Databases: By Vendor

  • Academic Search Complete - Designed for academic institutions, this database is a leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more.
  • AgeLine - This database focuses exclusively on issues of aging and the population of people aged 50 years and older. Updated on a weekly basis, AgeLine is the premier online resource for social gerontology research.
  • Alternative Press Index - A bibliographic database of journal, newspaper and magazine articles from hundreds of international alternative, radical and left periodicals. Covering 1991 to the present, it provides access to emerging theories and practices of social change.
  • APA PsycARTICLES - A robust database offering complete access to the full text of more than 100 landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields ranging from education, to nursing, to business, to neuroscience.
  • Art & Architecture Complete - Includes full-text coverage of more than 370 periodicals and more than 220 books with coverage dating back to 1937. It contains selective coverage for over 60 additional publications, and an image collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
  • Associated Press Images Collection 
  • Associates Programs Source Plus - A database designed specifically for the research needs of two-year college students. Providing hundreds of full-text journals and books, it covers the most relevant subjects, including biotechnology, graphic arts, criminal justice and veterinary assisting.
  • Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic - Provides full text for over 100 journals in a variety of areas pertaining to medical study. 
  • Business Source Complete - With premium full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals, this database is an essential tool for business students. It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text - This database provides full-text access to journals from the fields of nursing and allied health.  
  • eBook Collection
  • eBook Academic Collection
  • eBook Community College Collection
  • Engineering Source - The premier database for professionals and researchers across all engineering disciplines, including biomedical, civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental and software. It includes hundreds of full-text engineering journals, magazines and trade publications, plus books, conference papers and more. 
  • Environment Complete - A leading full-text database for environmental studies. It provides hundreds of top environment journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, public policy, sustainability and other related subjects. It also includes millions of records and an environmental thesaurus.
  • ERIC - ERIC is also accessible via the EBSCO interface.
  • European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 - European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 is a free archive of indexed publications related to the Americas and written in Europe before 1750. 
  • Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text 
  • Food Science Source - This database provides cover to cover full-text coverage from over 1,400 food industry related publications Also included are over 1,000 market and food industry reports and tens of thousands of articles from other magazines and journals. 
  • Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
  • GreenFILE - Covers all aspects of human impact to the environment. This collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. 
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition  - A collection of consumer health information covering many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. 
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition - Scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which covers 1,300 generic drug patient education sheets with more than 4,700 brand names. 
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. 
  • Literary Reference Plus - The definitive literary database covering all genres and timeframes. It includes thousands of full-text poems, short stories, synopses, critical essays, literary journals, reference books and author biographies, plus lesson plans and literary study guides. It gives students a complete foundation of literary reference works.
  • Literary Reference Source eBook Collection
  • MasterFILE Premier - A general topic database that provides full text for nearly 1,700 general reference publications with full text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest. 
  • MAS Reference eBook Collection
  • MasterFILE Premier Reference eBook Collection
  • Middle Search Plus - Provides full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. From EBSCO.
  • Middle Search Reference eBook Collection      
  • Military & Government Collection - Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government.
  • Newspaper Source - Provides cover-to-cover full text for 47 national (U.S.) & international newspapers. 
  • Philosopher's Index with Full Text - The leading full-text database covering all major fields of philosophy and related disciplines. It provides hundreds of full-text philosophy journals from around the world, many of which available with no embargo.
  • Points of View Reference Source - A collection of topic overviews, and analysis presenting both sides of many current and controversial issues. Great for opinion and argument papers. 
  • Primary Search - Provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles).
  • Primary Search Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)
  • Professional Development Collection - Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high quality education journals. 
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection - Covers topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. 
  • Regional Business News - Coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. 
  • Religion and Philosophy Collection - Coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. 
  • Science Full-Text Select - Focusing on General Science, Applied Science and Technology, and Agriculture.
  • Science Reference Source - Science Reference Source is a comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full-text science-oriented content. 
  • Science Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)
  • The Serials Directory - Provides access to the most up-to-date and accurate bibliographic information as well as current pricing structures for popular serials. 
  • SocINDEX with Full Text - A robust sociology research database. It provides full-text, peer-reviewed sociology journals covering many studies including gender studies, criminal justice, social psychology, racial studies, religion and social work.
