely with Enrollment Management to communicate via social media and postcards the opportunities for multiple ways to study at BHCC. These include the Center for Self-Directed Learning, Mini Sessions with later start dates as well as the web-based courses that allow for individual flexibility, plus the many options provided by the different delivery modes of remote courses. 


ENROLLMENT: As of last night BHCC enrollments are down 20.10% compared to last year with 13 days until the start of classes. Enrollment Management is taking the following steps to increase opportunities for students to enroll:

TODAY’S PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY: The CECW and LatinX Student Success Initiative (LSSI) is sponsoring an important session today from 1 - 2:30 PM:  Fuerza, Familia, and Comunidad: Understanding our Latinx Students’ Cultural Wealth.  Please plan to participate.

The Fall 2020 College Application will remain open until Saturday, September 12 @ 11:59 PM - Students may apply for the full fall semester, Mini I and Mini II sessions during this time. The application will close right before midnight.

Then the Fall 2020 College Application will  reopen on September 16 @ 12 AM for applicants for MINI II Only and will permanently close on October 30 @ 11:59 PM.

LifeMap and Student Central will continue their current on-campus presence for prescheduled and walk-up appointments through Tuesday, September 15 and remain available by Remote and Virtual means for the remainder of the Fall 2020 semester.

Nuri Chandler-Smith is working with the Early College and Dual Enrollment staff and the deans on ways to accommodate these students whose high schools have just announced delayed onsite start days.

WebEx Login

Note: Hosted by Melissa Colon

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020 1:00 pm | 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Join by video system

Join by phone

  • 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
  • Access code: 160 334 9674

TODAY’S OER (OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES) OPEN MEETING: This important initiative provides a way to support the containment of costs for class materials with peer reviewed resources.


Join by phone

  • 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
  • Access code: 160 915 4331

I hope that all is well with you and your family.

Stay healthy and safe,


August 21: Provost Update

Good afternoon!

As we end the week, I want to thank each staff member in the Enrollment Management Division, Student Central, Student Activities and other Academic and Student Affairs offices for their continued outreach to our students and their work in advising and registration. Thank you to the faculty and deans offices’ teams who are also reaching out to students and hosting divisional information sessions. I am grateful for the faculty and staff who are conducting research, maintaining essential business operations and keeping our campus clean and safe. Also special thanks to the AIDE team members who are working on setting up Moodle shells for every course, in addition to all the training and new online course development underway.  This continues to be a demanding time, your ongoing patience and personal commitment are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


BHCC VIRTUAL CAMPUS: Take a look at new developments on our virtual campus “Virtual Advising and Course Registration Help” box was added and links to schedule advisor appointments using our new OnceHub tool are embedded. There will also be a new link for students to register for in-person on campus appointments as well.

CHROMEBOOK RENTALS:  Students can still rent Chromebooks for the FA20 semester by using this link: to request one.

TEXTBOOK ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TAP): Due to COVID-19, we are unfortunately not able to run the Used Textbook program for the FA20 semester. However, the Bookstore Voucher Program will still be available and on Monday, August 31, an email will be sent out to all students with information about how to access the funds. The funds will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, until they are depleted. The voucher may be used at the Bunker Hill Bookstore to buy books and/or online access codes.

ASSESSMENT CENTER:  The Assessment Center will be open on Saturday, August 22 and Saturday, August 29 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. for on-ground testing by appointment only.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ON-CAMPUS SERVICES:  Over the next two weeks, the College is providing limited on-campus services to support fall registration. To maintain safety of students and staff, services will be by appointment only.  No walk-ins will be allowed for these services.  We are looking for volunteers, especially Tuesdays and Thursdays, through September 3 to assist with students checking in for their appointments for Advising, Assessment and Student Central services.  We are currently looking for volunteers during these times:

  • Monday, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. or 1:30 – 3 p.m., 3 – 5 p.m., or 5 – 6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. or 1:30 – 3 p.m., 3 – 5 p.m., or 5 – 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. or 8:30 – 10 a.m., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., or 12 – 1:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. or 8:30 – 10 a.m., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., or 12 – 1:30 p.m.

Volunteers will be sitting outside under a tent either on the B-Building plaza or at the B-Building lower-level entrance and will assist with the following:

  • Verifying and check-in students for their appointment
  • Directing students into the building at their assigned appointment time
  • Reminding students that they must wear face coverings when in the building
  • Providing directions to the where the student will be having their appointment

If you are able to volunteer, please contact mbholste@bhcc.eduwith your availability.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3:  Save the Date! Join in the BHCC Convocation on Thursday, September 3, 2020 beginning at 9 a.m. More information to follow. 

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. 

Stay healthy and safe,

August 20: Provost Update

Good afternoon!

As we complete the final week of Summer Session II classes, I hope that you and the students in your classes have shared many meaningful learning experiences.  I know many of you are continuing to support students as they chip away at the outstanding assignments needed to complete the course for which they have IPs.  Thank you for your continuing compassionate work with students who, like all of us, are juggling many demands in this ongoing stressful time.   


ENROLLMENT:  As of this morning, we are down 22.80% FTE compared to this time last year. Ongoing outreach is underway by Admissions, LifeMap, Student Central, Student Activities, many faculty, and deans’ office teams. Calls and emails are offering advising and registration assistance to students. Additionally, each division is hosting information sessions designed to answer student questions and promote registration.  LifeMap Team members are holding virtual and on-ground appointments to advise and register students. We know many families are still making plans for the fall.  Many communities are continuing to make final decisions for the Pre-Ks through high schools. The Boston Public Schools are providing families with options. The start date at this time for BPS is September 21. So the uncertainty in the environment, we suspect, is requiring BHCC students to delay making their decisions and plans. We are launching a communication plan to promote the options of the Mini Sessions which provide later start dates so new and continuing students are aware of these option.

SPRING 2021 COURSES:  We continue to plan with the intent of focusing on the health and safety of students, faculty and staff. Again this spring, we will schedule mostly remote and web-based courses. We will continue the 80% and 20% split to ensure the campus and all courses with requisite face-to-face instructional methods have the space where social distancing is provided. Certain courses that will be held face-to-face will continue to follow strict safety protocols.


o   August 21 - Last day of Summer II and Web Courses

o   August 21 -  Last day for withdrawal from Summer II and Web Courses (extended)

o   August 25 - Final grades (Summer II and Web Courses) due by 11:59 PM (extension)

o   NOTE: Please refer to the Academic Calendar for additional information, and forward any questions to your division Deans. 

I appreciate the positive spirit that has guided us over these past five months. Thank you for the generosity and care you share as we continue to grapple with the uncertainties of this time. Thank you, too, for your ongoing support of each other and BHCC students.

Stay healthy and safe,


August 12: Provost Update

Good evening!

August is racing along.  Summer II classes are nearing their ending date and Fall classes start on September 8.  This is the time of intense planning and active work to fill our classes with new and returning students.  The deans, faculty, and staff are calling students plus holding Webex drop-in information sessions and assisting in registering students. Thank you to everyone who is actively engaged in enrolling BHCC students.


I hope that you can join the BHCC Community this Friday at noon for Pam’s weekly chat.  I hope that you have had a chance to relax during the summer.

Stay healthy and safe,


August 6: Provost Update

Good evening!
I hope that August is off to a strong start for you. As we continue to monitor the many decisions related to COVID19, we know that there is much uncertainty to whether or not public schools will include onsite instruction. According to the timeline, MA public schools must file their plans by August 10th  with announcements to follow on the 11th.  Also the BHCC’s Reopening Committee is continuing to monitor the Commonwealth’s plans and document the many details involved in planning for the fall semester. I encourage you to continue to visit the BHCC homepage for the links to up-to-date information. You are invited to view this website:
REGISTRATION:  The academic division deans are reaching out to students in the respective majors to provide an introduction to the programs of study and to assist in registering students. Thank you to those involved in this outreach. 
FALL ENROLLMENT DATA:  As of yesterday, with 34 days away from the first day of Fall classes, BHCC’s enrollment headcount is down by 27.16% compared to last year at this time. These data are reported using the same period in the prior year.  Calls, emails, and text messages to students encouraging them to register are underway. The BHCC website homepage is focused on urging students to register for Fall 2020 classes. Take a look:  Student Central is reaching out to students who have received financial aid and have not registered yet.  Please encourage all continuing and/or newly accepted students you know to register if they have not done so.
REMINDER ABOUT REMOTE TEACHING INSTITUTE:  If you are teaching this fall and have yet to complete the remote teaching training requirement, you are invited to join the Remote Teaching Institute hosted by AIDE and the Online Learning Toolkit Team. The Institute is hosted in BHCC’s Moodle platform. Faculty can join in anytime starting now through September 8th to complete training modules designed to engage  in best practices for Remote teaching. There are no set times or days to log in – faculty complete the modules at their own pace. REGISTER ONLINE. Please contact your division dean should you have any questions.
ONGOING MONITORING OF REGISTRATIONS AND COURSE SECTIONS: Each day the deans are reviewing the enrollment in each course section to ensure that we have the right balance of courses based on registrations and course demands.
Thank you to those who are teaching Summer Session II. I appreciate the support you are providing students in our mostly remote environment. I also am grateful for the work many of you are undertaking in preparation for the upcoming Fall 2020 semester.
Stay healthy and safe,

July 23 - Provost Update

Good evening!

We are now at the end of the second week of Summer Session II. I hope you are doing well. The summer seems to be flying by. My wish for each of you is to have the ability to take some time to rest and recharge after the hectic pace of the spring and early summer. Thank you for your creativity and resilience as we have journeyed together supporting one another and the BHCC students. I continue to be inspired by each of you as we work together virtually in service to our BHCC Community.

The BHCC staff members continue to serve BHCC students and our colleagues through our remote practices of Webex meetings, phone calls and emails. We have instituted Live Chats for students to communicate with office staff members. The BHCC website continues to be updated and now includes a Virtual Campus page with important links. I invite you to visit this site:


Enrollment Update: Summer Session II enrollment has ended with an increase of 40.04% in FTE. Fall enrollment continues to improve slowly. The pattern we observed for both summer sessions was students enrolling later than in previous summers. We have just surveyed all admitted students to determine how best to communicate with each individual. Using these data, staff members are reaching out to answer questions and encourage each student to enroll. As of this morning, Fall enrollments are down by 28.54% with only 48 days remaining until the semester begins. Our focus is on supporting students to register. Underway is an active multi-media advertising campaign with a heavy emphasis on social media focused on enrolling at BHCC. Over 20,000 post cards have been mailed to current and new applicants urging them to register and enroll.

Reminder to Order Your Fall Course Materials: If you have not placed your order, please do so. Go to the Faculty and Staff Resources website and click on the course materials link: Order your course materials from the BHCC Bookstore.

