50th Celebration

50th Anniversary Celebration

BHCC marks its 50th Anniversary with a celebratory event highlighting the institutions commitment to equity, diversity and academic excellence.

BHCC marked its 50th Anniversary with a celebratory event on April 30, 2024, highlighting the institution’s commitment to equity, diversity, and academic excellence. The event opened with remarks by Nahomi Carlisle, Associate Vice President and Chief Equity and Compliance Officer, setting a tone of celebration and reflection.

This was followed by a Land Acknowledgement presented by Kim Frashure, Professor and Chairperson of the Environmental Science Department, and Larry Spotted Crow Mann, BHCC’s 2021-2022 Distinguished Artist Scholar in Residence, honoring the Indigenous peoples of the land.

A video presentation titled “What’s Your BHCC Moment?” showcased personal stories from the college community and a reflection from BHCC President Pam Eddinger. “I have many different stories, but they all come together in a common theme. Our students do this in spite of the struggles, in spite of the lack of resources, and the fact that this may be their second or third try. That was my moment to understand that for our students to continue to succeed and the good stories continue to get told, what is needed at the College is a sense of stability and shared values.”

Following the video, President Eddinger gave a poignant overview of the College’s history, emphasizing BHCC’s evolution into an engaged campus.

That was my moment to understand that for our students to continue to succeed... what is needed at the College is a sense of stability and shared values. -

-BHCC President Pam Eddinger

Bob SteeperJames Canniff, Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs highlighted the legacy of teaching and learning, which included STEM students and staff giving special recognition to founding faculty member Robert Steeper, Professor and Chairperson of the Biology & Chemistry Department.

“It’s been my honor to be here for 50 years and to see the College grow,” said Professor Steeper. “I’m an evolutionary biologist, so I love seeing things evolve, and it amazes me what this community college has turned into.”

I’m an evolutionary biologist, so I love seeing things evolve, and it amazes me what this community college has turned into.

Professor Bob Steeper

50th celebration panelThe event concluded with an alumni panel, introduced by R. Arlene Vallie, Dean of Academic Affairs (Research and Assessment), and moderated by BHCC Alumna and Trustee Cathy Guild. The panel featured alumni Michele Botus, Yong Chen, John Gonsalves, Yamileth Lopez, and Henry Nelson, who shared their inspiring journeys post-BHCC.

In honor of its 50th Anniversary, BHCC is launching a campaign to celebrate the unforgettable moments that have transformed people’s lives throughout the College’s history. To share your story, email mymoment@bhcc.edu.