ABE Graduation

Alice Murillo speaking at the podium Keynote speaker at podium student speaker and faculty at podium male student receives diploma from Toni and president eddinger female student receives diploma from Toni and president eddinger female student receives diploma from Toni and president eddinger female student receives diploma from Toni and president eddinger female student with her child receives diploma from Toni and president eddinger

On Saturday, June 17, in historic Bellingham Square, Chelsea, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) returned to its former Chelsea Campus to celebrate the students completing their coursework in the Adult Basic Education (ABE) program. BHCC President Pam Eddinger and Alice Murillo, Associate Provost of BHCC’s Chelsea Campus, welcomed family members, guests, faculty and staff to the celebration in recognition of the 231 students and their achievements.

Download the ceremony program.

To view more photos from the ceremony, view our Facebook album.