Remote Teaching Institute – Now-September 8BHCC faculty are invited to join the Remote Teaching Institute hosted by AIDE and the Online Learning Toolkit Team. The Institute is hosted in BHCC’s Moodle platform. Faculty can join in anytime and complete training modules designed to engage and share great practices for Remote teaching. There are no set times or days to log in – faculty complete the modules at their own pace. Register online. There are synchronous sessions if one prefers virtual presentations and you will find the list with dates at the end of this email. (See below for a full description). Contact your Division Dean with questions.

Concerned about a Student: For mental health concerns or changes in behavior, consult the CARE Team (Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation) by submitting your concerns using this confidential online form. Using this form triggers an automatic notification to key staff on which they can act quickly. Do not use email to submit your concerns.

For information on the CARE Team please visit:

Students Reporting COVID-19: Thank you in advance for sharing information you learn from a student about their health. Students may complete the COVID-19 Self Report or you may do so on behalf of the student using the Faculty / Staff form: Having this information allows the Dean of Students’ team to reach out and support each student by following their progress and assisting if possible.

Students Needing Chromebooks: Please direct students to this link to request one:

Please let me know if there is additional information I can provide in the Summer Weekly Provost Updates.

Stay healthy and safe,


July 9 - Provost Update

Good evening!

Letter to President re International Students

July 9 Letter to ICE and DHS re international students taking online classes

I wanted to keep you abreast of the support BHCC international students are receiving as they continue to be fearful of the impact of this week's new regulations from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE).  This US governmental agency defines the parameters and conditions for issuing international student visas for international students to study in the US. Efforts are underway to challenge these regulation changes. Pam has been in contact with officials and other professional association colleagues to express her opposition. BHCC will be submitting materials in support of the Massachusetts Attorney General's planned suit.  Please see the attached letters Pam has shared that highlight the advocacy underway by so many leaders.  Also Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, and Georgetown have filed a lawsuit  for which there was a hearing today in Boston before a federal judge and the judge scheduled another hearing for tomorrow at 10 a.m. Other universities have indicated they intend to file.

To strengthen support to BHCC international students, an international programs staff member has been assigned as a personal contact for each student; and each student is being contacted by the International Programs staff.  In concert with the Division of Enrollment Management and LifeMap, each student's program of study, course schedule, and academic plans are being reviewed to determine the academic needs for the upcoming fall semester.  The CARE Team, led by Assistant Dean of Students Vengerflutta Smith, is joining in outreach efforts to support students as they cope with the current uncertainties.  Also SGA officers are working with Assistant Dean of Students Will Cribby to engage students in efforts to support BHCC's international students and voice their concerns to officials.

Many of you have reached out  to offer your assistance.  At this time, the most important action you can take is to offer your care and support for students.  Please assist by advising the international students to wait until we have definitive information before they make decisions to leave the US.

Additionally, let students know to reach out to the staff assigned to them based on their last name; staff assignments are detailed below. Encourage international students to funnel all questions to the International Programs staff by emailing Sasha, Ela, or Heather as they have the most current information from Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE). These details will continue to unfold.


Students with last name A-K:

Sasha Johnson

Students with last name L-M

Ela Kijowska

Students with last name N-Z 

Heather J Shapazian

Please remind students that they can also place food orders through the DISH (food pantry) for delivery to their homes if they live within a 10 miles radius of the BHCC campus.  For more information about the DISH, please go to this website:

We continue to be hopeful that during the time of this pandemic that wisdom and humanity will prevail as we consider the needs of the BHCC students, most especially those who travel across the world to study here.  Thank you for your continued support of the BHCC community.

Stay healthy and safe,


July 7 - Provost Update

Good evening!

I hope that you and your family remain healthy and safe.  Today we are continuing to digest the regulations potentially impacting BHCC’s International Students and their visas.  These new directives were issued yesterday by SEVP ( as modifications to the spring’s temporary exemption for international students that previously allowed them to take online classes due to the pandemic.  These modifications for the Fall 2020 semester are more restrictive than those exemptions issued for the Spring 2020 semester and Summer Sessions I & II that allowed students to enroll in online and remote courses.  This new guidance has the potential to disrupt the plans of the 524 international students whose plans were to continue at BHCC.  Our International Center and Dean Escalera are working as quickly as possible to get definitive information on implementing these mandates, so we can assist our returning international students by reviewing their plans, and makings adjustments to keep their plans for the fall intact. We also have 170 newly accepted international students with 103 currently living outside of the US that need our support.

I will keep you updated as we learn more.  To ensure the BHCC Community faculty and staff have the latest information, there will two drop-in sessions tomorrow.  See below for the information and Webex link.


FALL 2020 COURSE INFORMATIONThe deans and assistant deans have now updated all Fall 2020 course descriptions to reflect the instructional methods that faculty members will utilize for each course section.  Please see the instructional method chart that can be found on  In BHCC Self Service, students will find the needed details to guide them in registering for courses.  Please review the chart so that if students seek your advice you can be knowledgeable of this important information.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDANCE:  Please join us for a Drop-In Conversation re: ICE Guidance for International Students Studying in the US
You may have heard yesterday that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) issued guidance for Fall 2020.  In short, this ‘guidance’ states that the exceptions made for international students during the Spring and Summer semesters that allowed them to remain in the US while taking courses online will not be continued in the Fall semester.

More information can be found here:


Many of you have reached out to us expressing your surprise, disappointment, outrage and concern for our students. We are equally surprised, disappointed, outraged and concerned. Ela Kijowska, Director of the International Center is working diligently with her team to support students, and our executive leadership is working with legislators, as well as, local, state-wide, and national organizations on a  number of advocacy efforts.

We recognize that international students will be reaching out to many of you with their questions and concerns, and we will need the support and collaboration of the entire College to send a unified message of support to students.  To that end, we will be hosting drop-in sessions, beginning tomorrow—open to faculty, staff and administrators— to ensure that the college community has clear and accurate information about what we do know about the guidance at this point, and what it means for our students.

Drop-In information for our session tomorrow at 11:15 a.m. is below:

Drop-In discussion: ICE Guidance for International Students

Hosted by Liya Escalera

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2020 11:15 am | 1 hour | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 160 382 9324

Password: YQrxj2QjJ24

Join by video system


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Access code: 160 382 9324

Thank you for your ongoing support of the BHCC Community.

Stay healthy and safe,


June 25: Provost Update

Good morning! 

Today we can all take great pride in the collective work of our BHCC Community members as we completed the NECHE Accreditation Visiting Team’s virtual campus visit.  Over the course of Monday and Tuesday, we shared our successes and reflected on our opportunities.  I want to personally thank each person who participated in the preparation of the BHCC Self-Study and added your perspectives in the sessions with the visiting team members.  I want to acknowledge Maria Puente for her leadership in developing the BHCC Self-Study narrative from the contributions crafted by the many faculty, staff, and students who served on the NECHE Standards Committees.  A special thanks to Liya Escalera who launched the accreditation process and then passed the baton to Arlene Vallie. Thank you, Arlene, for your expert leadership in developing the strategy and in guiding us through the multifaceted stages culminating in a successful NECHE Team visit.   Thank you, Tracy Deveau, for providing your expertise in managing the many logistics required for this visit.  There were many other noteworthy contributors. Specifically, the data preparation by the Institutional Effectiveness team;  the document preparation by IMC staff;  the early logistics planning by the Events and Information Systems teams; the financial and physical plant data compiled by Administration and Finance; and the engagement of all deans positioned BHCC to share the complex story of our community that cares deeply about its members—especially BHCC students.  Thank you also to Pam and the BHCC Board of Trustees members who provided important leadership insights during the visit.  Now we look forward to the NECHE Accreditation Team’s report and consider the opportunities ahead of us as we begin our next ten year journey.


UPDATING THE FALL 2020 COURSE SCHEDULE:  The deans are actively inputting changes to reflect the shift in the teaching methods to be employed this fall.  Our commitment to the health and safety of our BHCC Community necessitates that at least 75% of our courses will be taught using remote and online strategies.  Courses to be taught on campus will be limited to those with clinical, lab, or performance components with all safety protocols in place.  This process of converting over 1,700 course sections will be completed by Friday, July 3.

JOIN PAM AND ME FOR THE COLLEGE-WIDE APPRECIATION GATHERING: Connect with the Virtual Chat via WebEx this Friday, June 26 at Noon for the College-Wide Appreciation for Accreditation.

Meeting number: 160 184 2266

Password: PrezChat

Join by phone

1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Access code: 160 184 2266


ENROLLMENT UPDATE:  Enrollment for Summer II  Headcount=  -1.78% and FTE= +4.52%

Fall 2020 Enrollment continues to lag.  As students learn that most BHCC courses will be taught using remote and online formats, we expect enrollments to increase.  For Summer I, many students enrolled very close to the beginning of classes.  The Enrollment Management Team is actively engaging students in virtual chats and phone calls to encourage and support continuing and new students in the assessment, advising, and enrollment processes.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment and contributions to the BHCC Community!  I am grateful for you and your great work!

Stay healthy and safe,


June 17: Provost Update

Good evening!
This week has been filled with preparation for the upcoming NECHE Accreditation Visiting Team’s virtual visit with the BHCC Community which begins on Sunday and continues until Wednesday morning. The Open Session for Students will be held on Monday, June 22 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Open Session for Staff will be held on Monday, June 22 from 4 to 5 pm.  The Open Session for Faculty will be Tuesday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. On Wednesday, June 24 at 10:30 am the visiting team will present their preliminary observations during an All Campus presentation before ending their virtual campus visit.  All Zoom meeting links, which are being prepared by the NECHE staff, will be distributed as soon as we receive the information.
A special word of thanks to Arlene Vallie, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Tracy Deveau, Executive Assistant for the Office of the Provost for their leadership in coordinating the many details required for this important visit.  Also Maria Puente who with many of you labored for months preparing the Self-Study to chronicle the strengths and opportunities revealed in our collective review of the NECHE Standards. Prior to next week, I invite you to carefully review the 2020 BHCC Self Study which is can be found at this website link:
I also want to acknowledge the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in BOSTOCK v. CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA  on Monday to affirm that the rights of GLBTQ are protected against workplace discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I invite you to read the decision in
I invite you to participate in this Friday’s Juneteenth Celebration (see details below) that commemorates the end of enslavement in America. On June 19th, 1865, soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas to announce to the enslaved that they were free as decreed by President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863. 
ENROLLMENT UPDATE: Summer II 2020: Headcount: -6.02% and FTE: -0.72% (compared to 27 days prior to the start of Summer II last year) Fall enrollment is lagging; however, aggressive marketing is underway supported by direct calls to all applicants and accepted students.  Additionally, student chats and virtual orientation sessions are actively engaging prospective students so they have their questions answered quickly to pave the way for their attendance this fall. 
PRESIDENT’S CHAT:  Please join Pam for the weekly chat. The next chat is Thursday, June 18 at 12 pm. Please see links to connect below. You may submit a question in advance that will be asked at the virtual chat. Connect with the President via WebEx for the June 18 Virtual Chat:
Meeting number: 160 679 2664
Password: PamChat
Join by phone
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NECHE ACCREDITATION VIRTUAL VISIT, June 21-24: Beginning Sunday, June 21 the BHCC community will be engaged through virtual meetings to share the institution’s transformative work, strengths and opportunities for improvement with the NECHE Visiting Team.  Meetings will continue on Monday and Tuesday with groups of faculty, staff, administrators, and students  Zoom meeting links will be sent out once finalized. In preparation, I invite you to review BHCC’s Self-Study available online here:
JUNETEETH  CELEBRATION, FRIDAY, JUNE 19:  See the reminder below of the upcoming virtual celebration.

