Messages from the Dean of Students

Messages from Dr. Julie Elkins, Dean of Students.

March 19, 2021: Commencement 2021

Dear Students,

We hope you had a nice spring break. Due to health and safety concerns, we will be unable to gather in person as a community to celebrate Commencement. Though we cannot physically be together, we will celebrate the class of 2021 on May 27 with a virtual Commencement ceremony.  

To our graduating students, although the ritual of Commencement will not happen in the traditional sense, we are creating a memorable virtual event that will mark this significant milestone in your academic career.

To apply for Graduation, go to BHCC SelfService to start this process. Once your academic transcript has been reviewed, and you meet the requirements to participate in Commencement, you will receive an email with next steps including how to register to participate in Commencement and celebrate your accomplishments on May 27, 2021.   

In the next few weeks, we will be sharing more details as they unfold. Please check your BHCC email and the Commencement webpage regularly for information and updates on Commencement programming. Please reach out to with any questions.

Stay safe and healthy!

Julie Elkins, Ed. D.

September 17, 2020 Update

Greetings and Welcome back to the Fall 2020 Academic term at Bunker Hill Community College!

As we continue into our second week of Fall 2020 semester, we launched this Fall semester unlike any other we have ever experienced.  Our planning has adjusted to different mediums of instruction and support for BHCC students. Please know that you are not alone, we are all in this together.

As we continue into the Fall term, please know that the Dean of Students Office and the CARE Team are still working to support you and BHCC students. We have also adapted to support our community through remote and virtual strategies.

We want to share with you the following helpful resources to have as a reference to report concerns for BHCC students.  This information will allow the Dean of Students Office and CARE Team to support you and our community:

  1. The CARE Team (Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation) gathers information, performs a threat assessment, and determines the best strategies for support, intervention, warning/notification and response. The CARE team deploys on-campus resources, referrals to community resources and coordinates follow-up. The CARE Team is designed to identify behaviors prior to a significant incident. To Submit a NON-EMERGENCY CARE report, please use this form:

    FOR EMERGENCIESplease call 911.

  2. For BHCC Health Emergency (COVID-19) please use this form to refer a student who may have been exposed to COVID-19 or for a student reporting a recovery from COVID-19.

    For questions, concerns or to consult with a member of the Dean of Students Office, please contact the Dean of Students staff member on call at 857-500-7743.

  3. BHCC Suicide Prevention Protocol: A student should be immediately referred for assistance in the event a member of the College community has actual knowledge that the student has:
    1. attempted suicide while enrolled at the College;
    2. attempted suicide recently before matriculation at the College, or
    3. has stated plans or intentions to commit suicide, including active suicidal ideation with specific plan and intent to act or active suicidal ideation with some intent to act, without a specific plan.

    Please report utilizing the attached BHCC Student Suicide Prevention Protocol. For questions, concerns or to consult with a member of the Dean of Students Office, please contact the Dean of Students staff member on call at 857-500-7743.

  4. Bunker Hill Community College places a high level of importance on maintaining a safe and respectful academic setting for all. This process is supported by our support services across the campus, and at times through the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Handbook outlines the Code of Conduct in the links provided on this page. If you have any questions regarding this area please contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance. In cases of Emergency please contact the BHCC Police, state or local law enforcement as needed. To Report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please use this form:

Again, please know that we are here to support you and our BHCC Community. Please contact us for any assistance needed.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our BHCC colleagues  and our collective work to support BHCC students.


The Dean of Students Office and BHCC CARE Team

April 3, 2020: Chromebooks to Borrow to Finish your Classes

Greetings Students,

We hope that you are well and that you are finding success with the transition to a remote learning environment. If you feel you have inadequate tools to succeed with remote learning such as an old computer, we have CHROMEBOOKS YOU CAN BORROW! Please complete the Remote Access Assistance Form (link removed, program closed) or Call 617-228-2361 and we can set you up with a Chromebook for the rest of the spring semester.

Stay on Track. Chromebooks are available to help you finish your classes. fill out the form to request a chromebook.

We want you to stay in school and stay connected. Visit the College’s Response to Coronavirus page for more details.


Dr. Julie Elkins
Dean of Students

March 25, 2020: Getting Ready for Classes Next Week

Dear BHCC Students,

Governor Baker issued Emergency Order #13, requiring non-essential businesses to close and workers to stay at home. You can read more about the Emergency Order online.

What does this mean for school?

Classes will not be meeting on-campus but will start next week. Email your professor if you have not heard from them on how you will be finishing the semester together.

If you have not reached your professor, let us know and we will help you out. Please click on this survey link: READY TO START CLASSES NEXT WEEK

What can I do this week to prepare?

Set-up a space at your home to attend class via Moodle, email, Webex, etc. Make sure you have access to a computer and the internet. Email your professors so you can learn about this transition.

What if I don’t have access to the internet?

There are free or reduced options available and can be found at

What if I don’t have a computer, laptop or Chromebook?

BHCC has a limited number of Chromebooks that have been donated through the BHCC Foundation that can be borrowed until June 1, 2020.

Click to complete your technology needs to indicate your need for one. We have Chromebooks on order for students to borrow from BHCC.

How can I get help learning how to use internet-based tools my professor may be using?

Call us: 1-877-668-4493 (Toll Free), Meeting Access Code: 735 429 954.

Can I still reach staff like LifeMap, Disability Services, Single Stop, and the Veterans Office?

YES, ALL student support services are available via phone, email and some even have chat. We are here to help! View the Important Contacts and Hours to reach the College departments and services.

Does the DISH still have food?

YES. Go on-line and place your order. We will be open on Wednesday's and Thursday’s 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Please stay home, stay safe and stay in school. We are here to support your success. We appreciate your patience. We will come through this together.

Julie Elkins
Dean of Students