  • Teacher Reference Center - Indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators. 
  • Credo Reference - Full-text encyclopedias and guides to most areas of study. Includes titles like: law and medical dictionaries, art and art image guides, food, music, science, and technology encyclopedias.  Also includes Mind Map, Credo's brainstorming tool. 
  • Facts On File Issues & ControversiesIssues and Controversies helps researchers understand the crucial issues we face today, exploring more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture. Updated weekly, with links to a 12-year back-file, Issues and Controversies offers in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. This database is great for research papers and debate preparation.
  • Facts on File Issues & Controversies in History - This accessible educational database delivers dynamic, concise, and balanced coverage that provides the background, outcome, and contemporary points of view for every major debate and conflict in American history.  From Infobase.
  • Films On Demand
  • Films On Demand: Archival Films & Newsreels Collection
  • Boston Globe Article Archive - Coverage 1980 onwards. 
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Boston Globe - Full-text access to The Boston Globe covering 1872 to 1985.  
  • CNN Video Collection
  • Criminal Justice Database - Provides access to over 200 publications in criminal justice, encompassing corrections administration, criminal and family law, drug rehabilitation, industrial security, law enforcement, and social work.  
  • ProQuest Ebook Central - This is a large collection of eBooks spanning multiple subject areas. With ebrary, you can search and view the full text of thousands of books through your web browser.  You can also download some of them to the device of your choosing. 
  • eLibrary - Full-text, general subject magazines, newspapers, and reference books as well as transcripts, maps, pictures, web links and audio-visual files. Great for current events.
  • Ethnic NewsWatch - Over 200 publications of the ethnic, minority and native press; searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages and more than 100,000 articles in Spanish.
  • GenderWatch - Enhances gender and women's studies, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) research by providing authoritative perspectives from 1970 to present. This well-established and highly reviewed resource offers over 300 titles, with more than 250 in full-text, from an array of academic, radical, community and independent presses.
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail - Full-text access to The Globe and Mail covering 1844 to 2013.  
  • HeritageQuest Online - From ProQuest. Provides access to more than 4.4 billion records. It delivers an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s—that can help people find their ancestors and discover a place’s past.
  • Latinx Thought and Culture: The NPR Archive: 1979-1990
  • PBS Video Collection:Fourth Edition
  • ProQuest Political Science Database -  Provides users access to over 450 leading political science and international relations journals. This collection provides the full text of many core titles included in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Political Science Database also includes thousands of recent, full-text, political science dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities and other sources such as country reports and policy papers.
  • Publicly Available Content Database - Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, books, conference papers and reports. 
  • Science Database - From ProQuest. It is a growing resource of 7.3 million full text articles from over 1,600 sources. In full-text format, researchers have access to all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements so vital to scientific and engineering literature. It supports the needs of students studying applied and general sciences.
  • 60 Minutes: 1997-2014 - For the first time ever, nearly two decades of television’s most preeminent program are available online in one expansive streaming video resource. The 60 MINUTES: 1997–2014 collection from Alexander Street grants unprecedented access to the CBS News archives from this period, including many episodes not widely seen since their original broadcast. From ProQuest and Alexander Street.
  • Statistical Insight - From ProQuest. Spans millions of full-text reports and more than 1 million published tables on thousands of different topics. It provides fast and easy access to statistical information produced by U.S. federal agencies, states, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations. It also offers broad perspectives and insight on long-term national trends and implications paired with the ability to narrow results. Whether users are looking for tables, statistical reports, publication abstracts, or datasets, results are ranked by relevance.
  • The Washington Post - Comprehensive coverage from 1987 to present.
  • CQ Researcher - Lengthy, original, and comprehensive reports and analysis on current news topics. Great for current events research and opinion papers. 
  • Sage Publishing Online - Provides online full-text access to 16 academic journals across multiple disciplines. Please note that coverage ranges correspond to past library subscriptions and do not necessarily cover up to the present day. Download the PDF for a title list and coverage ranges. 
  • AtoZ Food America - With thousands of recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, Food America brings United States cuisines to you!
  • AtoZ World Food - AtoZ World Food is a food culture and traditional recipes database for 174 countries.
  • Global Road Warrior - Global Road Warrior is a comprehensive country cultural database which features in-depth information on 175 countries.

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