The Museum of African American History celebrates Juneteenth with 
A Night of Poetry and Conversation featuring
Dr. Malcolm Tariq
In conversation with Camara Brown
Friday, June 19, 2020
6 p.m.
Register here:
About the Author: Malcolm Tariq is an award-winning poet and playwright from Savannah, Georgia. He is the author of Heed the Hollow (Graywolf Press, 2019), winner of the 2018 Cave Canem Poetry Prize, and is a 2020-2021 playwright resident with the Liberation Theatre Company. A graduate of Emory University, he has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Michigan. Malcolm lives in Brooklyn, New York City, where he is the Programs and Communications Manager for the Cave Canem Foundation, a home for Black poetry.
About the Interlocutor: Camara Brown is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Harvard University where she writes about poetry, care, gender, sexuality, Black feminisms, and Transnational women of color feminisms. Her interdisciplinary study draws methods and reading practices from both history and literary studies to ask directly what can historians learn about doing history from poetry? Her poetry has been published in The Adroit Journal, Bedfellows, and The Golden Shovel Anthology: New Poems Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks, as well as circulated in a collection curated by poet Laynie Browne titled Solidarity Texts.
About BHCC/MAAH Partnership
BHCC and the Museum of African American History (MAAH) have a strong and long-standing partnership. Our collaborations include summer institutes, workshops and activities that help faculty and staff to integrate MAAH’s rich resources into the curriculum and co-curriculum. Many BHCC faculty and staff have engaged students with place-based learning at the MAAH. BHCC’s membership includes free admission for students, faculty and staff and their families.
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day and Jubilee, commemorates the end of enslavement in America. On June 19th, 1865, soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas to inform the enslaved of their freedom as decreed by President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863. Many states recognize Juneteenth as a holiday; however, it is not federally recognized. Juneteenth celebrations focus on bringing families together, as well as a day to reflect on America’s past while working toward a unified future.
Stay healthy and safe,

June 10: Provost Update

Good evening!

I hope that your summer is unfolding with continued health.  Summer I classes are underway.  The Admissions team is recruiting for Summer II and Fall classes.  BHCC’s Summer I enrollments experienced a last minute increase of registered students for Summer I.  I want you to know that Grace Young, Dean of Enrollment Management and Life Map, is tracking the application and enrollment data on a daily basis.  We are trailing last year but we expect people are delaying decisions given the uncertainty of our times.  To encourage early enrollments, the staff members are calling over 3000 accepted students to support them in the process.  Advising and Registration virtual sessions plus New Student Orientations have begun to ensure students have the information needed to launch successfully.  I would ask each of you to reach out to your friends, family, and neighbors and invite them to consider the BHCC opportunities for advancing one’s education.   Thank you in advance for your support of our BHCC Community. 


  • FALL COURSE PLANS:  At this point, our plans for the Fall 20 semester include scheduling no more than 20% of our courses with some on-ground component to ensure the safety of the BHCC faculty, staff, and students while meeting the requirements of the discipline that cannot be addressed by online or remote course instruction.  The deans are working to update the Fall 20 schedule to reflect the changes.
  • WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: These divisions are working to develop courses to meet the current labor market needs.
  • NECHE ACCREDITATION VIRTUAL VISIT, June 21-24: Beginning Sunday, June 21 the BHCC community will be engaged through virtual meetings to share the institution’s transformative work, strengths and opportunities for improvement with the NECHE Visiting Team.  Meetings will continue on Monday and Tuesday with groups of faculty, staff, administrators, and students.   Faculty, staff and student Open Sessions will be held on Monday, June 22 at 11:30 am.  On Wednesday, June 24 at 11:00 am the visiting team will present their preliminary observations during an All Campus presentation before ending their virtual campus visit.  Zoom meeting links will be sent out once finalized. In preparation, I invite you to review BHCC’s Self-Study available online here:

Thank you in advance for setting aside time to be engaged in the NECHE Accreditation Team visit.

 Stay healthy and safe,


June 4: Provost Update

Good afternoon!

Thank you to those who participated today in the Re-open Town Hall and Session on Race to honor George Floyd.  Your questions today were very helpful to assist the Re-opening Committee in its work on behalf of the BHCC Community.  Thank you, too, for your comments today about our challenges to tackle systemic racism in our society and at BHCC.  I remain committed to our work to confront our racism and pledge to support our individual and collective work to transform BHCC.


NOTICE TO STUDENTS ABOUT POSSIBLE SHIFTS IN THE SCHEDULE: Below is the information Grace Young mentioned today regarding messaging to students about potential course changes for the upcoming fall semester. We are refining our definitions and updating all courses to denote remote and web. This work should be completed within the next week. Please share with your dean any questions that you might have.

BHCC Self-service

Stay healthy and safe,


June 3: Provost Update

Good evening!

Thank you to those of you who joined in one of the interview sessions today as we met with Dr. Steven Thomas who is a finalist for the Associate Provost of Academic and Student Affairs-Charlestown.  Please provide your feedback using this link:  I look forward to reviewing your input.



Join the event:
Event password: townhall
Event number (access code): 477 929 262

To join by phone (audio only)
1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

HOPE INITIATIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY:  As part of the College's ongoing efforts to engage in equity-minded and asset-based approaches, the HOPE Initiative would like to invite the campus community to an upcoming professional development opportunity. The focus of this session will be on connecting Black Lives Matter to Black Minds Matter through exploring the linkages between the policing and schooling of Black Minds:


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

1 - 3 PM on WebEx:
Join by phone. Tap to call in from a mobile device (attendees only)
1-877-668-4493l-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208l- in toll number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3209 Global call-in numbers  |  Toll-free calling restrictions
Join from a video system or application: Dial

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial

START TO PREPARE FOR BHCC’S UPCOMING NECHE ACCREDITATION VISIT – JUNE 21-24: I invite you to begin your review of the BHCC Self Study in preparation for the upcoming NECHE Team visit.  For your convenience here is the link to the document:

Thank you for your continued engagement as the summer unfolds.  I want to thank the staff who are working each day to support, recruit and enroll students who are attending, or planning to attend, the summer and fall semesters.  We will keep you posted on our BHCC progress.

Stay healthy and safe,


June 1: Provost Update

Good evening!

Today marks the beginning of a new month and the start of Summer Session I.  Thanks to the great work of the Enrollment Management, Student Central, LifeMap, and Integrated Marketing teams we are within 0.73% of last Summer I’s number of credit hours.

This enrollment news brings students who continue to adapt to the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. This summer also begins with our concern for the well-being of each member of our BHCC community as Boston citizens join the citizen protests across the USA and the globe.  This week we continue grieving with the family of George Floyd and sharing the anger, plus outrage, over his murder. We are called to advance social equity and equal justice in our individual and collective actions. To advance this commitment, the CECW Institute last Wednesday and Thursday provided a space and time for this reflective work. Thank you to those who led this important opportunity and those who attended and added to the conversations. Please join me in making an ongoing commitment to identifying and dismantling the narratives that permeate our work, perpetuate racism, and harm BHCC community members of color.



1:30 - 2:15 PM           Open Session with Faculty and Professional Staff
Description: Open Session Faculty and Professional Staff with Associate Provost Candidate Steven Thomas
attendee password asaopensession
Attendees WebEx Event Invitation Link
2:30 - 3:15 PM           Open Session with Students and Staff
Description: Open Session Staff and Students with Associate Provost Candidate Steven Thomas
attendee password asaopensession
Attendees WebEx Event Invitation Link

JUNE 21- 24 NECHE VIRTUAL ACCREDITATION VISIT:  Please save these dates for our upcoming Accreditation Team visit. More details will follow.

Stay healthy and safe!


May 21: Provost Update

Good morning!
Today is an exciting day as we honor our graduates and celebrate their achievements. Also it is a time for me to recognize you and your contributions to each BHCC graduate's education and future!  Thank you for your care and commitment! 
I invite you to join me at our virtual commencement that will be shared at 11:00 am. The Virtual Commencement Ceremony will be streaming on YouTube and Facebook Live.  If you have a Facebook account, you can view the event by clicking the “Watch the Event on Facebook Live” button below. If you do not have Facebook, you can watch the event on YouTube by clicking the “Watch the Event on YouTube” link below. Please click on an event link below a few minutes prior to 11 am. At 11 am, if the video does not start automatically, please click “Play” or refresh the link in your browser. 
  • SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION:  The students who meet the qualifications for any BHCC scholarship, are notified by Melissa Holster's office via email, prior to the deadline. Most scholarships have a March deadline. However, at the bottom of this email, you will find the the scholarships for which applications are still being accepted. These have summer deadlines. The qualifications are outlined, too.  Unfortunately, there are no scholarship funds available  to support the summer sessions.  This website explains all scholarship opportunities
  • REMINDER ABOUT MOODLE MAINTENANCE:  BHCC is changing the Moodle provider and this process requires a transition.  Danielle Leek sent an email this evening highlighting this upcoming change “In order to perform needed upgrades to our Moodle site, Moodle will need to be unavailable to all users for at least 72 hours. This downtime is expected to begin during the holiday weekend – most likely on Saturday evening.”
  • REGISTRATION FOR THE CENTER OF EQUITY AND CULTURAL WEALTH INSTITUTE:  Please join us on Wednesday, May 27 and Thursday, May 28 to explore the theme of this year's institute “Plot Twist - Disrupting False Narratives in Higher Education”.  Please register here to reserve your virtual space at this year’s Institute:
Thank you again for your contributions to a memorable year.  
Stay healthy and safe,
There are only a few scholarships with summer deadlines:
BHCC Foundation Gala Scholarship for Continuing Students (July 15)
·         10 – 15 scholarships to be awarded 
·         $2500/semester for up to 4 semesters
·         Student must enroll for a minimum of 9 credits
BHCC Foundation Gala Scholarship for New Students (July 29)
·         10 scholarships to be awarded
·         $2500/semester for up to 4 semesters
·         Student must be Full-time
Judge J John Fox Memorial Scholarship (August 4)
·         At this point, we are only renewing the current 15 students; we hope to be able to add 5 – 10 more students but it depends on how the investment portfolio performs. New contributions would enhance the ability to increase the number.
·         $1,000/semester for up to 4 semesters
·         Student must take 9 credit hours
Chief Charles Voke Memorial Scholarship (August 4)
·         1 scholarship will be awarded
·         Student must have graduated from Chelsea HS (recent or past)
·         $500/per semester for two semesters
·         Student must enroll full-time
The Chelsea HS Class of 1966 and Susan Soule Clark Memorial Scholarship (July 29)
·         1 – 2 scholarships
·         Student must have graduated from Chelsea HS (recent or past)
·         $1,000/semester for up to five semesters
·         Student must enroll full-time
Sophie Fifield Memorial Scholarship (August 4)
·         1 -2 scholarships
·         VMA major; must be first-generation; must submit portfolio
·         Equivalent of 12 credit hours tuition and fees ($2,520)
·         Student must be full-time
Nancy Myers Memorial Scholarship (August 4)
·         2 scholarships
·         NEW students only
·         Equivalent of 12 credit hours tuition and fees ($2,520)
·         Student must be full-time

May 18: Provost Update

Good evening!

I am sure you are relieved that your grades have been submitted.  Thank you for your hard work to ensure the success of as many students as possible this semester.  I hope you and your colleagues will savor the incredible ways that the BHCC Community has responded to the rapid shift we made in March.  I am very appreciative of the collaboration among students, faculty and staff members that made this possible.


TOMORROW ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS TOWN HALL: Please plan to join the virtual Town Hall beginning at 1 pm tomorrow. The Academic and Student Affairs Town Hall will be followed by meetings being hosted by division deans. Event Password asatownhall.

TOMORROW NURSING PINNING CEREMONY: Please join in the virtual Nursing Pinning Ceremony at 10 am. Meeting number: 471 430 730 Password: 93mPVZjMbE3

UPCOMING NECHE VIRTUAL ACCREDITATION VISIT: New England Commission of Higher Education has notified BHCC that a "virtual" comprehensive evaluation is scheduled for June 21-24.  We will keep the community informed about the details of this “visit.”

I look forward to “seeing” many of you tomorrow at the Academic and Student Affairs Town Hall.

Stay healthy and safe,


May 15: Provost Update

Good morning!

I know everyone is focused on wrapping up the semester and many areas are gearing up for processing final grades in time for Commencement.  Other staff members are also looking forward as Admissions, LifeMap, Student Central, and Academic Records are recruiting, admitting, testing, and processing financial aid for the summer and fall.  The AIDE team is working tirelessly with faculty in readying courses for the summer, fall, and winter. Danielle Leek is leading in the transfer to a  new Moodle vendor who will provide an increased level of support.  The Student Affairs staff members are continuing to support students who need personal assistance during this very challenging time.   The Integrated Marketing and Communication staff have launched some new recruitment campaigns.  I appreciate the dedication of everyone who is moving BHCC forward by supporting our continuing and new students. 


SHARE YOUR COMMENCEMENT CONGRATULATIONS: IMC is working on the virtual commencement video that will be streamed on May 21, at 11 am.  We would like to include faculty and staff photos with the sign of love that will accompany President Eddinger’s Ritual of Gratitude. It would mean so much for the graduates to see faculty and staff that have helped them along the way with this simple, but impactful gesture.  If you would like to submit a picture showing the sign of love, you can quickly take one from your phone (horizontal is better) and email it to by tonight, Friday, May 15, 2020.  If you want to wear your regalia or do a department meeting and then take a screenshot of everyone on WebEx tiles doing the sign of love, that is an option too. Creativity is welcome!

REMINDER – CONTRIBUTE YOUR VIDEO:  Join in preparing for Tuesday’s Academic and Student Affairs on Tuesday, May 19 at 1 pm.  To capture, share, and archive the reflections of students, staff, and faculty members, I am inviting you to video your brief response to the following question: 

QUESTION: What was the biggest ‘take away’ or ‘ah-ha!’ moment you had this spring that will shape the way you approach your work in the upcoming Summer and Fall semesters? 

INSTRUCTIONS TO VIDEO YOUR REFLECTION: Equipment needed: either a computer with a camera or a smartphone. Video directions are available at this weblink Please see the attachment for more details.  If you need any assistance, please email  

USING YOUR COMPUTER: Go to TechSmith Relay to capture your reflection. To access this platform, click here:  then log in with your BHCC email and password. Remember to save using #BHCCshares

USING YOUR SMARTPHONE: TechSmith Fuse is the cell phone app to download and then you follow the step to “Connect Mobile Device”.  There are two methods: Scan the QR code with the cell phone from the desktop OR click on the manually connect option.  Remember to save using #BHCCshares.

SUBMISSION: To assist in this process, please save your video using the hashtag #BHCCshares by Saturday, May 16.

Thank you in advance for sharing your reflections.

Stay healthy and safe,



May 13: Provost Update

Good evening!

Each member of the BHCC Community has done an incredible job in quickly pivoting to meet the sudden shifts in all aspects of campus life.  This change touched everyone and every aspect of the campus to include teaching, learning, and all administrative operations. Supporting students and each other has been at the heart of everyone’s work.

As we prepare for the upcoming Academic and Student Affairs Town Hall, we want to pause and reflect on our experiences during this important time and then share our insights with each other. If you would like to make your reflections available to our BHCC Community, I invite you to make a short video using the instructions below.  The plan includes featuring selected reflections during next week’s Academic and Student Affairs Town Hall. 


REMINDER OF THE ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS TOWN HALL:  Please plan to join in on Tuesday, May 19 at 1:00 pm. I will share the Webex in an upcoming Provost Update.
OPPORTUNITY TO CONTRIBUTE YOUR VIDEO:  To capture, share, and archive the reflections of students, staff, and faculty members, I am inviting you to video your brief response to the following question:
QUESTION:  What was the biggest ‘take away’ or ‘ah-ha!’ moment you had this spring that will shape the way you approach your work in the upcoming Summer and Fall semesters?

INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIDEOING YOUR REFLECTION: Equipment needed: either a computer with a camera or a smartphone. Video directions are available at this weblink Please see Create a One-Minute Video for #BHCCshares.pdf  for more details.  If you need any assistance, please email  

USING YOUR COMPUTER:  Go to TechSmith Relay to capture your reflection. To access this platform, click here:  then log in with your BHCC email and password. Remember to save using: #BHCCshares

USING YOUR SMARTPHONE:  TechSmith Fuse is the cell phone app to download and then you follow the step to “Connect Mobile Device”.  There are two methods: Scan the QR code with the cell phone from the desktop OR click on the manually connect option.  Remember to save using: #BHCCshares.

SUBMISSION: To assist in this process, please save your video using the hashtag #BHCCshares by Saturday, May 16.

Thank you in advance for sharing your reflections.

I wish you well as you focus on the end of the semester tasks.

Stay healthy and safe,



May 12: Provost Update

Good evening!

Today marks the end of classes for most courses.  As we reflect upon the past eight weeks, I hope that each of us can note the successes and resilience that have been the hallmarks of our collective work. For many in our community, I know that there have been many difficult times that weigh on us, too. As we approach the end of this semester, I would like to pay tribute to the perseverance and dedication of our students, faculty and staff plus family and friends who have aided us during this time. Thank you for everyone’s generous spirit.


TEXT BOOK RETURNS:  Book returns are due Monday, May 18.  Students will have an additional 15 days to return their books before being charged the non-return fees.  All rentals must be shipped back. Each student will receive instructions via email that includes a pre-paid FedEx label.  If students do not have a printer they can go to a FedEx location and they will print the label for them. If they cannot find a FedEx location close enough the students can return via the US Post Office; however, the student will be responsible for paying for this method of return. Unfortunately under the current circumstances, these are the only available options. See the Bookstore webpage:
BHCC VIRTUAL NURSING PINNING CEREMONY:  You are invited to attend the Registered Nursing Pinning Virtual Ceremony on Tuesday, May 19 at 10:00 a.m.
BHCC VIRTUAL COMMENCEMENT:  Plan to join in the celebration of our graduates on Thursday, May 21 at 11:00 a.m. The link will be available on our Commencement page and our event calendar
I look forward to learning more about the ways that we can continue to support our students, faculty and staff as we look to the future.
Stay healthy and safe,

May 11: Provost Update

Good evening!

Tomorrow is the last day of classes for most courses. Courses in the Mini II Session ends on Friday, May 15. Thank you for your excellent work in teaching the students in each of your classes. Your care, flexibility, and creativity have served as the important ingredients for reaching and supporting students during this very challenging time. I sincerely appreciate your dedication.

MODIFIED ‘IP’ GRADE SUBMISSION PROCESS: To support the anticipated increase in the volume of ‘IP’ submissions, the ‘IP’ grade submission, and Completion Contract processes have been modified.  Please review and follow the process as outlined in the link contained in the 4th bulleted announcement found on the BHCCintranet. Please direct any additional questions you may have to your divisional deans. 

LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW: Tomorrow Tuesday, May 12 is the last day for students to withdraw from courses.

STUDENTS IN CRISIS: This is the time in the semester under normal conditions when students are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Within the context of COVID-19, students’ reactions may be more extreme.  If you are concerned about the safety of a student, please immediately call the Dean of Students so a staff member can respond quickly. Please call with any mention of suicide.

CENTER FOR EQUITY AND CULTURAL WEALTH: Sponsors of two professional development workshops this week:

Black Minds Matter – Holistic Support for Black Male Learners
Co-sponsored with the HOPE Initiative
Tuesday, May 12, 11 AM - 12:30 PM
Facilitated by Evans Erilus, Boston Welcome Back Center

Guided Meditation
Thursday, May 14, 1 PM - 2:30 PM
Facilitated by Dr. Lloyd Sheldon Johnson, Behavioral Science Department

I continue to wish for you, your family, and friends good health during these unprecedented times.

Stay healthy and safe,



May 8: Provost Update

Good evening!

I wanted to let you know that we are studying the plans from many states and institutions as we examine the ways to guide our thinking for how we function moving forward.  We are guided by our ongoing commitment to the health and safety of the BHCC Community and the education of BHCC’s current and future students.  As we look ahead, we want to position our course delivery models to be as flexible as possible. I appreciate the work you have tackled this semester in transitioning your courses and I know these changes will serve as a firm foundation as you plan for the summer and anticipate the fall. 


REMINDER REMOTE TEACHING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: As a reminder, I am asking those of you who are teaching “Remote” courses in Summer 2020 to complete two (2) hours of paid professional development through AIDE and campus partners. Registration is available for the required one-hour “Remote Teaching Overview.” Please visit the BHCC  Webex Trainings List and click on the Upcoming tab.  There are other sessions from which to choose the second professional development opportunity.

COVID-19 REPORT FORMS: There are two forms available for BHCC Community Members for confidentially reporting a concern regarding a student’s COVID-19 status: COVID-19 Student Self-Report and  COVID-19 Faculty/Staff Report for a Student. These forms have been updated with the new list of symptoms and guidelines that have been identified by the American College Health Association and CDC. Completing these forms allow staff to reach out and support the student and their needs.

REMINDER OF THE ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS TOWN HALL: We will gather via WebEx on Tuesday, May 19 at 1 PM.  This will be followed by a division meeting, so please plan on a three-hour block. 

ORDERING BOOKS AND MATERIALS FOR YOUR COURSES: Please place your book orders as soon as possible. As you may know, faculty members can now place their book and materials orders via the web. The Bookstore will not be open so all orders will be mailed.

Click here: Select your course materials from the BHCC Bookstore  This site also allows you to search for Open Educational Resources (OER) that are electronically available. Selecting OER materials for your courses provides a way to reduce the costs for students. For questions regarding OER, contact Ceit DeVitto, AIDE Senior Special Programs Coordinator, at

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. 

Stay healthy and safe,



May 6: Provost Update

As we approach the end of the semester, I hope each of you reflects back with pride on your accomplishments for adapting so quickly to the curveball thrown by COVID-19.  I know this an incredibly busy time as papers, tests, and projects roll in.  I wish you all the best for ending this semester.


REMIND STUDENTS OF TUTORING:  Free tutoring is available! Online tutoring is available for students through The Writing Place, The Math Space, TASC, and the Language lab. Students may schedule a time to meet with a peer tutor virtually.   Also, there is free Online tutoring available through SmarThinking. Students may be able to access this online tutoring service directly through your credit course. Students will also find SmarThinking available for access in the “Learning Tools” section of the Student Resource Center.

UPCOMING ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS TOWN HALL:  I encourage each of you to share with your dean your questions that you think are important to explore during our time together on Tuesday, May 19.

PREPARING FOR VIRTUAL COMMENCEMENT ON MAY 21:  Friday, May 8 at 5 PM  is the last day to order a cap and gown online.

Stay healthy and safe,



May 4: Provost Update

This week marks the beginning of the last two weeks of the Spring 2020 semester.  The majority of classes will end on May 12  followed by Mini II classes on May 15.  I hope that you, and the students you teach, have continued to progress successfully.  Thank you for your ongoing support of the students as they complete the assignments required to demonstrate their mastery of the course content and achievement of the learning objectives. 


ORDERING BOOKS AND COURSE MATERIALS: Faculty members may now place their book and materials orders via the web using this link: Select your course materials from the BHCC Bookstore  You will find this link for ordering on the Faculty and Staff Resources webpage under LINKS. Select your course materials from the BHCC Bookstore.  Please consider the Open Education Resources (OER) options for your courses as a way to reduce students’ costs for books and materials.

RELIEF FUNDS: Boston's Rental Relief Fund has made $3 million available to renters who lost their income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and can't access unemployment benefits. 17 banks and lenders will defer mortgage payments for at least three months, not report late payments to credit rating agencies, and provide scheduled repayment plans. Visit  to learn more about resources available to renters and homeowners.

NATIONAL NURSES WEEK: This week—May 4 through May 12—provides an official time to honor all nurses and their powerful professional contributions made each day.  This pandemic has underscored the vital roles nurses play in caring and healing in our health care settings.  We honor the BHCC faculty, our Coordinator of Health Services, and students dedicated to the Nursing profession. Thank you for your dedication. This link provides business discounts for nurses and health care professionals.

REMINDER: Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth Drop-In Session will be hosted by Lee Santos Silva tomorrow at 1 PM.

Meeting number: 479 506 646
Password: equity
Join by phone
1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 479 506 646
I hope the warm weather has provided a time to venture out for new scenery as we continue to live life with caution and care.  I remain hopeful that you and your family are well.
Stay healthy and safe,

April 30: Provost Update

Thank you for the ongoing focus on the initiatives that have added to the richness of the academic community spirit at BHCC.  Today reflects this continued commitment.  Our One Book Program sponsored our virtual community gathering for “A Conversation with Fatimah Asghar Poet, Educator, Performer and Author of If They Come For Us.”  I found the presentation and discussion to be timely and powerful as we consider the challenges in our country and the world.  Thank you for everyone’s coordination to make this time together a reality.


STUDENT FUNDS DISBURSED:  Yesterday 6,500 BHCC Title IV eligible students received funds provided by the Federal Government Care Act and disbursed by BHCC.

REMINDER OF THE MARY FIFIELD ENDOWED STUDENT EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUND: Should students need support for an emergency, please provide them with this link for more information:

REMINDER OF THE COVID-19 STUDENT RELIEF FUND: The BHCC Foundation has established the COVID-19 Student Relief Fund. This flexible fund will enable the College to respond quickly to student needs caused by, or resulting from, the COVID-19 crisis. For information about the BHCC Foundation, visit

I continue to hear through the deans about the outstanding collaborations underway to support BHCC students and each other inside and outside of our virtual classrooms and meetings.  Thank you for your dedication to our collective excellence grounded in access, equity and cultural wealth.Stay healthy and safe,


April 29: Provost Update

We are continuing to monitor the public health and governmental updates as we look toward the summer and fall.  Also our continuing outreach to current students has provided individuals with needed referrals to staff and other resources.  Thank you for your part in sharing the names of the 800 students in your classes whom you have been unable to make contact.  I so much appreciate your dedication and that of the 42 staff volunteer callers who are working with students as their needs are identified.

As I mentioned during the Town Hall, our summer enrollments are down for both sessions. We want to do everything possible to support students who are coping with many challenges. Let us know if you learn of ways we can assist individual students, faculty members and staff with whom you come in contact.


DATE CHANGE FOR THE ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS TOWN HALL:  We will gather via Webex on Tuesday, May 19 at 1 PM.  I will send more information in the next two weeks.

DEFINITIONS FOR ONLINE AND REMOTE COURSES:  To assist students in better understanding the differences between online and remote courses, we will be including the following definitions on the web and in BHCC Self-Service:

  • An Online Class does not meet at a particular time or day and all work is done off-campus. Assignments with specific due dates are posted on Moodle, the BHCC online learning management system.  The instruction may include pre-recorded lectures, videos, or tests. Attendance in synchronous class meetings is not required, but weekly engagement with course assignments is required.  In Self-Service, the location will be noted as Online ONLN Web Based.
  • A Remote Class is offered under emergency conditions such as COVID-19. All work is done off-campus and assignments are outlined in the syllabus. The Professor and classmates may meet on a specific day and time as noted in the course information. The instruction may include WebEx, a web conferencing platform or Moodle, the BHCC online learning management system or other digital tools and platforms. In Self-Service, the location will be noted as Remote.


ONLINE courses are 100% online on the Web-based Moodle Learning Management System.
BHCCselfservice Location = “ONLINE”
BHCCselfservice Instruction = “ONLINE”
Attendance = Not required to be online at any particular time or any particular day.
Instruction = MOODLE is the BHCC online learning management system supporting WEB course instruction. 
REMOTE distance education courses are offered under emergency conditions at BHCC.
BHCCselfservice Location = “REMOTE”
BHCCselfservice Instruction = “REM”
BHCCselfservice Time = Time of Class but NOT on campus when held in real time.
BHCCselfservice Days = Days of Class but NOT on campus when held on the actuals days.
Attendance = MAY be required to be engaged for the entire period designated under “Time” and “Days”
Instruction = May vary by course and may include a web conferencing platform chosen by the instructor such as Webex plus other digital tools including BHCC Moodle

I hope you will have a pleasant evening.

Stay healthy and safe,


April 28: Provost Update

Thank you to those who joined BHCC’s virtual Town Hall today.  As I think about the incredible pivot that our BHCC Community made in mid-March,  I am very proud of each of you, and your accomplishments, in transitioning during this rapidly changing environment.  I look forward to learning more about this semester’s experiences from your work with students and your colleagues.  Thank you!


COVID-19 REPORT FORMS:  There are now two forms available for BHCC Community Members for confidentially reporting a concern regarding a student’s COVID-19 status: COVID-19 Student Self-Report and COVID-19 Faculty/Staff Report for a Student. Completing these forms will allow staff to reach out and support the student and their needs.

REMINDER REMOTE TEACHING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:  Thank you to the 52 of you who signed up overnight. As a reminder, I am asking those of you who are teaching “Remote” courses in Summer 2020 to complete two (2) hours of paid professional development through AIDE and campus partners. Registration is now available for the required one-hour “Remote Teaching Overview.” This overview session is currently scheduled at least nine different times beginning on April 29. To register, please visit the BHCC Webex Trainings List and click on the Upcoming tab. There are other sessions from which to choose the second professional development opportunity.

RESERVE THURSDAY, MAY 14 AT 1:00 PM:  Plan to join in at the Academic and Student Affairs Town Hall as we look forward to the Summer and Fall Semesters.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to work together as we approach the end of the semester with our ongoing commitment to access and equity for the BHCC students we serve and teach.

Stay healthy and safe,


April 27: Provost Update

This weekend I heard more about quarantine stress. The first phase of this pandemic included the rush to adapt and now there is a slump for many people as the stress of living each day with the unknown lingers. I hope that you are finding ways to enjoy your time at home and limit your stress.

I also know BHCC students are experiencing many of the same feelings.  I would encourage you to work with each student to accommodate the particular challenges facing each person. Tonight BHCC’s Student Trustee shared that a student reported to SGA that this person had requested an extension that was not granted. Compassion and empathy are crucial to assist students at this time as they juggle many hardships such as family illness and sudden job losses.  We have many resources to assist students.  Please remember to refer students for support. Here is the link to Important Contacts.


REMINDER ABOUT TOMORROW’S TOWN HALL: Tomorrow at 1 p.m. there will be a Virtual Town Hall to provide a status report on our response to COVID-19 and an early look at budget implications. Join via WebEx
Event number (access code): 470 090 747   Event password: townhall

REMOTE TEACHING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: I am asking faculty teaching “Remote” courses in Summer 2020 to complete two (2) hours of paid professional development through AIDE and campus partners. Registration is now available for the required one-hour “Remote Teaching Overview.” This overview session is currently scheduled at least nine different times beginning on April 29. To register, please visit the BHCC Webex Trainings List and click on the Upcoming tab. There are other sessions from which to choose the second professional development opportunity.

Thank you for your role in supporting the BHCC students with whom you work.

Stay well and safe,

April 24: Provost Update

Believe it or not, this is the last Friday in April! The past six weeks have passed quickly at some level but each day for me has been very packed. I am sure your schedule is intense as well. I sure hope your weekend will be restful. 

REMINDER ABOUT THE TOWN HALL: This week at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28 Virtual Town Hall. There will be a status report on our response to COVID-19 and an early look at budget implications. Join via WebEx

Event number (access code): 470 090 747   Event password: townhall

RESOURCES: Alice Murillo shared this link this morning highlighting resources for students, staff, and faculty.

OUTREACH CALLS:  Thank you for submitting the names of students with whom you have been unable to reach. The outreach started today for the 800 individuals you identified.

Thank you for your ongoing, caring support of the members of our BHCC Community. Enjoy your weekend!

Stay healthy and safe,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affair


April 23: Provost Update

It is hard to believe that it is now Thursday evening. I am sure your days are like mine--packed with interactions via Webex and phone calls.  I miss seeing you in BHCC’s hallways and other campus locations. Those quick encounters for informal chats and good ideas are times I truly treasure and can’t wait to share again. I was thinking about how different it would be if we did not have the technology tools to carry on in the ways that we have embraced. I am so grateful for your adaptability and creativity during this time of rapid pivoting to meet the challenges we have faced together. Thank you!


ORDERING BOOKS AND MATERIALS FOR YOUR COURSES: Faculty members can now place their book and materials orders via the web.

Select your course materials from the BHCC Bookstore  This site also allows you to search for Open Educational Resources (OER) that are electronically available. Selecting OER materials for your courses provides a way to reduce the costs for students. For questions regarding OER, contact Ceit DeVitto, AIDE Senior Special Programs Coordinator, at


Another website allows one to search by zip code:

REMINDER FOR CAMPUS UPDATES AND SUPPORT FOR BHCC STUDENTS: I recommend that you periodically check this website as a central location for BHCC updated information:  If you have a concern about a student, please let the Dean of Students Office know.  You may use the Health Emergency Reporting COVID-19 Form to request support for a student who may be sick due to COVID-19.  The Dean of Students team keeps in touch each day with students who are ill.

I hope you will have a restful evening.

Stay safe and healthy,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affair


April 22: Provost Update

I hope your week has gone as smoothly as possible.   I know with the demands of teaching and advising, plus managing your home life, you have been juggling so much in this remote world we now inhabit. I hope with the stress of everything surrounding each of us, you have the support you need.  Please know there are resources available to all faculty and staff that can be accessed through Human Resources.

Thank you for submitting the names of students who have not been engaged despite your attempts to reach them. If you still would like to share this information, I am including the link below for your convenience.

Today's Updates

SHARING NAMES OF STUDENTS FROM WHOM YOU HAVE NOT HEARD: Please use the Qualtrics form link below and enter the names and student IDs of those students who:

  1. Have not engaged in their coursework or classroom since going remote; AND
  2. You have not been able to communicate directly (be it email or phone).

Please add your information.

ORDERING BOOKS AND MATERIALS FOR YOUR COURSES:  Faculty members may now place their book and materials orders via the web using this link.  You will find this link for ordering on the Faculty and Staff Resources page: under LINKS: Select your course materials from the BHCC Bookstore

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STUDENT DISCUSSIONS:  The Office of Community Engagement has been hosting Student Discussions throughout the month of April. These discussions use current news articles as prompts for a reflective conversation with students. Great reflective opportunity for your students! Date: Friday, May 1/Time: 12 - 1 p.m./Topic: Health Care during a global pandemic

To join:

Thank you for your commitment to the education of the BHCC students with whom you work.

Be healthy and safe,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affair


April 21: Provost Update

I hope you enjoyed the additional time provided by the Patriots’ Day holiday. I certainly enjoyed some time away from Webex meetings and my computer, too.  Feeling more refreshed, today we returned to the business at hand as we continue to scan the higher education and local landscape in planning for the summer and fall.  We are tracking our student registration numbers as well as our new student application data. I will share these data tomorrow.  We are launching a Student Engagement Call Campaign as outlined below and we need help in gathering the names of students with whom we still need to connect.


ASSISTANCE NEEDED: Many staff and faculty across the College are making significant efforts to identify and reach out to students who have not engaged in their coursework or their classroom since all instruction went remote. In an effort to continue in supporting this outreach, the Outreach Coordinating Team is hoping to consolidate our contacts so we can launch an outreach campaign in the next few days without duplicating calls to students you and your colleagues have already reached. Thank you if you have already submitted the names of students. If you have not done so, using the Qualtrics form link below, please enter the names and student IDs of those students who:

  1. Have not engaged in their coursework or classroom since going remote; AND
  2. You have not been able to communicate directly (be it email or phone).


BOSTON FOOD SERVICES INFORMATION: If you learn of students and others who are in need of food, six meal sites in the City of Boston are now serving adults, in addition to children and youth, Monday through Friday. YMCA at Egleston Square in Roxbury, YMCA at Oak Square in Brighton, YMCA on Bremen Street in East Boston are open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. BCYF Leahy Holloran in Dorchester and BCYF Mattahunt in Mattapan are open 9 am to 12 p.m. The Mary Ellen McCormack housing development at Sterling Square in South Boston is open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to each BHCC student’s success. 

Be safe and healthy,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affair


April 17: Provost Update

I am sure you join me in welcoming a long weekend.  I have a few updates to close out the week.


REMINDER:  Next week we hold classes normally scheduled on Monday on Tuesday. 

SUMMER CLASSES: All classes in Summer Sessions 1 and 2 are being taught in either an ONLINE or REMOTE instructional format.  No classes will be conducted face-to-face on campus.

BHCC INFORMATION: Please refer to the BHCC Web Page for the latest updated information about the College.

CHROMEBOOKS ARE STILL AVAILABLE: Students who need computing devices or technical assistance required for remote learning should complete the remote access assistance form. If students are unable to complete the technology needs online form, they may call 617-228-2361, Monday-Friday from 9 am - 5 pm to speak with a staff member about their technology needs.  Chromebooks are being mailed.  The Remote Access Assistance Form can be located at this link:  

As part of the College’s efforts to engage in equity-minded and asset-based approaches, the HOPE Initiative would like to invite the campus community to an upcoming professional development opportunity. The focus of this session will be on promising teaching practices with particular focus on Black and Latino men--an important population at BHCC who make up over 20% of our overall student population. Please join us on Thursday, April 23 at 1 PM via WebEx:

Meeting number (access code): 476 363 891
Meeting password: BMM@HOPE
Join by phone
Tap to call in from a mobile device (attendees only)
1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Global call-in numbers  |  Toll-free calling restrictions

For more information, please email: 

I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Stay healthy and safe!


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affair


April 16: Provost Update

Today I learned more, during the Department Chairs Meeting, about the impact of the virus on our staff, faculty, and students who are losing family members. I know you join me in sending our deepest sympathies.  The personal grief of our colleagues and students at this time is very poignant. As you learn of students and their situations, please let me know if you think I can be helpful in any way during these very difficult times.  As we continue to deepen our understanding of the waves of changing reactions and responses, this knowledge can inform me and our community in our compassionate outreach. Thank you for your virtual presence and sincere care for our BHCC Community members whose lives you touch each day.

BHCC FOUNDATION COVID-19 STUDENT RELIEF FUND – I wanted to share that the BHCC Foundation, to help our students continue to succeed, has established the COVID-19 Student Relief Fund. This flexible fund will enable the College to respond quickly to student needs caused by, or resulting from, the COVID-19 crisis. If you would like to join in helping BHCC students, you are invited to donate to the COVID-19 Student Relief Fund.

CHROMEBOOKS ARE STILL AVAILABLE:  Students who need computing devices or technical assistance required for remote learning should complete the remote access assistance form. If students are unable to complete the technology needs online form, they may call 617-228-2361, Monday-Friday from 9 am - 5 pm to speak with a staff member about their technology needs.  Chromebooks are being mailed.  The Remote Access Assistance Form can be located at this link:

STUDENTS’ RETURNING SPRING RENTAL BOOKS: In case you receive any questions, Spring 2020 book rentals are due May 18. The bookstore will be sending everyone an email regarding the rental return process. In those emails, students should look for a prepaid return label (FedEx)  they can print to return their materials. Please remind them to include their name and phone number inside the box. They will not be charged late fees until after 15 days from the due date to allow for shipping and handling. If they have concerns, please invite them to email

BHCC CAMPUS CLIMATE SURVEY: Thank you to those of you who have shared your opinions in the BHCC Campus Climate Survey to Advance Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion over the last few weeks. The survey was launched on February 11 and due to COVID-19, we have extended the closing date for this survey to May 29th. You can take the survey from anywhere at the anonymous link below:

I am so grateful for you and the work you do each day to advance the education of the BHCC students you teach and serve. 

Stay healthy and well,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affair


April 15: Provost Update

Each day brings new challenges to ensure that I have communicated the unfolding details that continue to move BHCC forward.  I appreciate so very much the feedback you have shared that allows me to tailor my message to areas that are important to highlight. 


REGISTRATION QUESTIONS: As students negotiate Self Service, it is important to assist them in understanding that a Summer course designated as ‘REMOTE’ with days and times indicates that the course could be held at that time and on those days; however, checking with the professor will assist in clarifying the approach that will be employed.

TUTORING SUPPORT: Please remind students in your classes that they can speak with individual staff as well as schedule tutoring appointments with TASC, the Writing Place, the Language Lab, MathSpace, plus access library services.  Please share this website link with students to ensure they have the information.   

Thank you for your continued understanding of the difficulties many BHCC students may be facing as the world continues to feel unsafe and uncertain for so many.  I sincerely believe that as the BHCC Community we can assist in small ways through patience, care, and compassion.

Stay healthy and well,


James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affairs

April 14: Provost Update

Dear Students,

Given the unprecedented events of spring 2020, the College has decided to allow students to request a ‘P’ or passing grade for any of the courses in which you are enrolled this spring semester.
You can begin requesting this option on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.  Additional details about ‘P’ and other grade options are below.  You can also visit for more information.   

What is the BHCC ‘P’ grade policy?
A ‘P’ or passing grade indicates satisfactory completion of coursework where no letter grade is given, or award of credits for a course by special examination. It is equivalent to a grade of ‘C’ or higher and carries no quality points. Credit hours will be given equivalent to the number of credit hours normally assigned to the course.

How will a ‘P’ grade impact pre-requisite grades and other program and degree requirements?
It is important to remember:

  • All courses for which students receive passing ‘P’ grades will count towards degree requirements.
  • A ‘P’ grade satisfies the prerequisite for courses that require a ‘C’ or better for registration.
  • ‘P’ grades are transferrable to MA state universities and colleges.

Students in STEM, health sciences and other programs requiring licensure must discuss prerequisite and transfer implications with their faculty and academic advisor.
What do I have to do to receive a ‘P’ Grade?
Beginning April 21, 2020 you will be able to submit an electronic request for a ‘P’ grade option for any spring 2020 course in which you are enrolled.  You must submit a request for a ‘P’ grade on or before May 28, 2020 by 5:00pm.  You can find the request form in your BHCC SelfService account.  You must complete and submit the form online. Your request goes directly to the Academic Records office where it will be processed once final grades are submitted.

When are final grades posted for Spring 2020?
The deadline for faculty to submit final grades is May 18. Grades will be posted by May 20. 

I do not want a ‘P’ grade. I want a letter grade. What do I do?
Nothing.  The letter grade submitted by your faculty at the end of the semester will remain your grade on record.

What are my other grading options for Spring 2020?
Your faculty will submit final semester grades inducing (A-F) letter grades or ‘IP’ (In Progress) grades.  You will receive ‘W’ grades if you withdraw from your classes by the withdrawal deadline.  Review all grading options here:

What will happen if I receive a final grade of ‘D’? Is this passing?
While a ‘D’ is passing for graduation requirements, it does not satisfy prerequisite requirements and cannot be changed to a ‘P’ grade. ‘P’ grade is equivalent to a grade of ‘C’ or better.

Can I change my mind? What happens if I find out next year that I need a letter grade for my next degree?
Yes, you can request to revert to the letter grade on your transcript at any point over the next five years.

I am concerned about my academic standing.  What impact does a ‘P’ grade in Spring 2020 have?
Academic standing will not include Spring 2020 grades.  Also, Dean/Merit List calculations are suspended for the spring 2020 semester.
All the best,

James F. Canniff, Ed.D.
Provost / Vice President
Academic and Student Affairs

April 13: Provost Update

Good evening!

I sincerely hope you had an enjoyable weekend.  Two updates I would like to highlight today include:

STAGGERED REGISTRATION BEGINS: Early this upcoming morning (Tuesday, April 14 at 12:01 AM), Student Registration begins for Summer 1, 2, and Fall 2020.  I hope that you and each of your advisees have had an opportunity to discuss the academic plans for the upcoming semesters.  If not, please reach out to them.

 PASS/FAIL OPTION FOR SPRING 2020: Students are receiving notification in the morning of the opportunity to select for this semester a grade of ‘P’ for all courses for which they have a ‘C’ or better.  They are encouraged to discuss this option with their advisor and/or program chair.  Please review the email I sent to you via the BHCC Academic Student Affairs email on Friday, April 10, 2020, at 3:38 PM in case your students have questions regarding the temporary implementation of this option.

Thank you for your ongoing support of BHCC students as they juggle the many challenges created by this pandemic. I continue to hope that you, too, are finding some balance during this time.

Stay safe and healthy!


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs

April 9: Provost Update

Good evening!

Thank you for sharing feedback that you are receiving from the students in your courses. I appreciated Paul Kasili forwarding this email he received from a student in his class (see below).

“I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for working through this time to transition us to an online course and keeping us up to date along the way. There is so much uncertainty in students with how classes will go the rest of the semester and I really appreciate you keeping us up to date and helping smooth the transition. I hope you are staying safe and healthy during this time.”

This note highlights the power and importance of your steady support of BHCC students through this very challenging time of transitions.  I know there are many similar expressions of gratitude you have received.  Thank you for your commitment and kindness to the students we are privileged to teach and serve.


FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR SUMMER TEACHING: Planning is underway for a professional development series for those faculty who will be teaching this summer those courses that are designated as “REMOTE” for the instructional method.  As soon as the professional development schedule is finalized, your dean will be sharing this information.

ASSISTANCE IN DISTRIBUTING CHROMEBOOKS TO OUR STUDENTS: Molly Hansen, Special Programs Coordinator for the DISH and Will Cribby, Assistant Dean of Students have been working with two community partners, Food for Free Committee, Inc. and Snap Chef to arrange for the delivery of Chromebooks to BHCC students.  They have been supported by Campus Police, the Mail Room team, and Technology Support Services staff in this endeavor.  Thank you to each person who has made this possible.

Please share with your dean additional information that we can highlight to assist you and your colleagues. As one person reflected, we are building the road as we motor along.  I appreciate your resilience and fortitude as we continue on this journey together.  

Be healthy and safe,


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


April 8: Provost Update

Good evening!

With each passing day, we continue to learn of students’ increasing needs for support.  At this time there are 46 staff who are being contacted by students via live chats.  Additionally, through the deans, we continue to hear about the impact of this pandemic on the lives of our students through the stories emerging from students’ conversations with faculty and staff.  Some students are reporting extreme strain and stress posed by the sudden shift in instructional methods combined with severe life challenges.  Many students are facing job losses plus personal and family illnesses often COVID-19 related.  Thank you for the support you are providing to our BHCC students during this intensely overwhelming time.  

As faculty, you are identifying truly innovative and inspirational approaches in response to the current environment.  For example, Professor Maria Puente has redesigned her Principles of Psychology (PSY-101) courses using holistic and data-informed approaches to address student needs in these challenging times. Her creativity, and those of other faculty, serve as evidence of the possibilities for engaging and supporting students during this time. Thank you for your demonstrations of care during this difficult period.

Other initiatives are being launched to include a new call campaign to reach out to our BHCC students.  As these project details are finalized, I will share more information. 

Today’s Updates

The Academic Innovation and Long Distance Learning Team: Given the volume of work to support faculty and students during this intense transition period, the priority focus of the AIDE team must center on faculty members’ and students’ course needs.  I am requesting your understanding that this area has no additional capacity to respond to non-course related requests at this time. Should you have non-course related needs, these should be discussed with your dean.

LIBRARY: Please share with your students that they should hold onto any books or materials they have checked out from the BHCC Library.  When the Library reopens for foot traffic, all materials can be returned without penalties or fines.

PASS/FAIL OPTION FOR STUDENTS: Like many colleges and universities around the country, we are reviewing a Pass/Fail option for current students this semester.  Currently, the “P” grade, indicating the achievement of “C” or higher, is listed as a grade type in the College Catalog.  BHCC will be implementing a procedure to provide students with the option to determine whether or not they select Pass/Fail as the grade of record for this semester.  More details will be sent to faculty and students within the next week.

I hope that you and your families remain well. 

Stay healthy and safe,

Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


April 7: Provost Update

Good evening!

Today I wanted to remind each of you to assist in maintaining a person-free campus through Sunday, April 19.  With each day that passes we continue to scan the global, national, and local news and press conferences to ensure that BHCC aligns our practices and plans with the emerging evidence-based best approaches and policies. Thank you for the spirit of cooperation that continues to guide our collaborative work among faculty and staff members in concert with our students.

Today’s Updates

SUMMER AND FALL SCHEDULES: Tonight at 11:59 PM our course schedules for Summer 1, Summer 2, and Fall 2020 are available for students’ viewing.

ADVISING:  Please remind your students that they should be reaching out to their advisors to plan their summer and fall courses as staggered Registration begins next Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 12:01 AM.

I hope that you have had a chance to enjoy the sunshine and warmer temperatures as Spring unfolds before us. My best to you and your families as we continue to strive for health and safety in our homes and communities.

Thank you!


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


April 6: Provost Update

Good evening!

As Massachusetts braces for the pandemic surge, we are very concerned about the health and safety of our BHCC Community. Therefore, beginning tomorrow through  Sunday, April 19 there will be only a limited number of pre-authorized personnel who are permitted on the Charlestown and Chelsea campuses to provide systems maintenance and continuity of services. We want to ensure that we limit everyone’s exposure.  Thank you in advance for your continuing focus on remaining safe and healthy.  I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are doing well.   

Today’s Updates:

CAMPUS ACCESS AND COVID 19 SURGE:  Reminder of the change in access to BHCC beginning tomorrow through Sunday, April 19.  See this link for the information.

CENTER FOR EQUITY AND CULTURAL WEALTH:  Tomorrow at 1 p.m. the Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth is hosting the first of its weekly Webex drop-in sessions.  See the letter sent today at 2:51 PM via email for details on the Webex sign-in information. 

CHROMEBOOK DISTRIBUTION IMPACTED:  Due to the impact of the surge, we are seeking alternative strategies for getting these devices to students who need them.

DISH:  Given the impact of the surge, the DISH will not be operating at this time to ensure the staff and students are not placed in a potentially unsafe environment.  Students with needs are being invited to contact the staff via chat, email, or phone to seek assistance. 

I remain impressed by the outstanding contributions you each have made to ensure students can continue learning through the stability of your guidance and expertise. I am very grateful for each of you as you support each other and students in this very surreal journey.

Stay Healthy and Safe!


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


April 3: Provost Update

Good evening! 

I hope that your week has been a successful one for you and your students.  I appreciate that everyone is working very hard under incredibly challenging circumstances.  Many of you, I suspect, are juggling a range of new functions to include cautious self-care, homeschooling, negotiating workspace just to name a few.  All of this comes with stress as the range of our usual options is limited.  One person shared that a spontaneous solo drive to the ocean made a huge difference.  My sincere hope is that you are building in some time for yourself.

Today’s Updates:

BEGINNING TUESDAY, APRIL 7:  Due to the increasing intensity of COVID-19 and the anticipated surge, access to campus will be restricted to a few designated employees beginning Tuesday.  If you need access to any materials, please make arrangements to come on Monday.

SUMMER 1 AND SUMMER 2:  In case you missed the information in yesterday’s updates, all summer courses will be taught as either REMOTE courses (using alternative instructional methods allowing for synchronistic instruction at scheduled dates and times and asynchronistic learning) or ONLINE/WEB (completely in Moodle and asynchronistic teaching/learning).  The deans are working on course assignments.


REGISTRATION PREPARATION:  The deans and Academic Records staff are working nonstop to prepare the Summer 1, Summer 2 and Fall Schedules which will go live at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7 See the schedule below. This would be a great time to reach out to your students you advise to see how they are doing and to assist in their BHCC planning for the coming summer and fall.

REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER AND FALL:  Students may register beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, April 14

STAY INFORMED:  Please visit this BHCC information page for up-to-date information.

I hope that your weekend will be relaxing and refreshing. Thank you for your dedication!

All my best,


Fall and Summer 2020 Registration Opens April 14

Due to the continued uncertainty of the upcoming months, all summer courses will be taught using web-based online or alternative instructional methods to facilitate remote learning. Your dean will be reaching out about the schedule.

Current student registration starts April 14 via BHCC Self Service

Assigned Registration Date

Student Group

April 14

Students with 34+ credits in an Associate Degree; and

16+ credits in a Certificate and all veteran students

April 15

Students with 21-33 credits in an Associate Degree; and

3-15 credits in a Certificate

April 16

Students with 11-20 credits in an Associate Degree and all students enrolled in Certificates.

April 17

All current and new students



April 2: Provost Update

Good evening! 

As we come to the end of our first week of teaching and learning in new ways, I want to thank you for your hard work of transformation.  I hope that your classes are going well and your students have engaged.  Please let your deans know of additional professional development that we can provide for you.

  • CHANGE:  Summer 1 and Summer 2 classes will be held virtually—not on campus. Most colleges are planning now for online and remote summer classes. AIDE and the divisional deans will be proving support for those who are teaching summer courses.
  • DCE CONTRACTS--Contracts will begin going out at the end of next week.
  • CHROMEBOOKS AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS—We have a good supply of  Chromebooks available to loan to students.  Please share this link with your students to ensure they know how to request one:
  • PROCEDURAL MODIFICATIONS: We have been extensively discussing any necessary procedural modifications in response to the learning disruption caused by the COVID-19 situation.  We are looking at items such as IP, grades, and withdrawals.  I will have more detailed information to share within the coming week.

I  continue to keep you and your family members in my thoughts.

Be well,

Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


April 1: Provost Update

Dear Colleagues,

As we enter a new month, the news regarding this pandemic continues to unfold.  I want you to know that twice a day Pam is holding meetings with me and other administrators to monitor the evolving changes in our local, state, national and international communities and associated needs. This process allows us to pivot quickly to implement our needed communication with students, staff, and faculty. 

I want to thank each of you with a special tribute to our deans for their outstanding leadership.  The deans have excelled by ensuring that all staff teams’, department chairs’, faculty members’, and students’ concerns and needs are addressed as quickly as possible.  As you can imagine there are no playbooks for this sudden change required of all organizations at this time in history.  I continue to be really proud of, and thankful, for everyone’s positive collaboration, great work, and genuine concern for each other and our BHCC Community.  Below are today’s updates.

  • Summer 1 – Due to the continuing uncertainty of the upcoming months, all courses will be taught using web-based online or alternative instructional methods to facilitate remote learning.  Your dean will be reaching out about the schedule.
  • Summer 2 – At this present time, the plan is to hold 80% online/remote and 20% on the ground as conditions allow.
  • Virtual Commencement Letter to Students – You will find this letter at:
  • Concerns for Student’s Health Emergency (COVID-19) – See the link that provides students with a place to share their health concerns.  Please visit the Dean of Students webpage for more information.  There is a link for submitting information via the Health Emergency Reporting (COVID-19) Form I want to thank the Dean of Students Julie Elkins and her team for following up every day with each student from whom they receive a report.
  • Concerns for a Student’s Mental Health and Safety – Please continue to report your concerns to the CARE Team whose members will follow-up with each student.  Visit the Dean of Student’s CARE team website  The link to the form is on the page.
  • Decision-tree to Guide Your Student Referrals – To assist you in referring students to the appropriate professionals based upon their expressed concerns, please visit this site for guidance in making referral decisions at BHCC.

Thank you for your continued dedication.


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


March 30: Provost Update

Dear Colleagues,

I hope, that as classes resume today, you and your students are moving steadily into your revised teaching and learning modalities with as much ease as possible.  I appreciate the many stresses surrounding this world in which we all now live.  Continuing our focus on each other and our students plus our families is vitally important. Thank you for your patience and resolve as we work together.  I wanted to provide some updates.

NEW FINAL COURSE WITHDRAWAL DATE:  Tuesday, May 12 (note update)

REGISTRATION OPENS:  Tuesday, April 14  for Summer 1 & 2, Fall 2020

COMMUNICATION:  All previous College Communications, Provost Updates as well as Dean of Students emails sent to students, can be found using this link:

RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS: Important Resources and Contacts  for students, faculty and staff are being continuously updated  and can be accessed at this site:

CHROMEBOOKS: The BHCC Foundation funding allowed the College to purchase 400 Chromebooks for our students. The shipment for students with the most assessed financial need has arrived today.   A Technology Assessment was sent to students via email inviting them to share their status with technology.  Communication is underway regarding the process and time for distribution to each student who was been identified to receive a loaned Chromebook.

ONGOING INTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS AND FACULTY: Please continue to tap the expertise of Dr. Danielle Leek and her team at A.I.D.E.

I look forward to learning from your dean how your classes are going.




Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs

March 27: Provost Update

Dear Colleagues,

As we continue to make preparations to resume courses next week, I am encouraged by the collective resolve and determination of our faculty and staff to support students upon their return to a remote learning environment.  I know that this sudden transition is very difficult and stressful for faculty, staff and students.  We will continue to support each other as we undergo these changes. A special thank you to Danielle Leek and the AIDE team for the excellent work they are providing to support this transition. Please know that AIDE will continue to assist as you implement remote strategies with your classes. 

Below are updates that capture information about plans and activities that are in place or in development.

Tuesday, April 14 — Student Registration will open for Summer I & II, Fall 2020 and Winter Session 2021

Thursday, May 14 — NEW WITHDRAWAL DATE The withdrawal date has been changed to provide students more time to adjust to their classes before making any decisions.

Live Chat – Critical student services are now available via live chat to students: LifeMap, Admissions, Dean of Students Office, DISH, Single Stop, Student Activities, Veterans Office. Student Central and Academic Support Services are available via live chat.

Remote Tutoring Services — Remote services are in place.  Please refer to information in this link

Student Communication – Communication is underway and includes emails, texts and robocalls for the ongoing engagement of students to stress the importance of checking their emails daily.  See Dean Elkins’ letter to students

Chrome Books – The BHCC Foundation has worked to secure Chrome Books to provide to those students in need of technology during remote instruction.  We expect to receive the Chromebooks on Monday, March 30 and planning is underway for distribution to students based on financial need combined with information provided through the student survey included in yesterday’s email to students. See Dean Elkins’ letter to students


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs


March 26: Provost Update - All BHCC Instruction Moves to Alternative Delivery Methods Effective Monday, March 30, 2020

As I write, I know that most of us and our families are continuing to face these very unsettling times with much anxiety. I sincerely hope this note finds you and your family are healthy.

Given the current conditions surrounding COVID19 and the need to work remotely as explained before, Bunker Hill Community College is joining the ranks of institutions across the country to ensure students’ educations continue using alternate teaching and learning methods. All courses, with the exception of those programs requiring supervised clinical or lab hours, will be taught remotely. Clinical and onsite labs are postponed until we evaluate after April 27. This distance format is designed to ensure you and your students are not required to be physically present on campus.

As previously announced, beginning Monday, March 30, instruction for all courses will move to an alternative teaching format that does not include students and faculty coming to campus. These approaches allow faculty and students to work together from a distance. In adherence with the state’s COVID-19 social distancing requirements, classrooms and labs will not be available for use. All other workspaces will adhere to these social distancing requirements. The campuses will function using only a skeletal team.

  • For those who are teaching online, you should continue to do so.
  • For those who are currently teaching a face-to-face class or using a hybrid format, you need to continue your plans to transition to remote instruction strategies that do not continue a face-to-face teaching component or use of campus facilities. I understand that many of you are making great progress in making this transition to an online/remote format. If you have not done so, please confirm your plans with your division dean.

NOTE: If you have not contacted your students, please reach out to them before next week.

Thank you for the creativity you have employed to shift your teaching to respond to this current environment. I know that many of you have participated in the virtual presentations provided by the excellent A.I.D.E. team. At the end of this email is information from A.I.D.E. to assist you and your students in accessing their services. Ongoing virtual support is available to assist you, your faculty colleagues, and students in transitioning to these remote formats for teaching and learning.

All student support services are continuing by phone, email, and online chats. You will find a resource list using this link: Also please reference this link to read all communications available to-date: (see the Archives section, too.)

Let’s work together to ensure our collective health and safety. If you have any questions, please consult with your division dean.


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs

March 20: Provost Update

Thank you for the notes of appreciation some of you shared. I applaud the work of our faculty and staff as you advance the individual endeavors and collective goals of providing the best learning opportunities for our students during this critical time. I know that with each hour, we learn more about the unfolding circumstances facing individuals and communities. I believe that supporting each other and our fellow community members offers the best hope for this uncertain journey. Let me know if I can assist you.

I want to highlight some updates on the resources and strategies that are in place and in development.

  • Writing Place - Writing support has moved to a virtual environment, and students can schedule an online appointment, information is available at their website and students can make appointments using this link:
  • Tutoring Services - Students can access tutoring support through Smart Thinking. More information will be shared as we continue to develop additional plans.
  • Virtual Student Affairs - Staff are available Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Live Chats - To provide student service support, student recruitment, plus advising functions, staff are implementing live chats, so students have access to key student facing offices.
  • Library - While the Library facility is physically closed, the Library team has developed remote access strategies for students and faculty for all services except inter-library loans. Each academic division has been assigned a library staff liaison.
  • Bookstore Information - We received from Follett the information found below.
  • Spring Semester - No current plans exist to extend the Spring Semester.


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs

March 17: Provost Update

As we continue to plan within the context of these uncertain times, I want to share a few updates.

  • Today Danielle Leek and the AIDE Team launched workshops focused on assisting faculty in adjusting their course delivery strategies. The deans sent reminders.
  • The President continues to meet with Alice, Cynthia and me along other campus colleagues each morning and afternoon to review our next steps for monitoring the current conditions and planning for communicating with students, faculty and staff.
  • Today a page of “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers” will be posted on the website.
  • The President meets with the other community college presidents almost daily.
  • The deans are meeting daily to ensure that faculty concerns are being addressed.

I continue to be very grateful for your ongoing leadership for supporting our faculty members, students, and staff. I know everyone is doing their very best given the uncertainties of this time in our local, national, and global communities. Thank you!


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs

March 16: Provost Update

Thank you for your leadership in supporting your department’s faculty as we face these unprecedented times. The deans have reported that you have shared your expertise and time in preparing for teaching in new ways. I sincerely appreciate your care for our colleagues and students. I also hope that you, your family and friends are well.

  • Cleaning has been completed on the Charlestown and Chelsea campuses.
  • Division Webex meetings are being scheduled by the deans with Danielle Leek and her team to assist you and your faculty members as everyone prepares for distance teaching/learning.
  • Moodle shells for all course sections are being prepared by the AIDE Team for those faculty who wish to use this tool. Danielle is planning to distribute the plan and training information.
  • At this time, Library Services can be accessed remotely via phone and email.


Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs

March 13: Provost Update

Thank you for your insights during yesterday’s meeting. Because of your input, the emails sent to our campus colleagues and students included your suggestion that we start teaching all web-based courses and Mini Session I sections on March 23 and continue the plan to launch all others courses on Monday, March 30th. Here is the link to these messages:

This morning at the President’s Response Team meeting it was announced that the cleaning at Chelsea is underway.

Below are items we discussed and some updates:

  • A desire to adopt hybrid approaches as a teaching strategy was identified along with the need for support of Danielle Leek’s team. Danielle shared that A.I.D.E. has a training and module ready for those who are desire this assistance.
  • You shared concern for students’ access to the internet, computers, and Moodle plus the need for adequate data access so we have discussed this issue and are pursuing strategies to meet these needs.
  • Ideas were shared to explore self-directed pedagogies that allow for a different approach and trust in students’ abilities and commitment.
  • The need to share the list of services designed to support our student holistically during this time was highlighted. Strategies to support our students will be advanced by Dean Elkins and her team.
  • You suggested that there should training for all tutors to use Webex plus all department could promote Smart Thinking as academic support resources for students.
  • The need for students’ phone numbers was identified. Web Advisor was mentioned as a source of this information. The question was raised about including this information on the roster. We will explore the feasibility within our system.
  • Cooking and baking labs were mentioned as a concern.
  • How to use such communication tools as GoogleTalk and Skype was mentioned along with associated training needs.
  • How to mask one’s personal cell phone number was highlighted.
  • Also resources for supporting our students, faculty, and staff experiencing stress created by Asian xenophobia were identified as a need.
  • The idea of a Moodle shell for chairs was suggested.

Please forward any items we may have missed from out meeting’s discussion that you think need to be included. Thank you for your informed discussion and recommendations.

Stay Healthy,

Dr. James Canniff
Provost/VP Academic and Student Affairs